What food makes your breast grow

Breasts are undeniably one of the most beautiful features of a female human body. They add a sense of completeness to a woman and define her shape. While some are blessed with the “right” sized breasts, others feel compromised on the size aspect. If you are one of those who feel “flat”, then read along to know about the best foods to increase breast size naturally!

Yes! Certain foods play an important role in enhancing the size of your boobs by increasing the estrogen levels in the body. The list includes estrogen-high fruits and vegetables, nuts, dry fruits, dairy products, seafood etc. But, what is the relationship between these agents and breast size? Find out more in this article.

How Foods Help You Grow Your Breasts Bigger?

Why are Estrogen-Rich Foods Help In Increasing Breast Size:

The development of Breasts is a continuous process in a girl’s life and happens right from her birth. During puberty, the body undergoes tremendous hormonal changes, leading to the growth of breast tissues. The size of the boobs varies from person to person and is determined by various factors like hereditary, diet, lifestyle and hormones in the body.

One such hormone responsible for the growth of breasts is estrogen. This agent is secreted by the ovaries and plays a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle and maintaining the size of the breasts. Low estrogen levels can lead to smaller and sagging boobs.

To compensate for this loss, doctors often prescribe estrogen supplements like birth control pills to these ladies. However, they lead to unwanted side effects and may even cause permanent changes in the body. One way to deal with this problem naturally is by including plenty of estrogen-high foods. Having them along with chest-increasing exercises and a healthy lifestyle may result in a visible difference in breast size and shape.

What are Estrogen Rich Foods to Increase Breast Size:

Before you think of expensive breast implants, surgeries or harmful medications, let us look into each of these breast growth foods and understand their estrogen role in breast size increase:

1. Soy Milk and Tofu:

Soya is a protein-rich agent that is fast gaining popularity among health enthusiasts. Even Soy milk consumption has gone high because of its numerous benefits to the body. Recent examinations have shown that Soy contains phytoestrogens, which mimic natural estrogens in the female body. It is believed that having Soy in moderate quantities can cause the breasts to swell up and grow larger.

Tofu is another edible form of Soya, which has the highest number of isoflavones. However, studies also show that consuming Soy in excess may increase the risk of breast cancer due to excess estrogens.

2. Nuts and Dry Fruits:

Nuts and dry fruits make for excellent snacking options and aid in breast enlargement. Foods like walnuts, pistachios and peanuts supply the right amount of estrogen and isoflavones in the body. Dried fruits like Dates, Prunes and dried apricots also contain a high percentage of dietary estrogen, along with supplying key nutrients like fibre, vitamins and minerals.

3. Milk and Dairy:

Consuming Dairy products like milk and cheese can give you larger breasts and stronger bones. Mainly, milk produced from cows contains very high amounts of female reproductive hormones like estrogens, progesterone and prolactin, which encourage breast growth. Also, cow milk has a high-fat percentage. So, consuming it regularly can multiply the fat deposits in your breasts to make them appear bigger.

4.  Papaya:

While it may sound outrageous, Papaya does help in breast enlargement. Compared to ripe papaya, raw or unripe Papaya contains high amounts of phytoestrogens, which are similar to estrogens but produced in plants. Many people have experienced a growth in their breast size by drinking a milkshake prepared with raw papaya and milk.

However, raw papaya contains high amounts of Papain, which may lead to allergic reactions and miscarriage. So, it is better to check with a doctor before you start having it.

See More: How To Increase Breast Size At Home

5. Sea Food:

Seafood is rich in Manganese which has an estrogenic effect on the body. Consuming foods like mussels, prawns, oysters, shrimp and some types of fish may support breast growth due to this hormonal mimicking. They work by boosting the sex hormones in the body and contributing to the development of breast tissues.

6. Fenugreek Seeds Extract:

Fenugreek is a phytoestrogen herb that can boost the size of your breasts. These seeds stimulate the production of two important hormones for breast enlargement ie. estrogen and progesterone. It is known that sprouted fenugreek seeds have a concentrated amount of diosgenin, a natural estrogen that supports breast augmentation.

7. Flax Seeds:

Flax seeds or “Alsi” are small-sized seeds, but power-packed with nutrition. They offer a cartload of health benefits to the body, out which breast enlargement is one of them. Flax seeds are rich in lignans, which work like phytoestrogens. Being 800 times rich in Lignan than any other seeds or natural foods, Flax seeds may help you achieve bigger breasts.

