Why can t my friends share my business page on facebook

At the top of your Page, next to the Edit Page button, is another button called Building Your Audience. The third link below Building Your Audience is Sharing Your Page. This particular process looks the same whether or not you’re an Admin of the Page, but non-Admins will access the Share link through the gear icon located below the Cover photo to the right.

No matter where the link is found, when you click the link, the Share This Page dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can create a nice invitation that you can post to your personal account Timeline, to someone else’s Timeline, to a group Page, to another Page for which you’re an Admin, or to a private Facebook Message.

Why can t my friends share my business page on facebook

Check out a few things before you send invitations:

  • Review the autopopulated text: This text is pulled right off your Info tab — generally, the text in the Company Overview field. If you don’t like what’s written here, you have to go back to the Info tab and change the text there. Or you can click the text; an editor interface comes up, and you can type whatever text you want.

    Other people will be using this Share function, so you want to enter the text that you want to show up here automatically so they don’t have to edit it. Go back to your Info tab to fix the text if needed.

  • Review the image: This image is the Profile image, not the Cover image. If you want something else to show up there, you need to change the Profile image for the Page. It is not editable from this Share interface.

  • Add a message: Make sure that you list the benefits for liking the Page. You can create a nice, little message that’s compelling. You can mention that you have contests and free events — whatever is appropriate for your business.

  • Decide where to Share: You can share on your own personal Timeline, on a Friend’s Timeline, in a group, on another Page for which you’re an Admin, or in a private Facebook Message. Click the drop-down menu to choose which one you want.

  • Decide whether your shared update will be Public or Custom: You can change the viewing filter by clicking the Public icon to reveal a drop-down menu and changing it to a Facebook Friends list or a custom list.

After you’ve reviewed the invitation, click Share Page.

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Why can t my friends share my business page on facebook

A Facebook business page is one of the most essential social media tools that you can have for your online business. This page should be thought of as an extension to your home page, which is very open to the public. However if there are photos, comments, posts and other aspects of your business page that you want to keep private, there are settings on Facebook that allow you to maintain control of your page at all times. This guide goes through how to access these settings and an explanation of how these privacy settings affect your page’s visibility.

1. Getting Started

Once you’ve set up your business page, you’ll see it on the left side of your home Facebook login screen under “Pages.” Click on your business page’s name to load it in your browser. In the top right corner, click on “Edit Page” to bring up a drop down menu and select “Edit Settings.”

2. Manage Settings

Your Facebook business page’s settings will now load. This page handles all of the privacy control features for your Facebook page. You’ll see different ways to restrict groups of people from seeing your page or posts and limit posting to your business page.

3. Page Visibility

At the top, the page visibility function controls whether your entire Facebook business is public or private. When your Facebook business page is public, anyone can view it. If you click on “Page published” or “Page unpublished,” a check box will come up. If you place a check in “Unpublish Page,” then only you and other admins who control the page can see your business page. This should only be checked if you are taking down your Facebook business page for a temporary period of time or you want to completely disable views for your business on Facebook. Generally you should never unpublish your Facebook page even if you are making significant changes.

4. Posting Ability and Visibility

This feature controls who can post to your page’s timeline. If you want to be the only one posting on your timeline, then click inside the box and uncheck “Everyone can post to [your business page’s name]’s timeline.” You can also uncheck “Everyone can add photos and videos to [your business page’s name]’s timeline.” Most businesses want to limit the amount of posts on their Facebook business page, so it is a good idea to restrict people from posting on your timeline.

You can also set allowances for posts under “Post Visibility.” You can choose to allow posts from others on your page timeline or hide posts. You can also place a check mark in “Highlight recent posts by others in a box at the top of my Page timeline” if you want more recent posts to be visible. People like to know their voices are head, so if you do choose to allow posts by others, then you’ll want the newest posts to be highlighted.

5. What Should You Restrict?

Why can t my friends share my business page on facebook

Once you publish a page, it’s as open as the homepage of your business until you change these settings. You can control who can message you under “Messages,” but you can also be more selective about what visitors are allowed to view your page with “Country Restrictions” and “Age Restrictions.” If you are getting a lot of spam or don’t have support for a certain country, it may be beneficial to block certain countries. With age restriction, you can limit underage viewers from viewing adult content. Even if you plan on keeping your Facebook page clean, if you have an adult business, it may be best to limit certain age groups.

6. Moderating Your Page

The “Page Moderation” feature allows you to pick how to blog comments or posts that contain certain phrases or keywords. For instance, if someone is constantly harassing your page, you can choose a frequently key word to help you moderate comments. These posts will now be blocked automatically. You can also set a filter on adult language using “Profanity Filter” settings underneath page moderation.

It’s best if you do allow replies to comments on your page. This gets people talking about your content and sharing different media.

Once you set up your privacy settings, you can always go back and make changes later. The best option for getting the most views and likes is to keep your page completely open. However if your business is targeted by malicious commentators, then you have these settings to fix the problem.

Update 2018

Facebook now has a section for search engines in your privacy settings as of 2018. Here’s the area that you’ll be looking for:

Why can t my friends share my business page on facebook

Make sure this section is checked in your privacy settings; if it’s unchecked, then anybody who isn’t logged into Facebook won’t see your page, which includes search engines. Unless you want most people not to see your page, except for close friends, you’ll want this setting unchecked.

How do I allow people to share my business page on Facebook?

How to share a business page on Facebook on the mobile app.
Find the business page you wish to share..
Tap the three dots menu. Open the menu on the page. ... .
This will open a pop-up. Tap "Write Post" to begin sharing..
This will open a draft. ... .
Tap the blue "Post" option in the upper right hand corner when you're done..

Why can't my friends see my business page on Facebook?

In most cases, Facebook should publish it for you, but we've seen a few instances where admins needed to go in and change their page's settings from “unpublished” to “published.” In your settings, navigate to “General,” and then look for “Page Visibility.” If it says “unpublished,” you've found your problem.

Why is my Facebook business Post not shareable?

If your settings are "Friends" then only you can share the post and friends can read it. No one can share it. Change this setting with the icon next to the description to Public. It is now a shareable post.