Why take fish oil when working out

Fish oil supplements are extracted from fish known to contain fatty acids like omega-3. Some of the most common fish high in omega-3 include salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout, amongst other species. For those who consume a lot of fish with omega-3 in their daily diet, fish oil supplements may not be necessary, or you may want to consider taking a smaller dose.

But, the American Heart Association recommends consuming foods with omega-3 fatty acids at least two times per week. If you don’t get enough omega-3 from your diet, fish oil supplements are a great way to provide your body with this essential nutrient, but you want to avoid overconsumption. It’s not recommended that anyone ingest more than three grams of omega-3 capsules unless instructed by a doctor.

The Benefits of Fish Oil

1. Speeds up Recovery Time

Similar to the way that protein powder can speed up the body’s process of rebuilding muscles after an intense workout, fish oil supplements help your body to recover from physical activity more quickly. Fish oil is known to possess anti-inflammatory attributes, which can be extremely beneficial before or after a workout, particularly for those who practice bodybuilding. It can help reduce muscle soreness, decrease joint pain and accelerate your body’s process of repairing tiny tears in your muscles that occur after working out. Combining protein powder and fish oil supplements can greatly reduce recovery time after exercise and work to increase your muscle mass at a quicker rate.

Why take fish oil when working out

2. Helps Your Body Burn Excess Fat

Though it may seem counterintuitive that a fatty supplement can actually reduce body fat, fish oil pills have been associated with increased metabolism, which in turn burns fat more quickly than a slower metabolism. In order to get your body in the best shape possible, you want to burn fat while increasing muscle mass. If you’re not eating properly and taking the correct supplements, you may be unintentionally burning lean muscle instead of fat. Integrating a small dose of fish oil into your daily diet can help you to accomplish both of these goals at one time—burning fat while repairing and growing muscles.

3. Maintains Healthy Cholesterol Levels

While cholesterol levels may not directly affect your ability to build body mass, it’s an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. According to BodyBuilding.com, bodybuilders tend to consume foods with higher levels of fat, which typically increases cholesterol levels and leads to dangerous health conditions. However, research shows that fish oil can help you maintain a healthy cholesterol level and lower your risk of heart attack.

Why take fish oil when working out

4. Promotes Heart Health

One of the most important health benefits of fish oil supplements is the effect it has on your heart. Physicians, fitness experts and nutritionists all agree that fish oil can greatly decrease your chance of developing a variety of heart diseases. Whether you’re a bodybuilder or just perform a regular workout routine, maintaining a healthy heart is the best thing you can do for your body. Fish oil works to prevent plaque build-up in your heart and can also lower your blood pressure. In terms of bodybuilding, maintaining a healthy heart is important to support your body during intense workout sessions.

5. Can Help Prevent and Speed up Recovery from Injuries

If you practice bodybuilding, you’re more prone to getting injured during exercise because you’re pushing your body to the max and working out frequently. Ingesting a small dose of fish oil (the American Heart Association recommends about one gram of omega-3 per day) can help prevent injuries as well as speed up recovery from muscle and joint issues. When you take fish oil, your muscle inflammation decreases, making you less prone to strains and sprains. Should you injure yourself while working out, taking fish oil can also help accelerate the healing because of the same anti-inflammatory properties.

Every athlete or fitness enthusiast has one goal when they begin their training. They want to improve their performance each time to get the desired results of their workout. To ensure this, fuelling your body with the right nutrients is a must. Often, Fish Oil Supplements are left out of the mix because the pre-workout benefits of this nutrient are still unknown.

Here are some benefits of using a fish oil supplement like HK Vitals Super Strength Fish Oil capsules right before you step into your next training session.

Reduces Muscle Soreness and Fatigue

Working out causes inflammation in the muscle cells, leading to soreness and fatigue. This prevents you from optimizing your training as you hit the fatigue wall very early in your session. There are studies conducted on professional athletes like rugby players which show that using fish oil supplements helped them perform at their best even in a stage of heavy physical conditioning. This can be attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Better Muscle Growth 

The growth of the muscles depends upon the efficiency of protein synthesis. Unless the protein that you consume through your diet is used up properly by your muscle cells, you cannot see the results that you want, at the pace that you want.

Studies have shown that the response of the muscle cells to amino acids and insulin is significantly improved. When the muscle cells contain a higher level of Omega-3 fatty acids, they tend to synthesize protein better. As a result, they grow in size faster as well.

Better Performance Capabilities With Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Your cardiovascular system works hand in glove with your musculoskeletal system to make your body work like a powerful machine. Omega-3 fatty acids, when consumed in the right levels, boost your heart health, allowing you to workout better.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides which are responsible for lowering the efficiency of your cardiovascular system. When our heart is healthy, the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to your body are also enhanced. As a result, you feel more energetic and are fuelled throughout your training session.

Better Focus While Training

Omega-3 fatty acids are known for the cognitive support that they provide. They protect the brain from any free radical damage, keeping the cells intact. They also boost metabolism to help supply your brain with more energy to function at its best.

This means that you can focus entirely on each training session, mitigating the risk of injuries when you train harder.

Fuel For the Body Using Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids improve the efficiency of fat metabolism. They enhance the ability of the body to convert fat into energy. This helps you function better when you are training and also gives you an energy pump right before you begin.


Overall, Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in protecting your muscle cells and keeping your energy levels optimized. As a result, you get the advantage of prime performance and consistent improvement in your training ability.

Does fish oil help working out?

Fish oils (FOs) are rich in omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have been purported to enhance recovery of muscular performance and reduce soreness post-exercise.

Is it better to take fish oil before or after workout?

Bottom line: Taking fish oils after exercise can enhance the actions of the immune system and possibly prevent colds and drops in immune function after exercise.

Should I take fish oil before I workout?

Omega-3 fatty acids may be the greatest pre-workout out there. Fish oil may be the key to improving both your exercise performance and results. Numerous studies have demonstrated the beneficial impact of taking a fish oil supplement prior to exercise.

When should I take fish oil when working out?

You can take fish oil before or after a workout or anytime during the day. You can consume 2,000–3,000 mg per day of EPA and DHA and therefore the perfect fish oil bodybuilding dosage would be 1 or 2 capsules per day.