Who is henrys father in once upon a time

There are a lot of characters in "Once Upon A Time" and it can be confusing. Here is a guide to make watching the series a little easier.

Once Upon A Time is known for having a long list of characters — and it is only going to get longer.

In the second half of the fifth season, the characters of Storybrooke are venturing into the depths of the Underworld. In Greek mythology, the Underworld is where souls go to live on after someone dies. Creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis have hinted that many characters from previous seasons will be reappearing. That is code for Once Upon A Time is going to get a lot more confusing.

With so many characters, it is hard to remember everyone. For your convenience, I have compiled a list of the most important characters from the past five seasons. Some of those characters are definitely coming back — meanwhile, I am hopeful about the return of others. (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD)

Emma Swan, aka The Savior (Jennifer Morrison) — Emma Swan is the main protagonist in Once Upon A Time. She grew up in foster homes and when she finally got into trouble with the law, she reevaluated her life and became a bail bond agent. It wasn’t until Henry Mills came to her home in Boston that she realized her true origins. Most of the first season was spent convincing Emma that she was “The Savior.” Since then, she has fought evil alongside her family and friends in many different lands. In the first half of season five, Emma was perceived to be the Dark One — the most evil person in all the lands — but really, she was just pretending to be the Dark One to protect everyone she loves. 

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Henry Mills, aka The Author (Jared Gilmore) — Henry is the son of Emma and, technically, Regina Mills. Regina adopted Henry after Emma gave him up. Henry was the first person — other than Regina, but we will get to that later — to discover that the people of Storybrooke, Maine, are actually characters in a fairy tale book that he carries around. The book remains important throughout the entire series. In season four, the villains seek out their own happy endings by finding the author of the book. The author can write whatever they want into the book and it will happen. When the author at the present time creates an alternate reality, Henry has to rewrite it, thus becoming the author. He ends up breaking the special quill, promising to never use his powers.

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Regina Mills, aka The Evil Queen (Lana Parrilla) — Regina Mills was the antagonist for much of the series. She was the character who placed the first Dark Curse on the Enchanted Forest. The curse wiped all of the townspeople’s memories and created Storybrooke. She did that so that she could exact revenge upon Snow White. She was the only person who has their memories, so she rules the town of Storybrooke as its mayor. Regina struggles with a lot of internal conflict and eventually becomes a hero.  

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Mary Margaret Blanchard, aka Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) — Emma is Mary Margaret’s daughter. When the Evil Queen put the curse on the Enchanted Forest, she put Emma in a magical tree stump and sent her to the real world so she could grow up and become the Savior. Mary Margaret has a pure heart, but for a while, she didn’t. She killed Regina’s mother, Cora, and received a black spot on her heart, although that eventually went away. Mary Margaret has always seen the good in Emma and frequently encourages and protects her.   

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David Nolan, aka Prince “Charming” David (Josh Dallas) — David is married to Mary Margaret, and together they have another child named Neal. Mary Margaret and David are said to have “true love” because they share a heart, literally. When Regina and Mary Margaret sacrificed David to get back to Storybrooke, Mary Margaret split her heart in two so that David could live. And a fun fact about David, he has a twin brother who will most likely reappear in the Underworld.  

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Mr. Gold, aka Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) — Rumplestiltskin always has been a coward. He has sought the easy way out of things. That is why his wife left him and why his son resents him. Over the past five seasons, Rumple’s character has gone on a rollercoaster ride. At one point, it seemed as if he could be a good guy, and in the next moment, he is the Dark One again. The Dark One is the most evil person in all of the lands. It manipulates people and only seeks pleasure in evil things.   

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Killian Jones, aka Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) — Killian Jones is Emma Swan’s current love interest. Before Emma, Killian was in love with another woman — Rumplestiltskin’s wife. When Rumple finds this out, he goes to the pirate’s ship and fights him. When Milah, the wife and lover, interrupts, she is killed. That creates a long-standing feud between Killian and Rumple. In the midseason finale, in Camelot, Emma saved Hook by transferring the Dark One's powers over to him, thus making him the Dark One. Unable to deal with being evil, Hook gave up his immortality and died, making Rumple the Dark One yet again. Killian's death sent him to the Underworld, which is why the remaining characters are venturing there in the second half of this season.  

