How to register as ceo after update

In this GTA Online guide, we're going over how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 - as well as how to become a VIP. Becoming a CEO of an organization in GTA Online has many benefits and opens up new ways to play GTA 5. The hard part is getting there in the first place.

CEOs have certain privileges that regular GTA Online players don’t. Advantages as a CEO in GTA Online include that you can bribe authorities to lower your wanted level, hide your organization members, and spawn vehicles for other members of your organization. You can also make a significant profit and drop items for your members for less money.

Sounds good? Let’s get right into it, then!

How to Become a CEO in GTA 5?

In order to be eligible to be a GTA Online CEO, you will first need some serious cash saved up. At least $1 million, to be more precise.

The first step on your path to fame and fortune starts with you buying an Executive Office. So, how do you register as a CEO in GTA 5 by buying an office?

To buy a CEO Office, open up your internet browser on your in-game phone or laptop, and look for the website called ‘Dynasty 8 Executive‘.

When you open up the website, there will be a few options available to you:

These are the 4 locations for the CEO office you can buy in GTA Online, from least to most expensive:

Once you’ve decided on the location of your office, you’ll be taken to a customization menu, with the following options:

  • Decor
  • Personnel
  • Organization name
  • Gun locker
  • Safe
  • Accommodation

Congratulations! You’ve started a serious business and the savings have paid off.

It’s time to pay a visit to your office. Once you arrive, your secretary will greet you, and you’ll be given a tour around the workplace. After that, you can proceed to your office.

There will be a computer on your work desk. If you sit down and log in, you will automatically be registered as a CEO. There will be a notification on your screen once you log out of your computer. So this is how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 Online.

How to Register as a CEO in GTA 5: The Fast Way

Once you acquired an office, there is a much faster method to become a CEO in GTA Online from that point on:

If you can’t make it to your office at the moment, or just can’t be bothered, there’s another way of registering as a CEO. We’ll tell you how to become a CEO in GTA 5 without being required to go anywhere.

Simply open up your Interaction Menu, then go to SecuroServ. Inside the menu, you’ll see the option saying ‘Register as a CEO.’ Just click on it and you’re done!

There may be players who’ve been in the game for a while but haven’t used the interaction menu. That said, here’s how to open the interaction menu in GTA 5:

  • PC: press the ‘M’ button
  • PS4 and PS5: press and hold the touchpad
  • Xbox: press the ‘View’ button

How to Register as a VIP in GTA 5?

If you're wondering how to register as a CEO in GTA 5, you might also be interested in how to become a VIP in GTA 5. After all, VIPs and CEOs are frequently mentioned together.

In fact, there’s even some confusion among players - Are GTA 5 CEO and VIP the same thing? We don’t blame you. After all, the process of registering as a VIP is identical to the CEO one.

To register as a VIP, open up the Interaction menu, find SecuroServ, and register your organization.

So then, what’s the difference between a VIP and a CEO? The VIP registration only requires you to have $50,000 in your account, and you don’t need to own an office.

That’s the upside. The downside is that a VIP only lasts 4 real-time hours, in free mode. VIPs can still hire bodyguards and go on missions, so it’s still profitable.

Additionally, VIPs don’t have all the same perks and options that CEOs have. There’s also a waiting period after a player’s VIP status expires before they can become a VIP again, making it less profitable in the long run.


Knowing how to register as a CEO in GTA 5, as well as how to register as a VIP, might not solve all of the dilemmas you have about this GTA Online status. So, we've answered the most important questions here:

Is it worth becoming a CEO in GTA V?

Absolutely. Yes, on one hand, it may cost significantly more than becoming a VIP, but CEO status gives players a lot more freedom and time to make money.

How does GTA CEO make money?

CEO players can hire associates and perform different heists and missions - the same ones that VIPs can, but CEOs are not under a time limit. These missions include Headhunter, Sightseer, Hostile Takeover, etc.

What is the difference between VIP and CEO in GTA Online?

Becoming a CEO or VIP in GTA Online is similar but not the same.

