Why are used MacBooks so expensive

There’s no doubting that Apple Macbooks are good devices. Most people out there will agree that even if they don’t want to use a Macbook themselves, they can appreciate that they’re good devices that are easy to navigate.

I’d even go so far as saying that the majority of people out there would happily use a Macbook, if it weren’t for one major thing – they’re so expensive! If you compare Macbooks to the rest of the market, then they’re much more expensive than both Windows laptops and also Chromebooks too.

But why are Macbooks so expensive when compared to other laptops that are out there? Well, here are a few reasons why you won’t be finding Macs in the bargain bin anytime soon.

People may be saying, are Apple laptops really that expensive? Well yes, in all honesty, they are. This is especially true if you compare them to budget brands like ASUS, or even the majority of Dell laptops too. The Macbook is well known to be one of the top 15 inch laptops on the market.

This is if we’re looking at them from a specification perspective. Let’s look at the current cheapest version of the Macbook you can get, the new Macbook Air.

This costs around £1000. It comes with the standard 8GB of RAM, 128GB of SSD storage space and an i3 processor, which is typically people’s biggest criticism of it.

Now, if we compare this to another laptop like the ASUS UX534. This laptop also retails at around £1000. But you get a whole lot more for your money with this ASUS laptop.

Instead of 8GB of RAM, you get 16GB of RAM. With the Mac you get 128GB of storage space, you get 512GB instead. So, this is the main reason why people say Macbooks are expensive – you’re paying a lot for a low spec laptop.

To even out the argument a bit, the base Macbook Air used to come with an i3 processor, whereas the ASUS laptop comes with an i7 processor. Now, the Air and the newer Mac Mini both come with Apple’s upgraded M1 processor, which should be more of a match for higher spec Intel CPUs.

Of course, this is just looking at the general hardware that makes up a Mac, and is probably the most common criticisms of them. Apple lovers will defend Macs in many ways, and here’s a few of the reasons why Mac’s are worth their cost.

Anyone who’s owned a Macbook can attest to this. If you take care of your Macbook, then on average it’s going to outlast a lot of different Windows laptops out there. We generally say that the average lifespan of a laptop can be anywhere from 3 to maybe 5 years until you need to think about upgrading.

Well, a Macbook’s lifespan can be even longer than this. It’s not unheard of for people to keep using their Macbook’s for 6, 7 or even up to 10 years after they’ve bought it without it being outdated by the rest of the market. So, they have a long lifespan, which is one reason why they have a higher retail price.

Honestly, there’s really no arguments with this one – if you have a different opinion, then please leave a comment below and let me know! But out of the big brands on the market – Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer and ASUS – Apple have the best customer service by far.

If you have a problem with your Apple laptop, not only can you get it sorted online but you can also pop down to the Apple shops which are scattered across pretty much every major city to visit the Genius bar. There, the Apple experts will help you out with any problem you might be having with your laptop.

Of course, they’re a lot more helpful if you have a warranty with your Mac, which is why it’s always wise to invest in the 4 year warranty. But overall, Apple have good customer service when we compare it to the rest of the laptop market.

It’s unfair to directly compare the Macbook to an Acer or an ASUS laptop, because generally Macbooks do use more expensive parts than cheaper brands like this.

Even if two laptops both use a 1.7GHz processor, this doesn’t mean to say that they’re equal. There is still a quality difference between them, and the higher quality the parts, the more likely the laptop is to last a long time.

And if we look at the build quality of a Macbook Pro, it’s going to be a lot better than the standard Acer or ASUS laptop. The components of the Mac are good – the high quality retina screen, the speakers under the Macs keyboard and the design of the chassis are all high quality too.

People say that Apple Macs are too expensive, but the reality is that they’re probably priced at the right level in comparison to the rest of the market. Although not popular in some countries, in the Western world it’s fair to say that they’re some of the bestselling laptops.

However, the truth is that they’re still nowhere near as well sold as Windows laptop. And for a product that many deem to be too expensive, they still sell a ton of products worldwide.

So although I’m as shocked as you are that the new iPhones are in excess of £1200 ($1400), it shows that there is still the demand for these products. This shows us that people are willing to pay to get the best.

You’ve probably heard that Macbooks are much less likely to get viruses than their Windows equivalents, and this is true – although it’s worth having a good antivirus on a Mac to be completely safe, you’re much less likely to suffer malware attacks.

The main reason for this is that there’s just a lot less viruses created to attack Macbooks than there are for Windows laptops. Macs make up only 10% of the computers and laptops in the Western world, with Windows making up more than 80%, so it’s clear to see why many more viruses are aimed at Macbooks.

It’s also because the Mac OS, which is based on the UNIX operating system, is fundamentally a more secure system than Windows. So, even though high end Windows models can be fully protected and secure, they’re still more likely to be subject to a virus in comparison to the Macbook Pro.

If there’s one thing that Macbooks are known for, it’s their excellent battery life. With many people choosing to work from home at the moment, this probably isn’t as noticeable. But they make one of the best options if you’re looking for something to use in a coffee shop, as they have a great long battery.

It’s unfair to say that all Macbooks have a better battery life than all Windows laptops. But across the board, they definitely hold up pretty well. This is likely because they create the hardware and software themselves (and even the processors now), so they can maximize battery life pretty easily.