8. Fruits:

Fresh fruits like berries, which include strawberry, cranberry and blackberry, are rich in estrogen that can help in increasing your cup size. Along with these fruits, foods like apples, plums, apricots and peaches also have significant amounts of estrogens in them. Having these fruits regularly can help you gain a few centimetres around your breasts!

9. Wild Yam:

Wild yam has a potent estrogenic effect on the body, thanks to its diosgenin. Just like fenugreek, this food can help in stimulating the growth of the breast tissues. However, studies also suggest that wild yam can increase fluid retention in the body, contributing to weight gain and heaviness in breasts. So, it’s essential to talk to a doctor before using it.

See More: How To Increase Breast Size In 2 Days

10. Sesame Seeds:

Sesame seeds are packed with nutty flavour to make your salads and slices of bread taste delicious. Along with their culinary benefits, these tiny seeds are very high in phytoestrogens, which can regulate estrogen activity in women. According to a study, it was concluded that Sesame seeds are effective in the development of breast tissue size due to the presence of active compounds like flavonoids and amino acids present in them.

11. Herbal Remedies For Breast Enlargement:

If you are interested to know about some herbs and roots which can enhance your breast size, this information could be helpful:

  • Pueraria Mirifica: This is a plant that is native to South East Asia and grows widely in Thailand. It is a staple ingredient in ancient Thai medicine, which is known to promote youthfulness in a woman. The plant is loaded with phytoestrogens which mimic the estrogen hormone in the body. This may support the growth of breast tissues. Pueraria is available in powder form, and you can buy them in any online store.
  • Dong Quai Root: This is another herbal remedy for breast enlargement. Dong Quai is widely used in China for treating menopausal symptoms. Many experiments have shown that the root has estrogen-like effects on the body and may help in increasing the cup size. However, the same studies have shown that taking this root in excess can cause breast Cancers. So, it is not advisable to consume it without asking a doctor.

12. Additional Tips For Breast Enlargement:

Along with the above-mentioned breast growth foods, you must also follow these tips to get bigger boobs:

  • Yoga: Yoga is one of the best ways to increase your cup size. Poses like Bhujangasana, Ushtasana, Gowmukhasana, etc., can enhance the bust size naturally. By increasing the blood supply to these organs, Yoga can boost overall breast health.
  • Exercises: Performing a thorough chest workout can strengthen the breast muscles and make them look larger. Exercises like dumbbell chest presses, and isometric chest contractions can push out the breast tissues and create volume. However, you must do them regularly for atleast 2-3 months to notice the difference.
  • Massage Techniques: A good breast massage can increase the bosom size and make them look toned. Massage also improves blood circulation to the breasts and enhance their overall appearance.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Maintain a healthy weight, Indulge in a nutritious, well-balanced diet, Make sure, you not low on vitamins and minerals, Exercise for atleast half an hour per day, Quit smoking, alcohol or any habit that can ruin your body shape, Get regular checkups done and take timely corrective actions.

Those are some of the best foods that increase breast size quickly! Before you start incorporating them into your daily diet, you must know the ill effects of taking in excess estrogen. High estrogen levels in the body are known to increase the risk of cancers in humans, so you must use them with caution. Also, these foods may give different results in individuals; in some cases, no results may be seen due to various factors. So, keep that in mind and start working towards your breast goals!

Soy milk is an excellent source of isoflavones that imitate the female hormone oestrogen which increases the growth of breast tissue. Soy milk is made from soybeans which can also be consumed for increasing breast growth. In addition, the intake of soy products is associated with reduced breast cancer risk, according to a study [1].

Drink a glass of soy milk every morning and add soybeans in your salads or boil them and have them in the morning.

Traditionally, herbalists have used fennel seeds to improve the health of the breast in lactating mothers. The seeds of the fennel plant are rich in phytoestrogens which are important for breast augmentation. Fennel seeds are also known to contain natural plant hormones, flavonoids and different aromatic molecules like estragole, anethole and fenshon which help in developing breast tissues and increase milk secretion [2].

Milk and other dairy products contain similar reproductive hormones as found in our body. For instance, cow milk is known to contain all the hormones like oestrogen, prolactin and progesterone which are important for milk production. As milk contains oestrogen, it can also help in the growth of breasts. Boil a glass of milk and drink it in the morning and at night.

