How to use fruit dehydrator

In an era when the Instant Pot is the hottest kitchen gadget, a food dehydrator seems like the humble tortoise to the pot's rapid, hare-like qualities. But, just like in Aesop's fable, the humble dehydrator takes its time and gets the job done — often coaxing more depth of flavor and complexity from ingredients that super-fast prep might allow.

A food dehydrator is a great tool for folks for having lots of produce from a home garden, but limited freezer space. It's much easier method than canning, and even though it takes a long time to get to your final product, almost none of that time requires fussing from you. Finally, if you don't want to run up your energy bill or tie up your oven for hours at a time, a food dehydrator might be a good fit for your kitchen.

If you're new to the world of dehydrating, remember that it's a very simple process. Just keep these pointers in mind:

  • Start with fresh, clean, and dried food. You want to begin the process with the best product possible, to help you get the best results in the end.
  • Cut food into uniform pieces. This ensures everything dehydrates evenly and at the same time.
  • Check back often. Because the dehydrator works so slowly, you'll have plenty of time to realize when the food is finished dehydrating. Unlike with canning or baking, everything stops the minute you turn the machine off. 
  • If your goal is to create shelf-stable food, dehydrate thoroughly. To test, put a small portion of the food in a lidded glass jar. If it fogs up, the food still contains too much moisture. 
  • Season lightly and taste frequently. If you're making something like kale chips, use a light hand with salt and other seasonings, as they'll become more concentrated as you go.

It works by using low heat and a constantly blowing fan to remove moisture from food, resulting in more shelf-stable products. The good news is that while the moisture goes away, the flavor stays right where it is, so dehydrated foods often deliver a big punch in a tiny amount of space.

You can dehydrate just about anything, including meat (beef, salmon, or turkey jerky), vegetables (beet chips, kale chips, or sun-dried tomatoes) and fruit (banana chips, apple chips, or fruit leather). You can even use your dehydrator to make dog biscuits and other pet treats that will be a big hit with furry friends. And because this appliance pulls out moisture rather than adding heat, dehydrators have made a resurgence with those following a raw food diet.

If you dehydrate it right (and all moisture is gone), dehydrated food can last up to a year. For food that's dehydrated and then sealed in vacuum bags, it could last for many years more.

All dehydrated food should be dry and stored in clean containers in a cool, dark location to extend their shelf life. Always look at a food before you eat it, and if there are signs of mold or anything that seems "off," discard it.

But for things that people still like to have a bit chew, such as dried tomatoes, many folks will keep things in the freezer even after dehydration. If you dried them to the point of shelf stability, they'd be too brittle.

Check out these recipes to get started using your dehydrator right away.

Jerky Lover's Jerky — Sweet, Hot, and Spicy: "If you love hot and sweet, we're confident this will be your favorite," says recipe creator DIXYCHIK. "An ultimate treat for family outings, sporting events, camping, or hiking trips. Pineapple juice is the key that ties all the flavors together."

Raw Cashew Cheesy Kale Chips: "This is the most addicting healthy snack in the world," says Amanda Nicole Smith, who describes it as "crunchy, cheesy goodness that is not only vegan but also raw. She has shared the recipe with friends and family and reports that "they instantly fall in love … now they're making their own and sharing with me."

Doc's Best Beef Jerky: This highly rated recipe is a go-to choice for jerky lovers, campers, and hikers. Doc the WV Gourmet says, "I have been making jerky for years. Everyone who has tried this recipe says it is the 'best jerky' they have ever had!"

Dehydrated Beet Chips: Crispy and colorful, these beet chips are a better-for-you alternative to potato chips. "Try playing with the flavors of these chips: smoked bacon salt? sesame-tamari? Anything goes," says cameal.

Apple Chips: "These yummy cinnamon apple chips will disappear almost as quickly as you make them," says walkerkr. "They're perfect for healthy snacks and easy to take on the road."

bowl of homemade dried apple chips

How to use fruit dehydrator

Sun-Dried Tomatoes II: If you have an abundance of produce, the dehydrator can help you with creating a winter's worth of powerful flavor bombs you'll use all winter long. "Whenever I make soup or stew, I throw in a handful, and they taste like they were just picked," says Jim Lawler.

Peanut Butter Buckwheat Cereal: Even cereal can get a makeover when it's made in the dehydrator. This four-ingredient recipe is low-fructose and low-FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols).

bowl of homemade buckwheat cereal

Cheesy Flax Crackers: Inspired by her childhood love of Cheez-It crackers, RachelRaw created this tangy, cheesy version in which flaxseed and cashews take the place of flour, oil, or egg.

