What human are you feeling test

The "what human feeling are you quiz?" is a personality quiz currently taking over the TikTok space. Many users have jumped onto the trend, trying to decipher what their mood board dictates, and have garnered thousands of likes by sharing the results on the short-form app.

The trending personality quiz can be played on the site uquiz.com. Although it's default language is Russian, you can read on to find how to play the quiz for non-Russian speakers as well.

Quizzes and human behavior games are some of the many creative pieces that go into making the TikTok experience memorable, and netizens are here for it all.

How to take the "what human feeling are you quiz?"

The whimsical personality quiz is available on uquiz.com, but its default language is Russian.

For non-Russian speakers, you will have to translate to your preferred language using your web browser. If you are accessing the website through Google Chrome, go to the translate button labeled "AA'' in the top right corner of the search bar.

This helps to translate to the language of choice automatically. The "what human feeling are you quiz?" has multiple choice questions in which you are asked a range of questions with options to pick from. These questions generally address how humans tend to react to different situations.

Some of the questions include:

  1. What would you like right now?
  2. Choose a random event from life that suits you
  3. Is it okay to have feelings?
  4. Choose a drink
  5. Color language. Choose what you like the most.

All questions come with four to five options, and as you input your answers, the next slide pops up. There are eleven personalities and imagined scenario questions in all.

The "what human feeling are you quiz"? consists of a series of questions that TikTokers can relate to regarding behavioral patterns. After answering the questions, the answers are collated, and the calculator sums it all up to produce a personality trait, elaborating what your emotions connote.

At the end of the slides, you are taken to the results page, where the personality is summed up. There are also options on what social media page you wish to share your result to.

To paste your result on TikTok, you can take a screenshot and join the video trend currently making waves. Some of the answers players have gotten so far include despondency, humility, and sincere love. The trend has crossed over to Twitter, and tweeps are catching on fast. Here are some reactions from players:

I took the what human feeling are you test and

What human are you feeling test
slay xx

Guys do this test !!!
"What kind of human feeling are you "

i took the ''what human feeling are you'' test and 🥺

This personality quiz is the latest fun test spicing the excitement on social media and going viral, but there have been other quizzes like the "what the actual f is wrong with me" quiz? and the "reality check quiz."

The former is more recent than the latter and includes a series of questions aimed at deciphering your personality. Questions often border on the player's likes, dislikes, and general preferences. It is also accessible on the uquiz.com website.

The reality check quiz got its buzz early in 2021, and for lovers of thrilling pieces, it comes with the daring phrase, "take at your risk." The range of questions includes your zodiac sign, favorite zodiac sign, favorite, and Hogwarts house. The final result hilariously includes an eccentric address to your personality.

Hey everyone! Have you already done the quiz that’s taking over TikTok? This is a quiz about what human feeling you are. Today we have prepared something similar for you. Answer twenty questions and see what your result will be!

In normal language usage, the noun “feeling” is often used as being the same as emotion. However, in psychology, and in this article, the feeling is used as a technical term which means a generalized bodily consciousness of a physiological sensation. It can be termed as a perception of physiological events within the body. Importantly, the feeling is also termed a self-contained physiological experience.

The feeling was originally used to describe the physical sensation of touch through either experience or perception. The word is also used to describe other experiences, such as “a feeling of warmth” and of sentience in general. In psychology, the term feeling is closely related to, but not the same as emotion. “Feeling” usually refers to the conscious subjective experience of emotions. The study of subjective experiences is referred to as phenomenology, whereas psychotherapy refers to a process whereby a therapist helps a client understand their own feelings and experiences. Feelings are also known as a state of consciousness.

The modern conception of affect developed in the 19th century with Wilhelm Wundt. The word comes from the German Gefühl, meaning “feeling.”

Several experiments have been conducted in the study of social and psychological affective preferences (i.e., what people like or dislike). Specific research has been done on preferences, attitudes, impression formation, and decision-making. This research contrasts findings with recognition memory (old-new judgments), allowing researchers to demonstrate reliable distinctions between the two. Affect-based judgments and cognitive processes have been examined with noted differences indicated, and some argue that affect and cognition are under the control of separate and partially independent systems that can influence each other in a variety of ways (Zajonc, 1980). Both affect and cognition may constitute independent sources of effects within systems of information processing. Others suggest emotion is a result of an anticipated, experienced, or imagined outcome of an adaptational transaction between organism and environment, therefore cognitive appraisal processes are keys to the development and expression of an emotion (Lazarus, 1982).

