Why does my contact keep moving

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Let's face it: almost nobody has perfect vision these days. Three out of every four adults need some form of corrective lenses to function in their daily lives (Source: Visioncouncil.org).

But glasses can be annoying to the modern, always-on-the-go consumer. We drop them, misplace them, sit on them. And even if you take great care of your lenses, any experienced wearer knows that glasses are almost impossible to keep clean and smudge-free.

Luckily, there's a solution to our glasses-wearing woes. Contacts have been around longer than anyone might care to believe, and today's soft lenses are a whole lot more comfortable than our parents' and grandparents' gas permeable hard contact lenses.

Getting Used to Contacts

But even though contact lenses are more comfortable than the options twenty years ago, it can still take your eyes some time to adjust. If your eyes aren't quite sure what to make of your new contact lenses, don't worry! Here are some totally normal symptoms you might experience while adjusting to contacts.

1. A Wandering Lens

Contact lenses may move around on your eye before settling into place. The natural fluids in the eye are to blame! Don't worry too much -- a well-fitted contact will conform to your eye's shape after a short period of adjustment.

Astigmatism can also cause a contact lens to move out of place on the eye. The toric lens will correct astigmatism, but your vision may blur or cloud if the lens moves too much. A few blinks or some eye drops should correct the problem.

2. Tearing Up

Contacts are a foreign object on your eye. Even though the lenses are there to help, your eyes may react as if they're an errant eyelash or speck of dust. Eyes tear naturally to flush out debris.

If you wear makeup regularly, you might want to invest in some waterproof mascara so you don't look like a raccoon! But otherwise, just wait a little while. Once your eyes get used to the presence of the lenses, the excessive tears will go away.

On the other end of the spectrum, a day of wearing contacts can leave eyes dry. New wearers are especially susceptible and may experience redness and itchiness from a lack of proper moisture.

It's easy to buy an over-the-counter eye drop for dry, irritated eyes. Check with your eye doctor or a pharmacist first, though -- not all drops are cleared for use with contact lenses.

4. Torn Lenses

We have a tendency to rub at our dry or irritated eyes. While you're not in danger of much more than a fingerprint smudge when you're wearing glasses, your contact lens may tear if you mess with your eyes too much.

A torn lens is instantly uncomfortable and may cause further redness and irritation. It's a good idea to carry an extra pair of lenses around in case one does tear so you can replace it right away.

Sometimes, a contact lens falls out. New contact lens wearers often drop a contact while trying to put them in, or accidentally pop one out while rubbing at dry eyes.

You'll get the hang of putting your contacts in soon, and hopefully, you won't lose too many more lenses. But in the meantime, the potential loss of a contact is another good reason to carry a spare pair.

A lot of us spend our days staring at computer screens. Computers cause considerable eye strain, and contacts can make it worse at the beginning.

Limit your contact wear to a few hours a day until your eyes adjust to the lenses. If you notice that your eyes are dry or irritated, use some drops or switch out your contacts for glasses to let your eyes rest.

Dry, tired eyes can cause blurry vision. But so can improper cleaning and storage of your contact lenses, or the natural condition of your eyes.

If you're experiencing cloudy vision with your new contacts, make sure you're using a contact lens solution made for your type of lenses and approved by your doctor. Also, rinse your contacts in the solution before putting the lenses in every morning and before storing them every night.

8. Discomfort

You might be able to feel your contact lens sitting on your eye. It's weird but normal!

Blink as normally as possible, and apply eye drops if your contacts feel dry or out of placement. You'll get used to the feeling as you wear your contacts more often.

9. Expiration of Your Lens Wear

Contact lenses come in a variety of life expectancies. You can buy one pair of contacts that will last two weeks or even a month. For those who tend to fall asleep with their lenses in, you can even purchase ones suited for overnight wear. But our eyes can be hard on our contacts.

Getting used to contacts can take some time, and you may find it to be a little uncomfortable at first. But it's worth it for the clarity a good pair of contacts can give you!

Do talk to your doctor if you're having major discomfort with your lenses, or contact us to talk about your order. You may just need to try a different brand or style to find your perfect fit!

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Contact lenses are meant to help you see clearly whilst maintaining crisp visual acuity. Should the trigger a sense of awareness of something into eye; meet your optometrist at your earliest convenience. Several things are responsible for contact lenses that shift and pop out including poor fitting, poor tear film or contact lenses that are counterfeit.

Contact lenses are meant to adhere to the surface of your cornea as seamlessly as possible. If they keep fidgeting, they are not meant for you. You might need a proper fitting where an eye care professional will take several considerations before he gives a verdict on why your contact lenses have been so uncomfortable. Contacts fitting include study of B.C (base curve) and diameter including the water content it holds. The aperture of the  lenses should also be taken into consideration because it decides the amount of light that enters into the eye. If it is too tiny, it may cause tunnel vision because it does not allow your pupil to dilate under poor lighting conditions. Talk to your eye doctor if your lenses keep falling out.

What is Base Curve of Contact Lenses?

It is the measurement of the back of the curvature of the contact lenses. Base curve is used to determine the curve of your cornea. It is measured in mm and it helps doctor determining the size of your contact lenses. B.C varies from 8.00 to 10.00 mm. The higher the base curve, the flatter is the curvature of the cornea. An example of average base curve is 8.7 mm however, there is almost little to no difference between B.C of 8.4 to 8.6. It does not really make a difference if B.C slightly varies.

Too steep B.C mean lenses leading to tighter fit that may cause scarring whereas too loose contact lenses lead to lenses that keep falling, sliding and shifting at awkward times. To prevent yourself from embarrassing situation, always talk to your eye doctor. Your prescription expires every year, so do your measurements. The  lenses that fit you today may not provide the same level of comfort tomorrow.

Poor Tear Chemistry and Contact Lenses

Your tear film is responsible to keep your lenses comfortable. Sometimes when you have dry eyes syndrome, your eyes are unable to make enough tears to let contact lenses float swiftly. This condition also makes your contact lenses fall out as they are not able to adhere to the cornea. Using rewetting drops and artificial tears help your eyes stay lubricated and contact lenses hydrated.

Last but not the least, do not try to wear the contacts that you just dropped down on the bathroom floor. No, no amount of disinfection will sanitize your lenses enough to make them safe for your eyes. Icky surfaces or surfaces that are gnarly invite bacteria & germs that may stick to the surface of contact lenses. Wearing such compromised lenses will help transmission of bacteria from lenses to your cornea and it simply means hideous infections that host a number of symptoms from sore eyes to inflammation, itching, redness & even permanent vision loss in extreme cases.


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