Is google data analytics certification worth it reddit

Hi everyone. I’m currently a senior in college studying finance and business analytics. My goal is to become a data analyst and land a solid job after graduating this May. I do have previous internship experience as a Business Intelligence intern and currently I work as a Data Analyst Intern at an accounting firm. Im just wondering if I should get this certificate to push myself as a more well rounded candidate. Also I was reading about all the opportunities that this certificate opens up. Is this certificate worth it for the opportunities? Any reviews or advice is appreciated thanks!!


I have personally completed 5 courses of this google analyst professional certificate.

There are barely enough practical lessons. When I was doing their SQL course, all they offer are readings and "follow-along" lessons which never prompts us students how to THINK and COME UP with answers. When I was doing the sixth course, which is about data visualization (which is also the tableau section), AGAIN BARELY ENOUGH PRACTICAL LESSONS. There were way too many theories and less emphasis on the PRACTICALS. After reaching week 3 of the sixth course of this cert, I've decided that I'm gonna stop doing this certificate.

Even until now, I have no idea how to use tableau and I am extremely unconfident with SQL, despite doing all their "follow-along" videos and reading sections. I had to literally go youtube for a better tutorial video.

Please don't do this course. Even with the employment benefits for those from the US, the lack of practical lessons are just too disadvantageous. Although I admit the fundamentals taught on their theories were taught really well, the technical side is just way too shallow and more like a "touch-and-go." I can't recommend this to anyone who wish to literally change their career with this certificate that do not have any CS background. They may get frustrated on the technical side, just like how I am right now.

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Posted by6 months ago

Can anybody please help, I have been unemployed for very long, even after working my ass of in college, not able to get any job. I'm super confused now, literally not able to process whatever is happening with me right now.

I'm trying to switch career, Is Google certification will be enough for me to get an entry level job. Also I've no experience of any coding in the past, is being a DA you have to be great at coding?

level 1

I would say that the certificate is not enough to land you a job. I had interviews recently for entry level DA jobs and no one asked or even acknowledged my IBM certificate. They were much more focused on my portfolio, so I would say do the certificate to learn the basics but expand on that by building out a good portfolio showcasing SQL, Tableau/PowerBI and Python/R.

Edit: You don't have to be great at coding for an entry level role but you need to know the fundamentals of SQL and basics of Python/R & Tableau/PowerBI at the very minimum.

level 2

How did you showcase your SQL skills?

level 1

I was unemployed for about 4 months, did the certificate in one and a half.

The certificate itself will not land you an entry level job on its face value, IMO. The skills will but only if you showcase them. It’s 8 modules with the last being a capstone portfolio project where you put it all together. It’s optional and self paced—they give you ideas but nothing more. It’ll definitely help you get a job if you do the portfolio and really showcase what you know. But if you’re getting it just to have it then don’t waste your time.

level 2

hmm... i'm just going to audit this. i just wanted to get my feet wet using a cohesive format to learn these fundamentals anways. cheers on the advice

level 1

This question gets asked here weekly and the consensus is "no"

level 1

A quick way is to fire a search on entry level DA jobs and look at the requirements. Are these covered in the Google course ?

Important skillset include spreadsheet, sql and visualizing tools. Good programming skills probably is more important for data engineers.

level 2

Thank god. I am considering trying to get into DA, as I love it. But cringe every time people talk about R and Python. No interest in those whatsoever.

What I like is Tableau, Excel, Visualization of any kind and drawing conclusions from the data. I can get myself to learn SQL (already did some basic course), that's fine, but I don't really want more code than that.

Do I have a future? What's its name?

level 1

I got a job before finishing it haha, i just put it on my CV when i was mid way through. Think it helped get familiar with some stuff so when i received my interview task i completed it well. They seemed happy i was actively learning and putting effort in. Defo wouldnt have been enough alone tho, my econ degree was more important.

level 2

I'm in the same boat. Working through cert but have an econ degree. What role did you land? Any tips?

level 2

When you listed the certificate on your CV before completing, did you preface that you were in the process of completing it?

level 1

Now, you have to learn advanced concepts as well. Use stratascratch platform to learn and practice advanced concepts. Also, start building projects on Kaggle. It will help you showcase your skills to your interviewers as well as help you upgrade yourself.

level 1

No its not. It didn't get me a job

level 1

I’m from a similar background. Tried applying for jobs with Google tag manager certification but that was no use. Data analysis is more sophisticated than that. I learnt sql - through some free online resources - // and low priced course in Udemy. The thing about sql is you’ll find ‘variations’ of them when you look them up. There’s MS t-sql and pl sql and postgre sql etc. it’s a pretty standard language, with standard format which means if you learn any one of them you’ll pick up the other variations quite easily.

I learnt sql, brushed up basic statistics (udacity has a great free course), learnt basic power bi (again free courses available online, i think on MS site too and Udemy). These helped getting my cv noticed. Since I wasn’t working back then I had time (and desperation) to download datasets from websites like Kaggle, Microsoft has a sample dataset and Googled to get a few more. Created basic reports and used them as my sample projects to showcase my skill level.. the rest as they say is history 😂

level 1

Best way is to work for a business and do some entry level commercial based analyst role. Then move uo.and into data analytics etc.

level 1

I am down to 6/8 to complete google analytics cert and i am having self doubt and all because i been unemployed for a month and i really want to get into tech. IMO having it (cert) wont instantly land you a job but I think of it as a win win situation. You get to learn new stuff.

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Is Google Data Analytics certification worth it?

The Google Data Analytics Professional Certification is definitely worth the time and effort. It's one of the most valuable entry-level certifications to pursue starting a career as a data analyst.

Are Data Analytics certification worth it Reddit?

I highly recommend taking the course as a fundamentals course, and doing additional side practice. Plus, the certificate that comes out of completing the programme is definitely worth it, and you can put it on LinkedIn. best of luck!

What can I do with a Google data analytics certificate?

Qualify for in-demand jobs in data analytics.
Junior data analyst..
Associate data analyst..
Junior data scientist..
Finance analyst..
Operations analyst..
Data technician..
Business performance analyst..
Marketing analyst..

Can I put Google Analytics certification on resume?

Yep! As long as the certifications are relevant for the job, you can include them on your resume. Online certifications can especially help you if you're a recent graduate with not a lot of work experience.


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