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Cora Mills, aka The Queen of Hearts (Barbara Hershey) — Cora Mills is Regina’s mother. She is known for her extreme use of tough-love. Before Regina became evil, she fell in love with a stable boy named Daniel. When Cora found out about that, she ripped Daniel’s heart out and killed him. Crazy Cora is expected to return this season.

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Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) — Robin Hood is Regina’s current love interest. Robin is a very noble man. He has really been the one to help Regina fully become one of the good guys.

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Zelena, aka The Wicked Witch of the West (Rebecca Mader) — Zelena is truly wicked. She is Regina’s sister and was upset that their mother paid more attention to Regina. The most evil act she did was when she posed as Robin Hood’s wife. Robin, thinking it was his wife, knocks her up. So Zelena and Robin have a kid together.  

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Neal Cassidy, aka Baelfire (Michael Raymond-James) — Neal Cassidy is Henry’s father and Rumplestiltskin’s son. Crazy, right?! Neal fell in love with Emma before she found out about her true origins. She had no knowledge of his true identity. Neal has “died” twice in the series. The last time he died seemed pretty legit, but is his soul in the Underworld? I hope it is!

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Belle French (Emilie de Ravin) — Belle is Rumplestiltskin’s wife. Back in the Enchanted Forest, she was taken captive by Rumple and she fell in love with him. Sounds like Stockholm syndrome. They have been on a bumpy ride. Despite Rumple’s evil spirit, Belle has always helped out the good side.

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Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) — This is where it gets really weird. Peter Pan, who is practically a teenager, is Rumplestiltskin’s dad. Peter Pan is also insanely evil, which is probably where Rumple gets it from. Pan was killed by his own son. It has been said that Pan will be returning at some point during season five. 

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Once Upon A Time returns Sunday, March 6 at 8 p.m.


Grew up…  as the adopted child of Regina Mills, mayor of Storybrooke. His birth mother gave him up for adoption because she was arrested after his birth father left her.

Living… among fairytale characters who don’t know who they really are because of his adopted mother’s curse. He lives with Regina, aka the Evil Queen, though he’d much prefer to be with his newly returned birth mother, Emma Swan, even if she is skeptical that the curse is real.

Visiting… wherever he wants. Because he was born in the Land Without Magic (specifically, a prison in Arizona), the curse doesn’t apply to him, and he’s able to leave Storybrooke as he pleases. This is how he’s able to run away and find Emma, bringing her back to Storybrooke with him so that she can (hopefully) break the curse.

Profession… elementary school student, and eternal optimist. Once he’s figured out that the town is cursed, Henry has to find a way to convince everyone else – starting with Emma, whose difficult life has hardened her. Without Henry’s persistence and unwavering belief, Emma would never become the Savior she was meant to be.

Interests… fairytales and hot cocoa with cinnamon. His teacher, Mary Margaret, gave him a book of fairytales, and that’s how he realizes that he’s reading about the residents of Storybrooke.

Relationship Status… single. He’s way too young to be thinking about that! Right now his happy ending involves reuniting his family despite the Evil Queen’s curse.

Challenge… spending time with Emma even though Regina doesn’t want him to. Not only does he want to get to know his birth mother, he needs to guide Emma as she navigates the town’s secrets and convince her that she can beak the curse. That’s not easy when the Evil Queen decides to ground him. 

Personality… idealistic; he gets that from his maternal grandparents, Snow White and Prince Charming. (Snow White is also his teacher in Storybrooke, Mary Margaret.) No problem is too difficult to solve in Henry’s eyes, at least not when his mom is on the case. He’s more observant than the adults – particularly Regina – realize, but he’s still innocent and naïve.