This is pretty much the case for all Apple products, and is something that the brand are well known for. Although you can easily find a Windows laptop with a strong battery life as well, you really can’t go wrong by sticking with Apple.

In conclusion, although Macs are generally quite expensive, there are many that would argue that they’re worth every penny. Whilst a cheap laptop might only last you a few years, a Macbook can be used for much longer than this due to it’s high build quality. So although they are pretty expensive, they might just be worth the investment for some people.

However, there’s still no arguing against the fact that they’re pretty expensive, so making sure that you’re ready to invest quite a bit if you’re looking for a Macbook.

There’s no debating that MacBooks are expensive, but why? The overall reason is they are designed and produced by Apple. This is often referred to as Apple Tax. While Apple is the ultimate factor, there are multiple reasons they are able to demand a premium price.

My name is Eric and I have been around computers since the late 1970s. As a software engineer, I am always curious to find answers to technology questions and I also enjoy sharing the information with you along the way.

Keep reading if you would like to find out more about Apple Tax and a list of reasons why Apple is able to charge higher prices for their products, including MacBooks.

Is Apple Tax Really A Tax?

It’s not really a tax, at least not the way you normally think of a tax such as when the government charges you a sales tax. It’s just a joking or sarcastic way of saying Apple is going to charge you more and there is nothing you can do about it. Just like the government.

Top 11 Reasons Why Apple Can Charge More

There are many reasons why Apple can charge a premium for MacBooks. Apple Tax encompasses all of these reasons and it’s what allows the company to continue to be successful as a world technology leader.

1. Demand

It’s economics 101. The more demand there is for a product, the higher the price. There is always a high demand for MacBooks, therefore they sell for a premium price.

2. Popularity

This is also a cause of the first reason. Apple is pop culture and pop culture sells, which in turn creates high demand. The popularity of MacBooks, allows Apple to sell MacBooks for more than the similar products offered by competitors.

3. Reputation

The MacBook and Apple are solid leaders in computing technology. The rich history has created a reputation that is second to none. Any product with this kind of notoriety can demand top dollar.

4. High-End Product

Apple would probably claim this is the number one reason for Apple Tax. Its quality, durability, and reliability provide a product that is well worth the extra cost. High-end products appeal to a wide variety of consumers who are willing to shell out the cash.

5. Simplicity

Apple has always boasted the simplicity of its products and the ability of anyone to learn and use them. This ease of use is built into products such as the MacBook. That simplicity or ease of use increases its value tremendously.

6. Holds Its Value

Like some automobiles, the MacBook holds its value quite well. You’ll pay a lot for a new one, but used ones are also fairly expensive. If you go to a site like eBay, you’ll see used 3-year-old MacBooks selling anywhere from $600 to $1000. Not a bad investment.

Used MacBooks pricing on eBay

7. Security

Another feature Apple often boasts about. Security is important for any system. Sure, MacBooks can be hacked just as any other computer can be, but Apple’s attention to security means the MacBook is less vulnerable to viruses and spyware.

8. Upgrades

If you’re a tech junkie like me, you want the most memory and hard drive space. You want the fastest processor and graphics adapter. MacBooks offer top of the line upgrades and these upgrades will cost you, making them even more expensive.

9. iPhone

You’re probably wondering how the iPhone can impact the cost of a MacBook. This goes back to some of our first items on the list, demand, and popularity. The ability to fully integrate your iPhone and MacBook is an attractive feature that keeps them in demand.

10. Luxury

Many consider MacBooks and Apple products luxury items. A Waterford crystal glass functions the same as a glass bought from Wal-mart, but if you have the money you might want the Waterford crystal. If you can afford it you probably want the MacBook.

11. Loyal Customers

I saved this one for last because it is probably one of the biggest factors when it comes to Apple Tax. Apple and MacBook customers are some of the most loyal around. They will always come back to their Apple products and are willing to pay the price.

Is a MacBook (and Apple Tax) Worth It?

If you take a look at other laptops you will see a distinct difference in prices. A PC laptop with similar features will be significantly less than a MacBook. 

PC laptops also have the advantage of being easier and cheaper to upgrade if you decide you want more computing power down the road.

While this is a nice option, PC laptops lose their value much quicker and at some point, making upgrades to an old antiquated computer no longer makes sense. Better value is found by just purchasing a new one. MacBooks hold their value and have greater longevity.

In the end, you may spend more money with the cheaper competitor models while losing all the wonderful features we have talked about in our list above. This can be a tough choice but for most, it just comes down to which type of system you prefer or have past experience with.

We’re not ready to dredge up the age-old argument of which is better, Mac or PC. For the most part, this comes down to the last item we discussed on our list, loyalty. Mac users will continue to use Macs and PC users will continue to use PCs. 

There is a group, including me, who use both and the price differences are noticeable. Luckily the longevity factor of the MacBook allows me to continue using my older one for most things and I don’t have to worry about shelling out a lot of cash for a new one every couple of years.

Final Words

There’s no doubt the MacBook is a great product. It has a long and storied history and it is one of Apple’s key products. For regular Mac users, the higher prices are probably not a surprise and most of you have accepted and are willing to pay the Apple Tax.

If you are new to Apple products and looking into a new or used MacBook, there is a good chance you will have some sticker shock. Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand why MacBooks cost more and you can now make an informed decision.

Let us know what you think about the cost of Apple products in general. We would love to hear your opinions.


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