Why is effective communication important in nursing?

Effective communication plays an instrumental role throughout a patient’s entire healthcare experience, and a large portion of the responsibility falls on nurses. Responsible for relaying information to a number of individuals, nurses must be able to communicate clearly, especially during periods of intense stress. Good written and verbal communication in nursing is invaluable to all involved.

Nurses possess a tremendous amount of medical knowledge and clinical expertise. Yet their greatest challenge — and perhaps most vital task — is communication. Every step of the way, from patient intake to patient discharge and beyond, nurses must communicate well to provide comprehensive care.

A 2014 research paper, Communication in Nursing Practice, found that nurses who display courtesy, kindness and security to their patients — through both their actions and words — are generally more successful in establishing a good rapport. The paper suggested that nurses must go beyond simply demonstrating these niceties though. They need to approach every patient-nurse interaction with the intent to understand the patient’s concerns and experiences as well as demonstrate that they are open to truly hearing patient’s input.

To do so, nurses must carefully consider where and when to talk to patients. Nurses should allow sufficient time for each patient interaction. For example, patients may be hesitant, nervous, upset or otherwise incapacitated, which may extend the time needed to have a thorough discussion of the issue at hand. Patients may find a rushed conversation frustrating or even rude. It may hinder the ability of the nurse to establish open communication with the patient, thereby slowing down or negating the treatment process.

Nurses must also be mindful of the location in which these interactions occur. Selecting an area that is free from distractions — to the greatest extent possible — may help to facilitate a more positive flow of communication. Additionally, this promotes confidentiality and protects the patient’s personal health information.

Studies show that good communication between nurses and patients have many benefits. First, it greatly contributes to the ability to provide patients with individualized care. Nurses who take the time to understand the unique challenges and concerns of their patients will be better prepared to advocate on their behalf and properly address issues as they arise. This greater focus on communication frequently leads to better patient outcomes as well.

Second, patients who feel like they are receiving all of the nurse’s attention during an interaction are more likely to disclose the true extent of their feelings and symptoms much quicker. Patients may also feel more satisfaction with their care if the nurse provides them with undivided attention.

Third, interpersonal communication can satisfy the innate needs of the patient as outlined in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Those needs include the feelings of safety, love and confidence, all of which are important during a patient’s treatment and recovery.

Finally, research shows that communication in nursing not only benefits the patients, but the nurses as well. Nurses who communicate well with their coworkers tend to witness an improvement in morale as well as job satisfaction. A 2014 article titled the Effective Interpersonal Communication: A Practical Guide to Improve Your Life reiterates the negative effects of poor workplace communication. High turnover rates, increased stress, and lower morale and job satisfaction are among the many downsides.

Not everyone is a natural communicator, and even the best communicators can benefit from additional training and insight. Due to the important clinical, emotional and psychological benefits for nurses and patients, many online RN to BSN programs are now incorporating communication training into their curricula.

Coursework in professional interpersonal communication — including written and verbal techniques — can help prepare nurses for the workplace. While the significance of verbal communication is well understood, the necessity to use clear and concise written communication is often underestimated. With the rise of electronic medical records, malpractice lawsuits and insurance denials, it has become increasingly important for nurses to fully document patient encounters and treatment plans.

Those who study the role of communication and its effects on interpersonal relationships are expected to have a distinct advantage upon entering the field. Students should have the opportunity to evaluate various techniques and apply those in the classroom and clinical settings. Nurse-patient interactions must be handled with care, and students need to learn how to approach different scenarios. For example, nurses should refrain from overwhelming the patient with irrelevant details or complex language. Learning to communicate at the level of the listener, whether a patient, caregiver, or another nurse or healthcare provider, is a crucial concept.

Nurses have a multitude of responsibilities when it comes to patient care. Arguably, communication tops the list. Nurses act as the hub of communication, relaying and interpreting information between physicians, caregivers, family members and patients. The ability to establish effective communication in nursing is imperative to providing the best care and patient outcomes possible.

Developing these skills starts in the classroom, where students can study techniques in more depth. Coursework covering professional interpersonal communication, including both verbal and written, is ideal. Many online RN to BSN programs offer this training as part of their curricula now due to the growing impact that effective communication has on patients, nurses, and their coworkers.

Learn more about the UNM online RN to BSN program.