Everyone knows that beetroots are rich in iron, but apart from that both beetroots and beet greens have a good amount of oestrogen and contain boron, which helps in the synthesis of oestrogen in the body. This supplements your body with oestrogen, thus promoting breast growth naturally.

Carrots are known for their beta-carotene content, antioxidant, and other vital minerals and vitamins. The orange-coloured vegetable is another way to help increase your breast growth naturally because it contains oestrogen precursors. Carrots also contain unique indigestible fibres that help in removing excess oestrogen from the body as high oestrogen levels could lead to swelling and tenderness in the breast, fibrocystic lumps in the breasts [3].

Nuts with high oestrogen or phytoestrogen content include pistachios, walnuts, cashews, peanuts and pecans. Pistachios are ranked on top of the phytoestrogen content list. Almonds, cashews and walnuts are also a very good source of phytoestrogens that will give you the extra dose of oestrogen in the body [4], [5].

Papaya is another fruit rich in oestrogen. In fact, drinking papaya juice with milk is considered a good natural remedy to increase your breast size naturally. However, ensure that you don't drink it in excess as it may cause diarrhoea. Pregnant women shouldn't consider drinking this concoction as well.
If you are lactose intolerant, consume slices of papaya after a meal.

Fenugreek seeds are another food that is rich in phytoestrogen which promotes better mammary gland growth. We have always thought that these seeds are only good for weight loss and enhance hair growth. The phytoestrogens and diosgenin present in fenugreek seeds encourage prolactin hormone which is associated with breast growth [6].

You can either have one tsp fenugreek seeds daily or apply herbal fenugreek oil on your breasts and massage it.

Seeds with high oestrogen content include flaxseeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. All of these are considered good for the growth and development of the breasts. Flaxseeds are a natural breast enhancement food which increases breast tissue growth and make them look larger. Sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds also have the potential to boost oestrogen levels in the body, thus promoting the growth of breasts.

Eating seafood like prawns, oysters, and shellfish can induce growth of breasts. Do you know how? These seafood contain good amounts of manganese that triggers sex hormones in the body and as a result the breast size increases. Include these foods in your daily diet and see the results for yourself!

Fruits like bananas, cherries, pomegranates, apples, watermelon etc., can help increase breast size naturally. Because it helps boost the production of oestrogen in the body and lowers the amount of testosterone to give you firm and fuller looking breasts. Also, these fruits contain plenty of vitamins and minerals which will further improve the health of your breast.

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E that helps in protecting the body from free radical damage. Massaging olive oil on the breast keeps the skin of your breasts moisturised and firm that helps with the overall appearance of your bust. Choose a high-quality olive oil and apply a few drops on the breast and massage it with your hands in circular motion.

Alfalfa sprouts are also known for increasing breast size due to the presence of a phytoestrogen compound called isoflavone which stimulates the growth of breasts and breast milk. In addition, alfalfa sprouts are prized for their vitamins and minerals used for treating kidney, bladder and prostate conditions. You can eat alfalfa sprouts by adding them in your salads or your sandwiches.

Pueraria mirifica is one of the most effective herbs used for breast enlargement [7].This herb has the highest concentration of phytoestrogen than any other herb. That's the reason pueraria mirifica herb is considered one of the potential herbs to stimulate breast growth. However, there are side effects associated with the herb like nausea, headache, dizziness, etc.

Red clover is a blooming plant used as an alternative medicine for coughs, disorders of the lymphatic system and some cancers. It contains nutrients like calcium, niacin, phosphorous, thiamine, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. Red clover also helps in breast enlargement due to the phytoestrogen it has. Some phytoestrogens in red clover have genisteinthat binds to estradiol receptors which are responsible for breast growth.

The plant extract is used in many ways ranging from using it for breast massaging to having it as a capsule and tea.

Many herbalists recommend wild yam for breast growth because it contains diosgenin, a phytoestrogen that helps in enlarging your breasts. In a study conducted, 24 healthy post-menopausal women were given 390 g of yam for 30 days. The result of the study was an increase in serum concentration of estrone (26%), sex hormone binding globulin (9.5 %), and an increase in estradiol (27 %)[8].

The dong quai root is mainly used as a medication for women for their menstrual and menopausal health. It makes your breasts bigger due to the presence of a chemical called isoflavone which is broken down by the body into oestrogen, which is the main hormone responsible for breast growth. In addition, the root soothes your breast tissues as well.
So, in case, you are looking for methods to increase your breast size naturally, consuming these foods can help.


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