Why does it hurt to swallow when i wake up

Do you often wake up with a sore throat? You’re not alone! Sore throats come in lots of different forms and can be caused by many different things.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common causes of sore throats and how you can remedy them. We’ll also talk about the importance of getting enough sleep and how sleep apnea can lead to a sore throat.

If you’re experiencing frequent sore throats, it’s important to visit your dentist and rule out any potential dental causes. Palermo Village Dental is your partner in complete health dentistry, looking at wellness beyond your mouth and teeth. Schedule an appointment to help solve your sore throat issues. 

What is a Sore Throat?

A sore throat is a common ailment that can be caused by many things, including viruses, bacteria, allergies, and acid reflux. It is typically described as a scratchy or painful sensation in the throat and tonsils. Having a sore throat can make it difficult to speak and swallow.

Sore Throat Symptoms

A sore throat is, well…sore. But more specifically, your throat may feel:

  • Scratchy
  • Burning
  • Raw
  • Dry
  • Tender
  • Irritated

Associated symptoms include headaches, neck pain, cough, sneezing, swollen glands, and nasal congestion. 

Common Causes of Sore Throats

There are many different causes of sore throats, some of which are listed below. If you have suffered physical trauma to the throat or neck, you may feel soreness in your throat. 


The most common cause of a sore throat is a virus, such as the cold or flu. Viruses are responsible for almost 90% of sore throats. Viral infections can cause inflammation and irritation in the throat and often result in a fever, swollen glands, and body aches.


Bacterial infections can also cause a sore throat. Strep throat is a common type of bacterial infection that leads to a sore throat. It is caused by Streptococcus bacteria and is characterized by redness and swelling in the tonsils, a high fever, and body aches.


Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a common allergy that can cause a sore throat. Allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mould can cause the throat to become inflamed and irritated. If you sleep with an open window you may be exposed to these allergens overnight. 

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus. This can cause irritation and inflammation in the throat and lead to soreness or discomfort. This is also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease.


Smoking cigarettes can irritate the lining of the throat and contribute to a sore throat. The same goes for smoking cigars or cannabis. Vaping may also irritate your throat.


Not drinking enough fluids can lead to dehydration, which can lead to a dry, sore throat. Make sure you are consuming enough water for your body size and lifestyle. For most people, about 3 litres of water per day is enough to stay properly hydrated. 

Sore Throat After Sleeping

There are many reasons why you might wake up with a sore throat. One of the potential causes is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing is interrupted during sleep. This can lead to a number of problems, including snoring, morning headaches, and a sore throat.

Sore throats that occur every morning but feel better throughout the day may be linked to sleep problems. If you’re experiencing frequent sore throats, it’s important to visit your dentist and rule out any potential dental causes. 

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a relatively common condition that affects an estimated 5.5 million Canadians. It occurs when the airway becomes blocked during sleep, which results in interrupted breathing.

People with sleep apnea often do not realize they have it because the episodes of interrupted breathing are brief and occur while the person is asleep. However, someone who has sleep apnea will often wake up feeling tired, unrested, and with an uncomfortable throat.

Ask about our take-home SleepImage Biometric Ring to see if you’re getting the healthy sleep you deserve each night.

Getting Enough Sleep

It’s important to get enough sleep every night so that your body can rest and recharge. Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to experience health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, there are a number of things you can do to improve your sleep habits. Some tips include establishing a regular bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and using relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.

Sore Throat Prevention

If you become sick, a sore throat may be part of the experience. But this should be temporary. There are several things you can do to help prevent sore throats. Some tips include:

  • Wash your hands regularly and often, especially before eating.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Use a humidifier to keep the air in your home moist.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Eating healthy foods and avoiding processed foods.
  • Staying warm and dry.
  • Avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke.
  • Getting vaccinated against the flu and other diseases. 
  • Visiting your dentist for a checkup every six months.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

A poor night’s sleep can cause a sore throat when you get out of bed. An oral appliance may help you breathe easier during your sleep. These are fitted like a mouthguard and adjust the position of your jaw to help ensure regular breathing.

Another solution for correcting sleep apnea is using a CPAP machine. A CPAP machine delivers a continuous airflow to the wearer through a mask worn at night. This airflow pushes against blockages and helps keep your airways open and functioning normally.

Solea Sleep Laser

If you’re looking for a way to treat snoring, Solea Sleep Laser might be a good option for you. Solea is a new type of laser that is FDA-approved for the management of palatal snoring. It is non-invasive and does not require surgery.

Solea uses low-level lasers to tighten soft palate tissue. The laser gently heats the soft tissues in the throat and can be used in addition to CPAP or oral appliances. This helps open the airway and reduce the amount of air pressure that is needed in CPAP, or the amount of advancement needed for an oral appliance.

Complete Health Dentistry

Waking up every morning with a sore throat is detrimental to your health and lifestyle. There are many causes of a raspy, painful throat, including being sick. But if a sore throat is a chronic condition, it’s time to do something about it.

At Palermo Village Dental, we’re dedicated to supporting your complete health, from general and family dentistry to helping you sleep better. We believe increasing your comfort and confidence in your smile takes a fully comprehensive approach. Schedule a consultation today to learn how we can help you achieve your best oral health, experience consistent sleep, and enjoy a throat that doesn’t irritate you each morning.

Why does swallowing hurt in the morning?

Throat pain in the morning can be a result of postnasal discharges and reflux from the stomach.

Why does my throat hurt when I swallow after waking up?

“The most common reasons for a sore throat in the morning are a dry environment, especially in winter, along with mouth breathing and acid reflux,” Dr. Benninger says. He says that dehydration, hay fever, or the beginning of a cold can also be culprits.

Why does my throat hurt and hard to swallow in the morning?

At night, when you go for hours without water, you might wake up with a dry mouth and a scratchy throat that makes it hard to swallow. Other signs of dehydration include: Headache.


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