How to see all the games you played in roblox











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Hey there!

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to view all of the recent games that you have played on your Roblox account, like the first game you played on the account, or want to re-visit an old game that you had in mind after some time.

Here is an example of the My Favorite page, it would show all of the games when you scroll down until you reach the first game you favorite.



Now here in the My Recent page, it just goes on until you reach the bottom, which just stops and doesn’t continue on.



Currently, you can view all the favorite games that you have favorited on the My Favorite page, which is useful for users on the platform to view their favorite games, but on the My Recent page you can’t view the games.

If this was implied into the website, it would improve gameplay experience and for some users finding our their first-ever game because it would help out users who want to go back to the past of their accounts on which games were created back then when they were around, or especially some OG players on the platform, like me to find out some games that they liked but forgot over time.

The Roblox Homescreen page is where you are sent when you click on the Roblox Logo or "Home" on the Main Menu Bar. From this page, you have access to your Feed, Friends, Recently Played, Favorites, Friend Activity, and Blog News as well as your currency, settings, and Search bar.

  • How to see all the games you played in roblox
  • How to see all the games you played in roblox

How to see all the games you played in roblox

The 2010 Roblox Home Page

This page is built out of a few separate items. On the very side of the screen page (if you click on the three lines on the top left), is the tab navigation bar. It helps you navigate to your profile, messages, friends, avatar, inventory, and much more.

Character View

On the top left on the page, you can see you're username. Your avatar picture updates each time you change your avatar.


How to see all the games you played in roblox

Friends List

Your friends list shows you most of your friends in alphabetical order. It lets you know whether or not your friends are roaming the website and if they are in a game. It is shown by two different icons: green means In-Game and blue means Website. You can only have a max of 200 friends; to add new friends, unfriend any unwanted users and add your new friend. To 'unfriend' a user, click on their avatar and click on the "Unfriend" option next to the "Chat" option.


How to see all the games you played in roblox

Recently Played

It is a list showing you what games you recently played. To view the full list, you may click on "See All".

How to see all the games you played in roblox

Play and Rate

How to see all the games you played in roblox

Friends Visiting

My Favorites

My Favorites is self-explainable. It is a list showing you games that you favor and wish to play again. To place a game into your Favorites list, click on the small star below the large Play button.

Friends Visiting

Similar to your Continue, it shows a list of what games some of your friends played on.


The Feed is where you can toss up tidbits about what you're doing at the moment. At the bottom of the page is the status bar. Type in what you're doing, and hit Share. Your status will be shared with all of your friends, appearing in their personal Feed.

How to see all the games you played in roblox

Feed Example

Underneath the Current Status bar is the My Feed list. Here is where you can see all the group shouts and status updates from your Friends in your friends list. This lets you keep up with your friends and be up-to-date with what they're doing.

Is there a way to see all the games i've played since i created my account? from roblox