Related: Get more recipes for homemade jerky.

How to use fruit dehydrator

Dried apples, bananas, apricots, plums and fragrant strawberries all make for happy, healthy snacks that can be added to your breakfast muesli or eaten on the go.

Kids just happen to love them too!

The downside?

They are a luxury item, costing a small fortune when bought from the store, and they often contain sulfur dioxide as a preservative.

Sulfite sensitivity can be a problem for those with asthma, so it is best to steer clear of the big brands and always watch the ingredients.

To avoid sulfites in dried fruit, learn to dehydrate your favorites in the sun, the oven or dehydrator.

They may not last as long as conventionally produced snacks, but when you have a bag of cinnamon apple chips, how long are they really going to last anyway?

Once you know how to make your own, you can dehydrate a batch as often as you wish!

Dehydrating fruit is one of the most ancient ways to preserve food, having been discovered thousands of years ago. It is one of the best ways to prepare your favorite summer foods for long-term storage, outside of preserving jams, that is.

How To Make Sun-Dried Fruit

Using the power of the sun is the most low-tech, and low-cost, solution you can find for dehydrating fruits and vegetables. However, this only works in climates where the temperatures rise to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (30 Celsius) or more, so it is a location dependent way of dehydrating fruit.

It does produce the most flavorful results of any drying method, so if sun is what you have, use it!

The humidity level is also something to consider (the lower the better), there must be adequate air flow around the slices of fruit and it is beneficial if the sun shines much of the day.

Also note, that you will have to bring in the racks of fruit at night, and take them back out into the sun each morning, once the temperatures have risen. It takes anywhere from 2 to 6 days to sufficiently dry out a rack of fruit under the summer sun.

Equipment needed for sun drying fruit

Tempting as it may be to lay sliced fruit directly on a baking sheet and set it outside in the sun, this simply won’t do.

It may take a small investment to purchase or make your own drying racks, which are also suitable for vegetables and herbs – the ability to dehydrate your food is catching!

These multi-functional drying racks can be made from wooden slats, woven twigs, bamboo or a stainless steel mesh with a frame. Make sure that the metal is food-grade, not to leave toxic residues on the precious dried fruit.

This stainless steel drying rack is ideal for dehydrating your own fruits at home.

The best fruits to dry in the sun

  • Apricots
  • Tomatoes
  • Plums
  • Grapes (raisins)
  • Apples
  • Pears

Pretreating fruit for sun drying

Be thorough in washing all fruit, and always cut uniform slices to ensure that they dry as evenly as possible. In the case of pears and apples, you can soak them in fresh lemon juice or an ascorbic acid mixture to help them prevent from browning.

Remember to use cheesecloth or netting to keep flies, bees and other insects off the fruit while drying.

When it is nearly dry to your liking, move the racks to a more shaded area to prevent them from “cooking”.

How To Oven Dry Fruit

How to use fruit dehydrator

If the sun doesn’t happen to shine down upon your short dehydrating season, and you haven’t yet stumbled upon a dehydrator to get the task done, there is always the oven. And what a great job it can do!

Here it is possible to use the baking sheets you already own, no special equipment is needed, though parchment paper is a blessing, when it comes to removing the dried fruits from the pan.

Just as with sun drying, you first need to prepare your produce by thoroughly washing the ripe fruits or berries.

Pit what needs pitting, remove stems and seeds at the same time. Then cut the slices evenly thin, so they can all dry out in a similar time, making sure that the slices do not touch.

Oven temperatures for dehydrating fruit

Preheat your oven to its lowest temperatures, between 130-160 degrees Fahrenheit and place your baking tray full of fruit into the gentle heat.

More important than the temperature, however, is the airflow. If your oven has a fan, use it. If not, make sure to open the door frequently to let out excess moisture.

And be prepared to wait!

It will take several hours with minimal attention, keeping in mind that some fruits will need to be flipped a few times for the best results.

In general, it takes apples 6 to 10 hours to achieve that perfect crispiness you adore. Bananas take 2 to 3 hours to dehydrate in the oven at a slightly higher temperature of 225 F, and strawberries take 2 and a half hours at 200 F.

Ovens vary, so learning how to dehydrate fruit, does take some trial and error.

Using your oven as a dehydrator is the least energy efficient way to dry food, but if you are only making a few small batches a year, then it beats buying a bulky dehydrator, especially when you are not going to use it often.

