What to do when your dog wont lay down?

A restless dog can be unhealthy, distressed, and unhappy with his life. That is why it is crucial to know the reason behind why your dog is not lying down. There can be more than one explanation for this situation.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about why your dog refuses to lie down. In addition to this, we will also offer some solutions. So, make sure you stick through to the very end.

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What Could Be The Reason Behind Your Dog Not Lying Down?

Image by Claudia Peters from Pixabay

Why do dogs pace instead of lying down? Well, there is no one answer to this question. Instead, you need to take various factors into account. These reasons can be both mental and physical.

To get started, here are some of the most common reasons to justify this behavior:

Dog Won’t Lie Down – Psychological Reasons

Image by Andrés Carlo from Pixabay

Some psychological reasons behind your dog’s unrest and not lying down include:

1. Over-excitement

When a dog is excited, its energy levels are at their peak. You need to see it from your dog’s perspective. They get excited because they have not seen you for the entire day. So, when you are finally home, they might shower you with affection.

Additionally, getting home also means that you will be taking them for walks and giving them treats and food. These are a dog’s favorite things.

So, if you get home and notice your dog pacing around, this means that they are over-excited. This might prevent them from being able to lie down.

2. Stress And Anxiety

When your dog is stressed and anxious, it will pace around the room. Moreover, a stressed and anxious dog won’t be able to lie down either. This anxiety could be due to many reasons. At times it could be caused by something as unpredictable as storms and fireworks.

Furthermore, a change in your dog’s routine, like different feeding and sleeping times, are some common trigger points. This can also cause unsettling among the dogs. As a result, they won’t lie down.

So, if the reason behind your dog not lying is due to stress, you need to find the trigger points and eliminate them from their routine.

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3. Boredom

If your furry friend is bored and does not have anything to do, they will pace around a lot. Since a dog cannot watch TV or do some reading for their entertainment, they will look for other ways to amuse themselves.

Your dog must receive proper mental exercise throughout the day. You can take him on trips to parks as well. This is incredibly important to keep your dog entertained.

Taking your dog for a walk is not only crucial for their physical health, but it is equally essential for their mental well-being. Dogs get mindful when walking, which helps them lie down better.

4. They Smell Or Hear Something

All dogs have a great sense of hearing and smell. This is one reason you see them staring at the wall or barking at someone who is not there.

This can lead to pacing and not lying down as well. Your dog may find a mouse in the house or insects on the walls. That’s why they will walk around and try to show you where those infiltrators are.

So, you need to pay attention to the direction that your dog is pacing in. Also, pay attention if they pause in a specific spot. That’s because they have found something and want you to know as well.

5. They Are Searching For Something

Just like human beings, dogs remember things that are precious to them as well. They will remember everything that pleases them. But sometimes, they are unable to remember where those items are.

As a result, they will keep pacing around looking for the toy that they want. Dogs can be highly uneasy in such situations and will not rest until they have found what they are looking for.

The continuous pacing can cause unrest among your furry friend. As a result, they might not even consider lying down.

6. They Are Not Comfortable In Their Bed

Your dog may feel uncomfortable in its bed for several reasons. Some common causes include their beds becoming old and tattered. In addition to this, they might feel clumsy because their cushions do not offer the support they want.

So, if you feel that your dog no longer wants to sleep in its bed, you need to make it comfortable for them again. Some common ideas include filling their beds with toys or adding a bottle of hot water. The hot water bottle makes their bed warm and cozy.

Another solution to the problem can be to let your dog sleep in your bed. But, an important thing to remember here is that if you let your dog into your bed once, they will expect you to do it every time.

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Dog Won’t Lie Down – Physical Reasons

Image by Philip Barrington from Pixabay

Apart from the mental reasons, there can be some physical reasons behind your dog’s pacing and not lying down. Some of them are mentioned below for you.

1. Pain And Discomfort

If your dog is older and pacing back and forth, it may be suffering from arthritis. Also, larger breeds are more prone to arthritis than smaller ones.

That is due to their larger size as compared to small dogs. In addition, since their joints experience increased wear and tear over time, arthritis in dogs may be excruciatingly unpleasant. Although the condition is incurable, there is good news: you have some power over the issue.

You should try to incorporate some lifestyle modifications, medications, and vitamins into your dog’s life. Even if it doesn’t completely cure the condition, it will undoubtedly allow your dog to feel more relaxed.

