Why does my right arm hurt for no reason

Right arm pain can be alarming but usually not serious. Various injuries and bone, joint, muscle, and nerve issues can cause it. In some cases, it can be a symptom of a serious condition. A red flag is pain that travels from somewhere else, such as the chest or abdomen. This article explains the main causes and treatments of pain in right arm.

What is right arm pain?

Cinema Tigers/Stocksy United

Your arms consist of the upper arms, forearms, and hands. There are 30 bones in each arm that form the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints.

The arms also have numerous muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. The brachial plexus supplies the nerves that run the length of the arm. This is one of the two major bundles of nerves in the body that branch out of the spinal cord.

Arm pain can occur when there is a problem with any structure in the arm. However, it is also possible to have referred arm pain. Referred pain is pain you feel in one location, but it originates in another. 

Neck or upper spine conditions are possible causes of referred arm pain. Heart problems, such as heart attack, can also transmit pain to the arms. In many cases, it causes left arm pain, but right arm pain can occur as well. Referred pain in the upper right arm or shoulder can come from the abdomen, too.

People describe right arm pain in various ways, including:

  • aching
  • burning
  • feeling dull or sharp
  • shooting, stabbing or stinging
  • throbbing
  • tearing

Sometimes, right arm pain is constant. In other cases, it comes and goes with certain activities or positions. Resting or changing positions may make it feel better.

Right arm pain can be your only symptom or you may have other symptoms with it. The nature and timing of right arm pain can be clues to the underlying cause.

What other symptoms might occur with right arm pain?

Other symptoms can occur along with right arm pain, including:

  • bruises
  • cramps
  • numbness or tingling
  • redness
  • area swelling
  • stiffness
  • weakness
  • reduced range of motion in a joint

Other symptoms that may indicate a heart-related problem include:

  • chest pain, fullness, pressure, or squeezing
  • heart palpitations
  • neck, jaw, or back pain
  • lightheadedness or fainting
  • nausea and vomiting
  • shortness of breath
  • sudden anxiety
  • sweat

Get immediate medical care by calling 911 for these potentially serious symptoms. 

Also, contact a doctor immediately if you have serious abdominal symptoms, including:

  • abdominal swelling or distention
  • extreme abdominal tenderness or pain
  • fever, chills, or sweating
  • jaundice, which is yellowing of the skin or eyes
  • nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite

What causes right arm pain?

There are four categories of conditions that most commonly cause right arm pain:

Musculoskeletal conditions

Musculoskeletal conditions affect the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissues.

  • arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other forms of joint inflammation
  • bursitis
  • fractures, separations, and dislocations
  • rotator cuff injury
  • sprains and strains
  • tendinitis

Neurological conditions

Neurological conditions affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

  • cervical spine disorders, including herniated disc, radiculopathy, and spondylosis
  • peripheral nerve compression, including carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome
  • peripheral neuropathy, such as from diabetes

Vascular conditions

Vascular conditions are those affecting the heart and blood vessels.

  • blood clots
  • peripheral vascular disease
  • thoracic outlet syndrome, which compresses nerves and vessels exiting the chest to the arms
  • phlebitis, which is inflammation of a vein from an IV line

Other conditions

  • fibromyalgia
  • infections
  • tumors

Causes of referred pain to the right arm or shoulder include heart attack, angina, and gallbladder disease. 

When should you contact a doctor for right arm pain?

Sudden pain in the left or right arm could indicate a heart attack. Get emergency medical care by calling 911 for this or other symptoms of a heart attack. 

Symptoms of acute gallbladder attacks also need immediate medical care because serious complications can occur. Symptoms may start with upper abdomen pain that spreads to the right shoulder or shoulder blade.

Other reasons for emergency care for arm pain include:

  • chills or fever
  • discoloration, coolness, or lack of a pulse in the arm
  • loss of sensation or numbness in the arm, fingers, or hand
  • trouble moving the arm, fingers, or hand
  • gaped wound, obvious changes in form, or a bone breaking through the skin
  • severe pain or swelling

Otherwise, contact your doctor for arm pain lasting more than a couple of weeks despite home treatment. 

