What is comparatively

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See comparatively in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee comparatively in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcomparativelycom‧par‧a‧tive‧ly /kəmˈpærətəvli/ ●○○ adverb    QUITE/FAIRLYas compared to something else or to a previous state SYN relatively  a comparatively small number of people  Comparatively few books have been written on the subject.  Crime on the island is comparatively rare.  Comparatively speaking, this part of the coast is still unspoiled.Examples from the CorpuscomparativelyOne encounters a comparatively congenial Schoenberg here.Trading was comparatively light in both currency and equity markets, but the collapse in confidence seemed widespread.On A Division, it was comparatively lively.As a result, we feel very tired after a comparatively short time.For they suggest that more is at stake in the dispute about holism than the comparatively technical notion of reducibility.We're a comparatively wealthy county, but our resources are getting exhausted.The kids were comparatively well-behaved today.Its large population is comparatively well educated.comparatively rareAmong the mammals they are comparatively rare.Deaths before the age of 65, so-called premature deaths, are comparatively rare.In the home, by contrast, communications other than voice telephones, are unfamiliar and comparatively rare.But, once again, these complications are comparatively rare, and, these days, fairly easy to treat.With comparatively rare and usually eccentric exceptions, the rich have been opposed.The extremes, on both parameters, are comparatively rare; most of us occupy a position part-way along each.This is probably a comparatively rare occurrence for small mammals, but it certainly does occur.A comparatively rare plant, Acorus is propagated with difficulty but it is a very decorative plant when used in aquariums.



Definitions of comparatively

  1. adverb

    in a relative manner; by comparison to something else

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: when measured or judged against something else : in comparison with something else

  • These prices are comparatively [=relatively] high.

  • a comparatively [=relatively] small amount

◊ The phrase comparatively speaking is used to suggest that what is being said involves a comparison to something else.

  • Comparatively speaking, the movie wasn't bad. [=the movie was better than some other movie]

[ kuhm-par-uh-tiv-lee ]

/ kəmˈpær ə tɪv li /

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in comparison to some other person or thing, or to others in a similar category; relatively: Their hamburger was large, flavorful, and served with a decent number of onion rings, for a comparatively low price.

in a way that uses or proceeds by comparison:The aim of this study is to comparatively examine sun exposure and sun protection behaviors of young children in two urban settings.


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comparative anatomy, comparative government, comparative judgment, comparative linguistics, comparative literature, comparatively, comparative method, comparative musicology, comparative pathology, comparative philology, comparative psychology

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

analogously, approximately, similarly

  • Driven by young Burmese who came of age with internet access and the comparative freedoms of the last decade, the civil disobedience movement is being organized online, particularly on Facebook, which is hugely popular in the country.

  • This image has popped up in other comparative contexts, but this is by far the most visible this photo has ever been.

  • Aircraft or spacecraft—either way it was thousands or even millions of pounds of explosive, high-speed hardware controlled by a comparative fly-weight bit of human.

  • Forty-six states have abandoned that standard in favor of a comparative negligence standard, which dictates how responsibility for a collision would be shared between those involved.

  • Despite that comparative drop-off, Rapinoe still finished in the top five in the NWSL in goals per 90 minutes in 2017 and 2018.

  • Egypt has a comparatively low number of HIV cases compared to the rest of Africa, with just 11,000 infected people nationwide.

  • The administration is, however, keeping expectations for enrollment numbers comparatively modest this time around.

  • Comparatively, during those same years CBP flagged 21 percent of migrants from other countries for credible fear interviews.

  • We ignore the comparatively free elections held in Iran, elections that bring the likes of a Hassan Rouhani to the presidency.

  • In post-bust New York, rents were comparatively low and so the model worked.

  • They are still comparatively supple, and any misplaced pinnæ may be re-arranged without any difficulty.

    How to Know the Ferns|S. Leonard Bastin

  • Wheat gives place to Rye about the same time, and the Potato, at first comparatively rare, becomes universal.

    Glances at Europe|Horace Greeley

  • Non-meerschaum smokers may not know what a delicate task this is, but once well begun the rest is comparatively easy.

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  • The female elephant killed by our hunters at this time was a comparatively small one.

    Hunting the Lions|R.M. Ballantyne

  • Once satisfied that it was just and honourable, and it was comparatively child's work to arrange the modus operandi.


gallantlyadverb | [gal-uhnt-lee ]SEE DEFINITION


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