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Page 2

From: Parent–Adolescent Conflict across Adolescence: Trajectories of Informant Discrepancies and Associations with Personality Types

1. neg11.660.590.14***0.07                       
2. neg21.710.670.12**0.070.56**                      
3. neg31.750.670.060.010.50**0.61**                     
4. neg41.790.690.040.030.43**0.58**0.63**                    
5. neg51.800.720.000.020.38**0.50**0.59**0.69**                   
6. neg61.740.65−**0.45**0.54**0.62**0.64**                  
7. neg11.510.560.03−0.020.34**0.29**0.13**0.13**0.16**0.16**                 
8. neg21.600.640.060.040.31**0.40**0.24**0.24**0.22**0.17**0.67**                
9. neg31.670.660.000.060.19**0.27**0.31**0.18**0.23**0.19**0.54**0.61**               
10. neg41.700.67−**0.22**0.20**0.27**0.22**0.24**0.50**0.54**0.69**              
11. neg51.700.690.040.040.27**0.32**0.32**0.39**0.40**0.30**0.44**0.51**0.57**0.63**             
12. neg61.690.68−**0.20**0.16**0.27**0.30**0.32**0.35**0.43**0.48**0.63**0.68**            
13. neg11.520.530.13***0.15***0.43**0.44**0.39**0.38**0.35**0.31**0.26**0.24**0.22**0.18**0.29**0.15**           
14. neg21.550.540.11*0.12**0.39**0.53**0.43**0.33**0.32**0.33**0.23**0.31**0.24**0.19**0.31**0.11*0.69**          
15. neg31.520.500.060.11*0.29**0.43**0.50**0.36**0.37**0.33**0.13**0.22**0.30**0.18**0.24**0.070.58**0.67**         
16. neg41.550.560.040.040.28**0.40**0.39**0.47**0.38**0.36**0.16**0.19**0.21**0.21**0.30**0.16**0.56**0.59**0.71**        
17. neg51.500.540.13**0.080.27**0.41**0.39**0.43**0.49**0.42**0.20**0.24**0.25**0.20**0.35**0.22**0.56**0.60**0.66**0.74**       
18. neg61.480.540.12*0.070.27**0.43**0.43**0.44**0.46**0.54**0.15**0.17**0.23**0.18**0.31**0.22**0.51**0.56**0.64**0.66**0.71**      
19. neg11.510.500.05−0.0400.16**0.21**0.10*0.10*0.11*0.090.52**0.41**0.37**0.32**0.30**0.21**0.39**0.35**0.27**0.29**0.29**0.20**     
20. neg21.520.530.080.040.10*0.21**0.11***0.49**0.37**0.33**0.27**0.19**0.28**0.41**0.33**0.30**0.28**0.24**0.70**    
21. neg31.510.520.04−0.020.11*0.19**0.19**0.17**0.080.12*0.31**0.37**0.51**0.43**0.36**0.23**0.26**0.33**0.43**0.37**0.30**0.26**0.63**0.67**   
22. neg41.530.51−0.00−0.020.12*0.13*0.11*0.17**0.080.11*0.28**0.28**0.38**0.45**0.39**0.28**0.28**0.28**0.31**0.41**0.30**0.24**0.57**0.61**0.71**  
23. neg51.510.530.010.010.15**0.18**0.16**0.23**0.19**0.21**0.28**0.28**0.33**0.40**0.51**0.37**0.22**0.32**0.33**0.40**0.45**0.41**0.54**0.51**0.62**0.72** 
24. neg61.470.490.07−0.010.11*0.14**0.12*0.23**0.16**0.22**0.18**0.24**0.25**0.31**0.43**0.39**0.18**0.22**0.22**0.26**0.28**0.40**0.45**0.46**0.55**0.58**0.77**

  1. M mean, SD standard deviation, SES socio-economic status, Adol.-Moth. adolescent report for mother, Adol.-Fath. adolescent report for father, neg1–neg6 negative interaction score on Wave 1 through Wave 6
  2. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001


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