The neuroscientist Antonio Damasio distinguishes between emotions and feelings: Emotions refer to mental images (i.e. representing either internal or external states of reality) and the bodily changes accompanying them, whereas feelings refer to the perception of bodily changes. In other words, emotions contain a subjective element and a 3rd person’s observable element, whereas feelings are subjective and private.

In general, the terms emotion and feelings are used as synonyms or interchangeable, but actually, they are not. The feeling is a conscious experience created after the physical sensation or emotional experience. (Emotions are felt through emotional experience. They are manifested in the unconscious mind and can be associated with thoughts, beliefs, desires, and actions.

There are two main types of emotion work: evocation and suppression. Evocation is used to obtain or bring up a certain feeling and suppression is used to put away or hide certain unwanted feelings. Emotion work is done by an individual, others upon them, or them upon others. Emotion work is done to achieve a certain feeling that one believes one should feel.

Three more specific types of emotional work are cognitive, bodily, and expressive. Cognitive changes images, bodily changes physical aspects, and expressive changes gestures. A sad person uses expressive emotion work to lift their spirits by trying to smile. A person who is stressed may use bodily emotion work by, for example, trying to breathe slower to lower stress levels.

Emotion work allows individuals to change their feelings so that the emotions suit the current situation (or are deemed appropriate). Since individuals want to fit in and be seen as normal, they are constantly working on their feelings to fit the situations they are in.

Class differences influence and varies how a parent raises their child. Middle-class parents tend to raise their children through the use of feelings and lower-class parents tend to raise their children through behavior control. Middle-class parents and lower-class parents raise their children to be like them in feeling and behavior-wise. Middle-class children get reprimanded for feeling the wrong way and lower-class children are punished for behaving badly.

Lionel Trilling, an author, and literary critic described the technique that the middle- and the lower-class parents use. Under-working and overworking their children’s feelings cause them to seek approval of their feelings in the future. When children of lower-class and of working-class families join the workforce, they are less prepared for emotional management than middle-class children. However, the working-class and the middle-class tend to complain of over-management or micromanagement of feelings that distract them from actual work.

What human feeling are you? Answer twenty questions and find out now!

Love, happiness, fear, anger, melancholy

This quiz has thrown me into my feels, help x

Ever wondered what human feeling you are? Well luckily TikTok has a viral quiz just for that. Absolutely everyone is taking it and sharing their results on the app. The quiz asks you a series of questions and ultimately determines what human feeling you are. It’s super simple and doesn’t take much time at all. Here’s everything you need to know about the quiz including where to find it.

Here’s how to take the ‘What human feeling are you?’ quiz from TikTok

The quiz is available to take on Uquiz but you’ll notice the whole thing is in Russian. Here’s how you can translate it to English.

In the search bar at the top of the page you should see a symbol that looks like “AA” – click this and then press “translate into English”. Now you should notice the entire quiz has been translated into English but you’ll need to translate it again when you reach the results page.

What human are you feeling test

via Uquiz

These are the questions you’ll get asked in the quiz

• So first you’ll be asked how you’d respond to someone saying “Hey”

• Next you’ll be asked to choose a random event from the quiz makers life

• Then you’ll be asked to pick what you’d like to do right now from the list of options

• The next question requires you to pick a drink

• Then you need to pick a flower from a list

• The next question then asks you if it’s okay to have feelings, pretty deep but just go with it

• Next up is a question asking your thoughts and feelings towards space

• Question eight asks: “What are you hiding from others?”

• Then the next question asks what you want to say to people (don’t worry it gives you options)

• Question ten asks if you were given the opportunity to be reborn in the body of an animal, which animal would it be?

What human are you feeling test

Then you get your result! It’s super easy and doesn’t take long at all as there are options for every question. You can take the human feeling quiz here.

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