When Major League Baseball officials failed to notice they had created conditions that encouraged players to use steroids?

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. Senate majority leader George Mitchell, who has been probing the use of steroids in Major League Baseball, will issue his highly anticipated report on Thursday, officials said on Wednesday.

A nine year-old boy practices his stance during a Los Angeles Dodgers steroid awareness clinic for kids from local little leagues before their National League baseball game against the San Francisco Giants in Los Angeles, California on August 2, 2007. Former Senate majority leader George Mitchell, who has been probing the use of steroids in Major League Baseball, will issue his highly anticipated report on Thursday, officials said on Wednesday. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

Mitchell, appointed in March 2006 by MLB Commissioner Bud Selig to head an independent probe to investigate the use of performance-enhancing drugs in the sport, is expected to reveal names of past and present players who used banned drugs.

A former prosecutor and judge, Mitchell, 74, will hold a 2 p.m. EST/1900 GMT news conference at a Manhattan hotel, a baseball official confirmed.

Selig will not attend Mitchell’s news conference but will hold his own media availability at 4:30 p.m./2130 GMT.

Mitchell spoke to all 30 major league teams but did not have subpoena power to require cooperation from players and other possible witnesses to doping.

The only active player known to have testified before the Mitchell committee was New York Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi, whom Selig threatened with suspension if he failed to cooperate after giving an interview with the newspaper USA Today in which he tacitly acknowledged having used steroids.

The Mitchell report is thought to be keyed to information gleaned from criminal investigations that have implicated major league players.

Former New York Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski agreed to cooperate as part of a plea deal with federal officials after his arrest for distributing banned drugs in the case involving the San Francisco-based BALCO lab.

The Mitchell report may also have been aided by the Albany, New York, District Attorney’s office, which is conducting a national investigation into the illegal sale of steroids and human growth hormone.

Speculation about doping in baseball intensified after a dramatic upsurge in home run hitting in the late 1990s.

In 1998, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa engaged in a rousing chase after the single-season home run mark of 61 set in 1961 by Roger Maris of the Yankees. McGwire ended up slugging 70 homers and Sosa belted 66.

Three seasons later former San Francisco Giants outfielder Barry Bonds hit 73 home runs to establish the current record.

Bonds is now facing trial on federal charges he lied to a grand jury in denying that he had knowingly used steroids.

______ is the interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding and managing people at work.

When Major League Baseball officials failed to notice they had created conditions that encouraged players to use steroids?

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When Major League Baseball officials failed to notice they had created conditions that encouraged players to use steroids?

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When Major League Baseball officials failed to notice they had created conditions that encouraged players to use steroids?
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