Best fruits to dehydrate in the oven

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Cherries
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Bananas

How To Dry Fruit With A Dehydrator

How to use fruit dehydrator

If you really adore dried fruit and consume it year round, rather than on the random occasion, then a professional dehydrator may just be the gift for you!

There are an abundance of models to choose from, so think carefully about your dehydrating needs.

How much space do you have to share with a new appliance, how often will it be in use? Perhaps you could make extra dehydrated fruits for gifts. You could even consider selling your dehydrated foods as a way to make money from your homestead?

This is the most popular affordable dehydrator for those wishing to dabble with dehydrating. For the more serious dehydrators, this piece of kit is ideal.

With a dehydrator anything and everything is possible. Papayas, pineapples, lemons, limes, kiwis, no problem.

Benefits of dehydrated foods

  • Dried fruits take up little space
  • Perfect for travel as they are light weight and usually not very fragile
  • Takes neither freezer, nor refrigerator to store them (saves energy)
  • Ready-to-eat treats
  • Can be added to soups, salads, oatmeal or smoothies
  • Allows you to buy in season and save for later or to preserve your garden bounty.

7 Dehydrated Fruit Recipes

1. Dehydrated Blueberries

How to use fruit dehydrator

When it comes to blueberries, fresh is best, frozen is nice, yet when dried, they can make it feel like summer all year long. Dehydrating blueberries is super simple:

  1. Rinse organic blueberries and dry them thoroughly, the drier the better.
  2. To speed up the dehydration process, with the tip of a sharp knife, poke a small hole in each berry.
  3. Spread on trays with screens.
  4. Set your dehydrator to 135 F and leave for 24 hours or longer, until done.
  5. Store in an airtight container.

2. Dehydrated Watermelon

How to use fruit dehydrator

Watermelon candy is a sweet gift from nature.

Strips of “unwatery” watermelon are very curious things indeed. Use them as fruit tortillas for yogurt or devour them plain and simple. Once you try them, you will wish you would have made more

3. Fruit Leather

How to use fruit dehydrator

Fruit leather is the perfect snack for hiking (or taking a quick break on the homestead) and the opportunities for exciting flavors are absolutely endless.

These recipes include a fruit roll-up made with rhubarb, strawberries and honey; and another with blueberries, banana, chia seeds and dates. You might also try one with raspberries, peaches and honey. Which one will you try first?

4. Dehydrated Pineapple Chunks

How to use fruit dehydrator

Dehydrated pineapple chunks are health-affirming bites of tasty nutrition. Pineapples have anti-inflammatory properties and are rich in vitamin C, so they are a great snack to have on hand when you are feeling down.

Cut the fresh pineapple in 1/4 inch slices, set in the dehydrator trays and allow them to “bake” overnight.

5. Dehydrated Kiwi

How to use fruit dehydrator

Dehydrated kiwi chips might just be the next best snack food, perhaps mixed with some cashews, dried bananas and raw cocoa nibs. These can be dried in an oven or a dehydrator and are oh so easy to make. Just dried kiwi and nothing more!

6. Dehydrated Citrus Slices

How to use fruit dehydrator

Dehydrated citrus slices (lemons, limes and oranges) are slightly more bitter in dried form than fresh, though the amazing benefits of the citrus are still in there.

The beautiful dried fruit can be used in teas or lemonade, while the skins can be used in a healing citrus powder – perfect for those winter months when you need a little zest to get you through the darker days.

7. Dehydrated Pear

How to use fruit dehydrator

Pear chips are what you make when you have a bushel of pears. Now, you don’t want to wait till they are totally ripe, a little bit green is nice. Plain is perfect, though a dash of cinnamon or clove brings out the best in a pear chip.

Dehydrate your own fruit snacks at home

Rather than sneaking a cake or a cookie, how about grabbing a handful of apple crisps instead? It is better for your body, and also a plastic-free treat when you store your dehydrated fruit in glass jars.

Whether you are dehydrating apples, oranges or bananas the process is essentially the same.

Start with the best fruit you can find, wash it, cut it evenly, space the slices (untouching) on your dehydrator racks or baking sheets and wait till the time is right to remove them from the heat.

It is all a matter of time, moisture and temperature combined with patience that determines your success. If you don’t get it right the first time, try and try again. In the meantime, enjoy every sweet little bite.

When you have mastered the art of dehydrating fruits, next you can move onto vegetables, mushrooms and meats.

It is fun stuff, and that is a promise!

Please share your fruit dehydrating successes and failures with us in the comments below!

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How to use fruit dehydrator