Is getting wisdom teeth out a surgery

Not removing your impacted wisdom teeth may cause you severe discomfort or even cause problems to your other teeth. This can cause an array of problems listed as follows:

As your wisdom teeth are so far back in your mouth, they are often difficult to keep clean, accumulating plaque and food particles. If this occurs for a prolonged period, both your wisdom tooth and surrounding teeth can start decaying.

This is especially unfortunate as it can ultimately result in you having to lose both these teeth. Therefore it is advisable to remove your wisdom teeth sooner rather than later to prevent this from happening.

The gums surrounding your wisdom teeth may also become inflamed due to the same reason of prolonged plaque and food particle accumulation. This is especially the case in improperly-erupted wisdom teeth. 

As a result, pain, bad breath, and swelling can follow. In severe cases, this can be accompanied by gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. These are serious issues that may require immediate medical attention.

If your wisdom teeth erupt in a misaligned manner, they can push the rest of your other teeth in front into disarray. This causes them to be malpositioned, which can negatively impact your appearance, bite, speech and oral hygiene.

For patients who have invested in orthodontics treatment, the work done can be reversed, causing teeth to shift or crowd again.

In a minority of cases, cysts or tumours can form around an impacted wisdom tooth. If these are left to fester, they can destroy your surrounding jaw bone and infect neighbouring teeth, rendering the need for complex and extensive treatment.

For this reason, we want to make sure you have all the information you need to move forward with wisdom tooth extraction. That way, you’ll know what to expect on the day of your procedure.

Continue reading to learn whether wisdom teeth removal counts as oral surgery.

Wisdom teeth are third molars that typically erupt during the late teens or early twenties. If you experience any pain or inflammation around your wisdom teeth, schedule an appointment with our office as soon as possible. We’re here to help!

Is wisdom teeth removal oral surgery?

Wisdom teeth removal can sometimes count as oral surgery. Whether or not you’ll need oral surgery to extract wisdom teeth will depend on the position of your wisdom teeth and whether they have already erupted through the gum line. For example, patients with impacted wisdom teeth often need surgical intervention before wisdom teeth erupt and push their other teeth out of place.

Is it really necessary to get wisdom teeth removed?

You may not need your wisdom teeth removed if they’re coming in straight and there’s enough room in your jaw. However, most people end up needing wisdom tooth extraction. Since wisdom teeth typically form in the jaw around age 12, we’ll be able to monitor the trajectory of your wisdom teeth long before they erupt so we can prevent problems.

Will I need wisdom teeth surgery?

You may need the help of our emergency dentist in Holland, MI if your wisdom teeth are impacted and stuck beneath the surface of your gums. Many patients simply don’t have the space in their jaws to accommodate extra teeth, which is why we may recommend wisdom teeth removal. That way, wisdom teeth won’t push adjacent teeth out of the way as they erupt and possibly ruin years of orthodontic work.

What can I expect during wisdom teeth removal?

Our dentist may recommend oral surgery to correct issues affecting the structures in your jaw and mouth. Since each patient is different, it’s important to understand that your experience with wisdom tooth extraction may be different from those you know who’ve also undergone the procedure.

If your wisdom teeth have already erupted, you may only need a simple dental extraction. During this procedure, our wisdom teeth dentist would give you local anesthesia to numb the tooth. He would then use special tools to lift and extract the wisdom teeth from their sockets.

If you need your wisdom teeth removed before they erupt, you’ll be put under IV sedation. While you won’t be entirely asleep during the wisdom teeth surgery, you won’t feel any pain. Most of our patients have little to no recollection of wisdom teeth extraction under IV sedation.

Dr. Ryan Lebster is dedicated to protecting his patients’ oral health. To request an appointment with our wisdom teeth removal dentist in Holland, MI, call RediDental Emergency Dental Care at (616) 796-3200.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a routine procedure that often takes between 15 to 45 minutes. During the procedure, the dentist will first inject the site with local anaesthesia. Next, dental tools are used to elevate and grasp the tooth. The tooth is then moved back and forth until the ligaments holding it in place are broken and it can be pulled out.

Wisdom tooth surgery

In cases where the wisdom tooth is impacted or particularly difficult to extract, wisdom tooth surgery may be necessary. This surgical procedure can be performed painlessly with local anaesthesia.

During wisdom teeth surgery, the dental surgeon makes a small incision to expose the tooth and surrounding bone. Several cuts may then be used to remove bone tissue and make the tooth easier to remove by splitting it into parts. Finally, the dentist will clean the area and stitch it up.

Is wisdom teeth a serious surgery?

Wisdom teeth removal is a very common surgical procedure and it is generally considered safe. But as with any type of surgery, there is always risk. Although wisdom teeth extraction is not considered to be dangerous, complications can arise during or after the surgery.

How long is wisdom tooth surgery?

Your surgery should take 45 minutes or less. You'll get one of these types of anesthesia so you don't feel pain during the removal: Local: Your doctor will numb your mouth with a shot of local anesthetic such as novocaine, lidocaine or mepivicaine.

What kind of surgery is wisdom teeth removal?

In general, this type of procedure would be an out-patient oral surgery. If the wisdom teeth have erupted, you may only need a simple extraction. This would involve your dentist using a tool called an elevator to loosen the tooth. Next, they would extract the tooth with dental forceps.

What is the difference between wisdom tooth extraction and surgery?

Most simple extractions can be done using just an injection (anesthetic). However, with surgical extractions, you will receive a local anesthetic, and possibly general anesthesia. During a tooth extraction, you can expect to feel pressure, but no pain. If you feel any pain or pinching, tell your dentist.