Kourkouta, L., & Papathanasiou, I. V. (2014, February 20). Communication in Nursing Practice. Retrieved from //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3990376/

Vertino, K. A. (2014, September 30). Effective Interpersonal Communication: A Practical Guide to Improve Your Life. Retrieved from //www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-19-2014/No3-Sept-2014/Effective-Interpersonal-Communication.html

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Reviewed by Sara Moore

Effective communication is key in the healthcare field, especially for nurses. As a registered nurse, you are required to have exceptional communication skills. In addition to having clinical skills, today’s nurses must effectively communicate with doctors, other nurses, patients, and families, all while juggling the stressful demands of a clinical setting. So, before you apply for jobs at travel nursing agencies, be sure to improve your communication skills first. 

To be an effective communicator, you should be able to answer these three questions:

  1. What is effective communication?
  2. What is the importance of effective communication in Healthcare?
  3. How can nurses improve their communication skills?

Keep reading, and we will help provide answers to all of these questions! 

What is effective communication?

By definition, effective communication is communication between two or more individuals where the message is delivered successfully, received, and understood. 

When you are working in a critical care environment it is important that you are communicating to your colleagues in an effective way to ensure nothing is missed. However, there is a different level of communication that is needed when speaking to patients and family members. This level is known as therapeutic communication in nursing. 

While working in high-stress situations, nurse-patient communication can often become misconstrued. Nursing communication barriers can be prevalent in any setting, but in the healthcare field, it can mean life and death, especially when the message is not delivered or received in the desired way. 

Barriers that contribute to poor communication can include physical, social, psychological, or emotional barriers. Physical barriers can include things that have to do with your environment. For example, if it’s loud, busy, or unsafe. Social barriers are differences in language, religion, culture, age, and customs. Psychological or emotional barriers refer to the opinions, attitudes, and cognitive status of each person. 

Effective communicators are able to recognize each of these barriers and overcome these and work alongside the clinical team to provide the highest level of nursing care to patients. 

What is the importance of effective communication in healthcare?

Collaboration is key when working in the healthcare industry. This is especially true when working on a healthcare team with fellow nurses, doctors, and patients. Communication between all parties is vital to patient care and allows for nurses to be better prepared to address issues regarding patient care. 

Here are 10 effective communication skills that make a registered nurse successful: 

  1. Verbal Communication
  2. Nonverbal Communication
  3. Active Listening
  4. Written Communication
  5. Presentation Skills
  6. Patient Education
  7. Making Personal Connections
  8. Trust
  9. Cultural Awareness
  10. Compassion

How can nurses improve their communication skills?

Everyone has room to grow their communication techniques and skills, but how can nurses continue to work on their skills while handling clinical care?

The 4 simple things you can do to improve your nurse communication skills are: 

#1 Use body language

Communication goes far beyond the words you choose. Being aware of the cues you are giving off during your day is both challenging and critical. How you position yourself can affect how you are perceived, whether this is in a positive or negative manner. Eye contact is important for any conversation, it can show your interest in a certain topic and can impact your confidence when communicating further. 

#2 Work on Active Listening

To pay attention during rounds or a presentation is one thing but when you’re actively listening it can help you develop a better working relationship with other healthcare workers. One way to practice active listening is to repeat back the key points you have just heard, this can be the most engaging form of listening. 

#3 Exercise Patience

Patients, doctors, families, and even your loved ones can irritate you when you are stressed out. Try taking a deep breath or a step back from a situation. This will provide you the opportunity to gain a new perspective on a given situation. 

#4 Stay Positive

Communicating in a positive way is a great way to increase your effectiveness as a nurse. When you stay positive it is easier to communicate with patients, regarding a treatment plan with your patient and their family, in addition to members of your team. In addition, when you are staying positive in the workplace people will enjoy working with you and you will enjoy the job more as well. 

Communication in Healthcare

Communication is the best tool for healthcare workers when working in a high-stress situation or environment. With effective communication, you can improve overall patient care and your work life. So, start polishing your communication skills now and know that it’s never too late to work on them. There will always be room to grow and improve for your benefit and the benefit of those around you. 

Ready to test your skills? Speak with one of our recruiters today and we can help find you the perfect jobs! We are ready to effectively communicate all of the ways working with MAS Medical Staffing can benefit you and your career! 

Reviewed By:

Sara Moore, Human Resources Director: Sara has been with the MAS Medical Staffing for over ten years. She lives in NH and spends the majority of her time with her husband chasing their 2 kids around. She enjoys staying active, adventuring outdoors, spending time with friends and family. In Sara’s almost (nearly nonexistent) free time she enjoys her hobby of crafting!



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