Can you eat macaroni and cheese after wisdom teeth removal

Even foods that normally appear soft, such as macaroni and cheese, can be challenging to eat if they are chewy. For the first few days following the procedure, this is especially true. Pasta that has been overcooked to the point where it is mushy will help alleviate this issue.

  • Can I eat mac and cheese after wisdom teeth?
  • Can you eat mac and cheese after oral surgery?
  • Is pasta OK to eat after wisdom teeth removal?
  • Can I eat pasta the day after wisdom teeth removal?

Can I eat mac and cheese after wisdom teeth?

Comfort foods like macaroni and cheese and other soft noodle dishes are ideal for recuperation. After the first few days of oral surgery recovery, macaroni and cheese is a comforting American and Canadian staple.

Can you eat mac and cheese after oral surgery?

Foods like macaroni and cheese, cooked noodles, soft-boiled/scrambled/ poached eggs, and soft sandwiches should be eaten on day three following surgery. Pizza, rice, popcorn, and hamburger are all examples of foods to avoid because they are too tough or crunchy. Avoid foods that are too hot or too acidic, such as peppers and citrus fruits.

Is pasta OK to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

Pasta is an excellent post-surgery meal option. After the dentist, there is no al dente. In order to make it easier to eat, cook the pasta just long enough to make it soft but not mushy. Pasta is an excellent base for a wide variety of sauces.

Can I eat pasta the day after wisdom teeth removal?

Pasta. If you’ve just had your wisdom teeth removed, you might feel like having some pasta afterward. ‘Al dente’ pasta should be avoided at all costs, as it’s usually a bad idea. Try to steer clear of tomato-based sauces, which can irritate the extraction site.

Yogurt, pudding, applesauce and Jell-O are some go-to recovery foods: no chewing involved! Macaroni and cheese is perfect because you can swallow the tiny noodles whole or chew them with your front teeth. You can also overcook your pasta noodles to make sure they are soft and easy to chew.Click to see full answer. Simply so, when can I eat mac and cheese after wisdom teeth extraction?After Wisdom Tooth Removal. Get prescriptions filled. Eat soft foods after extractions for 3-5 days. Examples: Jell-O, pudding, yogurt, ice cream, applesauce, oatmeal, cream of wheat, eggs, mashed potatoes, or macaroni and cheese.Similarly, how long after wisdom teeth removal Can I eat normally? You should wait at least a week to eat any crunchy, chewy, or spicy foods. Avoid acidic foods that can irritate tissue and cause pain in the healing surgical sites. Recovering from wisdom tooth surgery can take anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks, but most people begin to feel better after about three days. Thereof, can I eat melted cheese after wisdom teeth removal? Cheeses: Soft or melted. Cottage Cheese: Mix with soft fruit or vegetables for a more filling food after dental surgery. Custard: Fresh from your kitchen (if you’re up to it), or ready-made from the store. Eggs: Scrambled or over easy eggs are ok to eat after dental surgery.Can I eat an omelette after wisdom teeth removal?And how long do you have to be on a soft food diet. Check out these tips: After a wisdom teeth extraction, you should stay on a soft food diet for about a week. Ideal soft foods after a wisdom teeth extraction include smoothies, juices, scrambled eggs, soups and yogurt.

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It’s understandable, given the fact that around 80% of the population are unable to maintain their wisdom teeth – that the phrase “what to eat after wisdom teeth are removed?” is a very popular search term on Google.
In fact, it’s one of the most frequently asked questions we get asked as dentists. The answer, however, isn’t as simple as reeling off a whole list of foods or ingredients. On the contrary, what may be good for one individual after wisdom teeth removal, isn’t necessarily good for another.

Moreover, there are several elements that can and do affect the type of food you eat after tooth extraction. So let’s take a closer look at those first…

It could be that you only have to undergo one simple extraction e.g. if the tooth is completely visible with no obvious complications. In this case, recovery time is likely to be speedy. Alternatively, you might need to undergo multiple wisdom tooth extractions which is likely to prolong any recovery time.

The complexity of your wisdom teeth removal

This was alluded to in the last paragraph, but not every tooth extraction is the same. Some are deemed to be quick and easy procedures – e.g. when the tooth has fully grown through and is visible. Others, however, can be more complex – e.g. when they have only partially broken through the gum, are undermining other teeth, are growing at an irregular angle or in an unusual position.