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2. Insufficient Exercise

All dogs need to get some sort of physical activity during the day. If they are not getting enough exercise, it is possible they won’t lie down and rest. So, make sure that you provide your dogs with enough exercise. Otherwise, they will become frustrated.

The exercise should not only be a walk. It should be more than that. We would recommend that you take your dog for a run unless they are older. Exercise can help relieve stress in dogs and provide them with the joy of moving around. That’s because they love to run. The more cardio your dog gets, the happier it will be.

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3. Cushing’s Disease

While many pet owners do not pay much attention to it, Cushing’s disease among dogs can be severe. This condition causes your dog’s body to produce excess cortisol. It is most commonly found among senior dogs.

The stress hormone present in your dog’s body is known as cortisol. It indicates that your dog’s situation will keep getting serious. As a result, your dog may become stressed and refuse to lie down. Continuous pacing is also a common symptom of Cushing’s disease.

Some other symptoms include the constant urge to urinate at night, extreme thirst, weight gain, and panting.

4. Liver Disease

When your dog has issues with its liver, it cannot filter the toxins present in its body. This can lead to unrest, and as a result, they cannot relax and lie down.

While the pacing is not a reason for this condition, it often illustrates gastrointestinal issues among them. So, besides being unable to rest, your dog will no longer feel hungry as well.

You need to treat the condition as soon as possible. That’s because the disease can get serious if you do not pay proper attention to it. Sometimes, the toxins in your dog’s body can become poisonous and lead to liver failure as well.

5. Dementia

Another common reason for your dog’s continuous pacing and inability to lie down is dementia. This disease is equivalent to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. It can make your dog seem twice as old as they are.

One of the warning signs of the condition is your dog becoming restless at night. Not only will their sleeping cycle get reversed, but they will become stressed at night as well.

Some other symptoms of the disease include your dog staring for hours into walls and experiencing continuous mood swings. In addition to this, they might also become clingier out of fear of separation.

6. Loss Of Sight

Is your dog losing its sight? If yes, then it can be a common reason for them being unable to sleep. However, there can be two explanations for them not lying down and pacing continuously.

The first reason is that they are nervous about the change that is going on in their life. Furthermore, they might pace around the house to ensure that they do not lose their memory of its layout.

7. Neurological Tumors

A neurological tumor is similar to apocalypse disorder. But, it is somewhat possible. Dogs can form brain tumors in some extreme cases. However, they can only develop in senior dogs.

Apart from pacing, the common signs of the disease include aggression and strange behavior. In addition, your dog can become clumsy. Not only this, but your dog will lose its sight and hearing as well.

If you are worried that your furry friend has developed a brain tumor, you must take them for a brain scan without delay. If it is small, then you can get it removed with surgery.

What To Do When Your Dog Keeps Pacing?

Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay

Finding the reason behind your dog not lying can be a great help. It is an easy fix if your dog is suffering from an excess of energy or boredom. You can easily help your dog by adding an exercise for mental stimulation in your dog’s daily routine.

On the other hand, if your dog is continuously pacing to patrol your yard, then we would recommend that you add a time limit to your dog’s patrolling time.

Moreover, if your dog is pacing from stress and anxiety, you should give them training classes. This is because stress and anxiety often need the assistance of a professional trainer to be cured. Another solution for stress and anxiety includes telling your dog that everything is fine.

Your dog can also pace and refuse to lie down if they are waiting for someone. You can help them calm down in such a situation by playing with them. It will help them to ease their anxiety.

To sum up, knowing the reason behind your dog’s unrest is the best solution. When you know the reason behind their pacing, you can solve the problem. Moreover, if your dog is pacing due to a medical condition, you should immediately take them to the vet.

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Which Dogs Are Prone To This Problem?

Image by Ilona Krijgsman from Pixabay

Continuous pacing and not lying down are most commonly caused by stress and anxiety. Anxiety is frequently found in the following dogs:

  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Bichon Frise
  • Toy Breeds
  • King Charles Spaniel
  • Greyhound
  • Australian Shepherd

Final Words

Your dog can become uneasy for many reasons. As a result, they will start pacing more often. Not only this, but they will also be unable to lie down. Therefore, it is essential first to discover the reason behind your dog’s pacing and then look for a solution. Doing so will be of tremendous help to your dog.

You can also train your dog to lay down if you have command issues or issues involving dominance. This process of teaching your dog how to lay down when you command or tell him to go for a walk may sound challenging, but it can be accomplished with patience and practice.

If your dog isn’t lying down despite all your efforts, it might be time to seek veterinary care.


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