What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

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What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

Non - Uniform motion means velocity of the body  is not constant i.e. body travels unequal displacement  is equal time interval. Therefore displacement - time graph for non uniform motion will a curved path and tanget at any point given the velocity at that instant. Ex: when we drop a ball from some height, motion of the ball will be noon uniform because acceleration due to gravity will act on the body.

What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

CBSE 9 - Physics

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What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

Asked by mittalanusha240 | 17 Jun, 2022, 11:00: AM

What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

CBSE 9 - Physics

Asked by honey469dpssira | 11 May, 2022, 04:12: PM


CBSE 9 - Physics

Asked by pankajlamba9416818 | 06 Oct, 2020, 07:07: AM


CBSE 9 - Physics

Asked by pankajlamba9416818 | 05 Oct, 2020, 07:11: PM


Answer: (2)

Distance-Time Graph for Uniform Motion

A body is said to be in uniform motion when the body covers the equal distance in equal time intervals. Let’s consider a time interval of 1 second, If a body covers 10 meters in the first 1-second then it should cover 10 meters in every second from there on, this will indicate that the body is in uniform motion. Let’s draw a graph for uniform motion.

As in uniform motion, the distance time graph would be a straight line, because the equal distance is covered in equal units of time.

What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

Distance-Time Graph for Non-uniform Motion

Non-uniform motion is defined as the motion of an object in which the object travels with varied speed and it does not cover the same distance in equal time intervals, irrespective of the time interval duration.

The distance-time graph for non-uniform motion is not a straight line since speed is variable, it can be a curve or a zigzag line.

What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

Watch the video for understanding motion graph

What is the nature of displacement time graph for non uniform motion give an example?

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