In people who naturally have difficulty in fighting off infection, wisdom teeth removal may also mean a ton of antibiotics. Some antibiotics, however, can cause side effects including diarrhoea and nausea. Certain foods like spicy foods or caffeinated drinks can exacerbate these symptoms further, so in these instances they may best be avoided altogether.

So now you know how individual circumstances can affect what to eat after wisdom teeth are removed, let’s take a closer look at the foods you can and should eat following wisdom teeth removal.

It’s worth pointing out that many of these foods are also ideal for those who have undergone periodontal surgery, but as suggested, each surgery and each person is different so it’s important to follow your dentist’s post-op instructions closely.


Vegetables, particularly the green variety, are extremely good for aiding recovery. Foods like steamed tender stem broccoli, kale and spinach contain a myriad of vitamins and nutrients which can speed up the recovery process. Other vegetables like soft butternut squash, steamed carrots or mashed potato are also easy on the jaw and are ideal in the early days after wisdom teeth removal.


Can you eat macaroni and cheese after wisdom teeth removal

Of course, the key to any speedy recovery process is staying hydrated so try to drink plenty of water. Avoid heavily acidic drinks like orange juice for several days after undergoing wisdom tooth extractions. They may cause a burning sensation in some cases. Drinks like smoothies and protein drinks are also good for recovery but avoid drinking through a straw as any sucking motion can cause damage to the surgical site.

You also want to avoid heavily carbonated drinks and alcohol until you are fully recovered as they can also have a detrimental effect on the healing process. Hot drinks such as coffee and tea can be taken, but only when the mouth has begun to recover.


After wisdom teeth removal you may want to partake in a bowl of pasta. Pasta is normally good but only when cooked until very soft – avoid anything ‘al dente.’ In addition, try to avoid tomato-based sauces as they are acidic and may cause discomfort to the extraction site. Although not quite pasta, foods like Ramen noodles are also acceptable when taken alongside a broth – do be mindful that anything too hot can also cause problems at any wisdom tooth extractions’ site, so tepid is the way to go until your recovery is further advanced.

Soups and smoothies

Both soups and smoothies are nutrient-rich and will balance out many of the high sugar options such as jelly and ice cream. So these should make up the majority of your food intake, particularly in the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. As stated earlier, however, do watch the temperature.

Dairy products

Foods like natural yoghurts and cottage cheese are also great for providing calcium to aid that all-important bone healing and as far as texture goes, they’re soft enough to be manageable. If you love eggs, then softly scrambled is the way to go. Milk is also good but even better when incorporated into oatmeal to give you an energy boost.


Crisp green apples are off the menu for a few weeks after your wisdom teeth removal at least, but what about other fruits? Anything stewed is always good, so fruits like plums, pears and apples are ideal, just watch the sugar content. Bananas are good but preferably in soft or mashed form or even frozen and mashed as a healthy ice cream alternative.

Try to avoid store-bought canned fruits that contain lots of sugar. Seedless berries are good when pureed with milk in a milkshake but avoid seeded fruits like strawberries and raspberries where the seeds can get lodged in the extraction site. Avocados are an excellent source of potassium (even more so than bananas) and can also help speed up the recovery process after wisdom teeth removal – The best way to eat them is when soft – guacamole style!

Fish and meat

While you may want to avoid chewy steak, if you want to get in your meat fix, then well-cooked finely ground beef or turkey is a great source of protein. Alternatively, any soft flaky fish can also be eaten – just watch out for any bones which can become lodged in the tooth extraction site.

So there you have it…what to eat after wisdom teeth are removed and what you need to avoid.

Get in touch with us

Remember, if you’re considering undergoing wisdom teeth removal or already have an appointment and are feeling a little apprehensive, contact any one of our No Gaps Dental teams. We take the time to address any concerns or worries you might have and answer any questions, giving you a better understanding of the whole process leading to peace of mind.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.

Can you eat mac and cheese after wisdom teeth out?

Mac and cheese and other soft noodle dishes are comforting and perfect for recovery. A hearty bowl of macaroni and cheese is American — and Canadian — comfort food that is also ideal for oral surgery recovery after the first couple of days.

Can I have macaroni after tooth extraction?

Pasta is a great choice as a surgery recovery food. But no al dente after the dentist. Cook pasta until it's soft and a little bit mushy for ease of eating. Pasta serves as a great base for many types of blended sauces.

Can I eat cheese its after wisdom teeth removal?

Cheese. Cheese can also be a good source of probiotics, so if you're looking to snack on something, soft cheese is a great option. You should be able to swallow small pieces, and shredded cheese is a great addition to any meal you may be eating throughout your recovery.