What is the minimum time an iodine sanitizer must be in contact with the object being sanitized?

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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Level: Continuing Education
Score: 1
Author: swells10
Created: 5 years ago

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What is the minimum time an iodine sanitizer solution must be in contact with the object being sanitized?

  1. 15 seconds
  2. 30 seconds
  3. 45 seconds
  4. 60 seconds

120 Cards in this Set

What group of individuals may have a higher risk of foodborne illness? The Elderly
What is the final step in cleaning and sanitizing a prep table? allowing the surface to air-dry
What is the minimum time an iodine solution must be in contact with the object being sanitized? 30 seconds

What is the minimum time an iodine sanitizer solution must be in contact with the object being sanitized quizlet?

The bain in the photo at left is being sanitized in an iodine sanitizing solution. It must be in contact with the solution for at least 30 secodns.

What is the minimum time an iodine sanitizer solution must be in contact with the object being sanitized group of answer choices?

What is the acceptable contact time when sanitizing food-contact surfaces? Soak the item in a chlorine solution for 7 seconds. Soak the item in a very hot water for 7 seconds. Soak the item in iodine solution for 7 seconds.

What is the minimum water temperature when using boiling to sanitize objects group of answer choices?

Water temperature must be at least 180°F, but not greater than 200°F. At temperatures greater than 200°F, water vaporizes into steam before sanitization can occur. It is important to note that the surface temperature of the object being sanitized must be at 160°F for a long enough time to kill the bacteria.

How long do dishes stay in sanitizer?

30 seconds
The dishes should remain completely immersed in the solution for at least 30 seconds. After cleaning and sanitizing it is necessary to let the dishes air dry on the drain board or rack.

every four hours
Clean and sanitize items after each use and before food handlers start working with a different type of food. Also, clean and sanitize utensils and equipment after food handlers are interrupted during a task and the items may have been contaminated. If items are in constant use, clean and sanitize every four hours.

What is the minimum amount of time that a chlorine-based chemical sanitizer must be in contact with a surface in order to be effective?

Chlorine and quaternary ammonium sanitizers are the most common in food service. Chlorine-based sanitizers should be 50-100 parts per million (ppm’s) concentration and contact time is 7 seconds or more. Quaternary based sanitizers are usually 150 to 200 ppm’s concentration and 30 seconds contact time.

How long does a chlorine-based chemical sanitizer need to have contact with a surface in order to be effective?

Contact time—or “wet time”—is how long a disinfectant needs to stay wet on a surface in order to be effective. Contact times can range from as little as 15 seconds for common hand sanitizer, to as long as 30 minutes for chlorine oxides used in laboratories.

What must be posted on all dishwashers?

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What scenario can lead to pest infestation? Storing recyclables in paper bags.
What information must be posted on a dishwasher? Correct settings.
What is cross-connection? Physical link between safe water and dirty water.

What is an acceptable sanitizing method and contact time for food-contact surface?

5.1 What is an acceptable sanitizing method and contact time for a food-contact surface? Soak the item in very hot water for 7 seconds.

When sanitizing you must submerge the item for at least how long?

Dishes must be submerged in the sanitizing solution for a minimum of 1 minute.

How hot should sanitizer water be?

Temperature — generally chemical sanitizers work best at temperatures between 55°F (13°C) and 120°F (49°C).