Other reasons to contact your doctor for arm pain include the:

  • pain worsening with certain activities
  • nature or severity of the pain changing
  • occurrence of pain even at rest
  • recurrence of pain after getting better
  • appearance of a swollen area or a lump near the pain

How do doctors diagnose the cause of right arm pain?

Doctors diagnose the cause of right arm pain by taking a medical history and performing an exam.

Questions your doctor may ask about right arm pain include:

  • When did the pain start? What activity were you doing?
  • Is the pain in one spot, or does it go down the arm?
  • How would you describe the pain?
  • How long have you had the pain?
  • What, if anything, makes the pain worse or better?
  • Does the pain in your arm seem to radiate from another area?
  • How often do you get the pain, and how long does it last?
  • What other symptoms, if any, do you have?
  • What other medical conditions do you have?

Depending on the result of the exam, your doctor may order testing. This can include:

  • Blood tests: These tests may include a complete blood count and basic metabolic panel.
  • Electromyography: This nerve study measures how well your nerves send signals and the response of your muscles. 
  • Imaging exams: These tests may include an X-ray, CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound.
  • Nerve conduction tests: These tests assess possible nerve damage.

The results of these tests may prompt more invasive testing or procedures, such as arthroscopy.

What are the treatments for right arm pain?

Treating right arm pain depends on the cause. Your doctor may prescribe any of the following options:

  • brace or splint
  • medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • physical therapy
  • corticosteroid injections

In some cases, casting or surgery may be necessary.

Home remedies for right arm pain

Home treatment can help resolve some causes of right arm pain. Doctors often recommend the RICE approach:

  • Rest from any activity that causes or aggravates the pain.
  • Ice the area using a cold pack throughout the day for 20 minutes at a time.
  • Compression bandages on the area can help with swelling.
  • Elevate the arm above the level of your heart to decrease swelling.

Contact your doctor if your arm pain persists for a couple of weeks despite these measures.

What are the potential complications of right arm pain?

The potential complications of right arm pain will depend on the underlying cause.

Other frequently asked questions

Here are some questions people often ask about right arm pain. The following frequently asked questions have been reviewed by Angelica Balingit, MD.

When is right arm pain a medical emergency? 

Right arm pain is a medical emergency when you have an injury that could be a fracture, separation, or dislocation. It could also be a medical emergency when you have other symptoms of a heart attack, infection, or gallbladder attack. 

Why does your right arm hurt before a heart attack?

With a heart attack, the pain can radiate to other areas in the upper body. This may include the neck, jaw, back, shoulder, and arms. Usually, the pain spreads to the left arm, but it can also involve the right arm. The pain can affect the arms because the brachial plexus also supplies the chest.

Which arm hurts during a stroke?

Symptoms of a stroke can include arm weakness or numbness. It tends to affect one side of the body, either the right or the left. Arm pain can be a symptom of a heart attack.


There are several potential causes of right arm pain. Right arm pain alone is often due to an injury or a musculoskeletal or nerve problem.

However, right arm pain can signal a more serious problem, such as a heart attack or gallbladder attack. These conditions can cause referred pain to the right arm or shoulder. They also cause other symptoms in most cases. If you are in doubt about the cause of right arm pain, contact a doctor right away.

Should I be concerned if my right arm hurts?

Unexplained shoulder and arm pain can sometimes be a warning sign of a heart attack, which is a medical emergency. People should see a doctor if they are concerned about pain in their right shoulder and arm or if the pain is not improving.

How do you know if right arm pain is heart related?

Arm, shoulder or back pain that comes on suddenly, is unusually severe, or is accompanied by pressure, fullness or squeezing in your chest (this may signal a heart attack) An obvious deformity or protruding bone in your arm or wrist, especially if you have bleeding or other injuries.

Why does my arm hurt out of nowhere?

Causes of arm pain If the pain does come from the arm itself, it may be caused by simple muscle or tendon fatigue, overexertion, or repeated and prolonged use of the arms (for example, at work or when exercising). It could also be due to tendinitis, bruising from an impact injury, a sprain or a fracture.


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