What should I do if I accidentally ate moldy bread?

What should I do if I accidentally ate moldy bread?
What should I do if I accidentally ate moldy bread?


Accidentally eating a piece of moldy food can turn a "look at me eating leftovers like an adult" moment into a "holy shit I've got food poisoning" moment pretty quickly, but is consuming mold really all that bad for you?

The short answer is no, you're probably not going to die from eating mold; you'll digest it like any other food, and as long as you've got a relatively healthy immune system, the most you'll experience is some nausea or vomiting due to the taste/idea of what you've just eaten. That said, this stuff is definitely not good for you, and if you're allergic to mold, it can bring on uncomfortable symptoms including irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat.

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What's more, although common bread mold isn't especially harmful, there are some dangerous molds out there which can be detrimental to your health. In fact, a few of them can produce poisonous substances known as mycotoxins, the nastiest of which (aflatoxin) can cause cancer according to the USDA. That said, contamination tends to occur farther up the chain than your kitchen, primarily appearing in grain and nut crops, so your regular household mold probably isn't aflatoxin-related.

Although it might be tempting to simply tear off the moldy bits in the interest of not wasting food (or money), there's no guarantee you're actually removing the whole fungal infection by doing so. Mold's thread-like roots can reach deep into the food in question, so simply removing the obviously nasty parts won't do. Better to err on the side of cutting off too much than too little -- or better yet, just toss the whole thing out. To clear things up, the USDA has a food-handling chart outlining which foods can safely be pruned, and which should just be discarded.

No, actually, not necessarily: although you can technically kill mold by exposing it to high temperatures, you probably won't reach those temperatures without burning the ever-living shit out of your bread -- and even then, there's no guaranteeing it worked. Plus, even if you don't mind the taste of charred bread, you'll likely still have a lingering mold flavor on your toast. Why not just get fresher bread?

Some cheeses (like Gorgonzola) do have mold cultures purposefully added to them, although these specific molds are actually unable to produce mycotoxins. Setting aside those intentionally infected cheeses, different types of cheese will require different handling when mold is present: moldy hard and semi-soft cheeses can be trimmed without worry, but moldy soft cheeses should be scrapped entirely.

Simple steps to avoid mold formation include securely covering foods in the fridge (with plastic wrap or containers), eating leftovers within four days, and not leaving perishable food out for more than two hours. Most important though, is to be realistic about how much food you eat during the week: if you live alone, you're probably not going to finish a whole loaf of bread before mold shows up.

Gianni Jaccoma is an editor for Thrillist, and he's eaten plenty of moldy bread in his time. Follow him on Twitter @gjaccoma

If you’re here, there’s a strong likelihood that you’ve just eaten mold. Whether this was an accidental act or a willful one, I have no way of knowing—but here’s what you need to know:

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What should I do if I accidentally ate moldy bread?

Rok Stritof / EyeEm/Getty Images

Molds are microscopic fungi that live on plant or animal matter,” according to FSIS. “No one knows how many species of fungi exist, but estimates range from tens of thousands to perhaps 300,000 or more. Most are filamentous (threadlike) organisms and the production of spores is characteristic of fungi in general. These spores can be transported by air, water, or insects.”

Mold, which thrives in warm and humid conditions, comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

It can be any combination of fuzzy, furry, dusty, black, green, yellow, gray, or white.

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Probably not. If you’ve eaten a bite of moldy food, you’ll most likely be absolutely fine.

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Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Getty Images

If you do get sick from eating mold, you likely have mycotoxins to blame. Mycotoxins are invisible compounds that are naturally produced by certain types of molds.

When your immune system is working well, a small amount of mold probably won’t cause any health issues. However, if your immune system is weakened, ingesting fungal spores can negatively affect the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.

Look out for food poisoning-like symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Individuals who suffer from asthma or other respiratory issues should watch for signs of an allergic reaction.

If you’ve consumed moldy food and are concerned about your health, contact your doctor immediately.

Related: What Are the Symptoms of Food Poisoning?

Perry Gerenday/Getty Images

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but cutting around the moldy parts won’t guarantee that your food will be safe to eat.

The mold you see on your loaf of bread or old fruits is more than meets the eye.

“When a food shows heavy mold growth, ‘root’ threads have invaded it deeply,” FSIS warns. “In dangerous molds, poisonous substances are often contained in and around these threads. In some cases, toxins may have spread throughout the food.”

Store food correctly and keep your kitchen clean.

Keep perishable food covered in the refrigerator (remember, mold thrives in warm and humid conditions).

As far as cleaning goes, make sure to regularly sanitize your refrigerator, dish towels, and sponges. If a kitchen cloth smells funny or is visibly growing mold, clean it ASAP. If you can’t clean it, toss it.

Read more: Everything You’re Storing Incorrectly In Your Fridge

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Mold happens. If you accidentally eat a bite or two, you’ll probably be just fine—but contact your doctor if you’re worried or are experiencing any unpleasant symptoms.

To prevent mold, store your food properly and keep your kitchen clean.