The VIP registration only requires you to have $50,000 in your account, while to become a CEO you need to buy an office.

VIP status is limited to 4 real-time hours, while CEO is not time-limited. CEOs have all the perks that VIPs have, and much more. If you need help on how to register as a CEO in GTA 5, all the steps are outlined above.

VIPs can still hire bodyguards and go on missions, so it’s still profitable.

How much money do you get for being a CEO in GTA 5?

Becoming a CEO in GTA 5 opens up a lot of doors for making serious money. Players can make upwards of $100,000 an hour by doing heists and missions.

Becoming a CEO in GTA Online: Final Thoughts

Now you know how to register as a CEO in GTA 5, as well as how to become a VIP. This status will grant you some amazing in-game perks and long-term money prospects.

Good luck on your GTA Online CEO journey!

In this guide, you will come to know how to fix Can’t Register as a CEO, VIP, or MC President in GTA 5 Online

You will need to open your interaction menu in the game, then scroll down, and you will find two options SecuroServ and Motorcycle Club, as shown in the image below.  

How to register as ceo after update

Click on it, and you will get the options to become the motorcycle club president or register yourself as CEO. If the session you are playing in reaches the max, you can’t become a CEO; you have to wait for someone to leave the seat to become one.

How to register as ceo after update

You cannot become a motorcycle club president and CEO simultaneously, so you have to retire as a CEO and become the president of a motorcycle club.

How to register as ceo after update

Rockstar Games has come up with a CEO registration for GTA Online. There have been so many demands online from game players on how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 online. Just in the same manner the demands were made, many answers have also poured in as well. But from popular opinion, the responses to the demands or answers are not that satisfactory.

I have taken it upon myself to ensure that the appropriate response to these requests is dished out properly. As a game player, one of the status you want to attain is to become a CEO. This has nothing with whether you are an experienced game player or a newbie.

The goal is to become a CEO. It begins with you! It begins with you by taking a bold step to learn how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 online. This article will do justice to that.

How to register as ceo after update

Requirements for becoming a CEO

Before you venture into how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 online, you need to consider your Maze Bank balance. You will require a large volume of dollars in your bank account.

The minimum you are required to have as your bank balance is about one million dollars. This is a major requirement if you must register as a CEO. When you assume the status of a CEO, it will be a landmark achievement for every game played. It is something to watch and look forward to.

There are so many privileges associated with becoming a CEO in the GTA virtual world. Once this is achieved, you are just an inch closer to becoming a CEO in GTA Online.

Benefits of Becoming a CEO

In your quest to know how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 online, you also need to come to the full awareness of what benefit you stand to get when you are lucky to finally become a CEO. Let us have a cursory look into the gains that will be available for the new CEO “in town.”

Aside from your existing benefits, when you become a CEO, you will be entitled to extended benefits. There will be no cool-down period as CEO. In the same vein, the requirement of a Maze Bank balance will not count for you when you finally become a CEO.

When you assume the role of a CEO, purchasing properties like warehouses and offices will unlock new vehicles for your use. If you were a VIP or a bodyguard before and you eventually become a CEO, all your existing benefits will then be carried over.

How to register as ceo after update

How to Register as a CEO

We have come to the critical stage in how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 online. The very first step that you will need to register as a CEO is to buy an executive office. You must have an executive office as a CEO. The minimum account balance that can purchase the executive office is about one million GTA Dollars.

To purchase an executive office, simply navigate to the Dynasty 8 Executive website. On the website, four office options will pop-up:

  • Maze Bank West: this is priced $1,000,000
  • Arcadius Business Center: this is priced $2,250,000
  • Lombank West: this is priced $3,100,000
  • Maze Bank Tower: this is priced $4,000,000

After purchasing an executive office, you may decide to customize the office with items like gun locker, a safe, a living quarters and a lot more. You are also privileged to hire and fire. But you can hire an executive assistant to help in taking care of your daily office activities.

Now, in order to complete the registration, then navigate to the “Interaction Menu” and thereafter select “SecuroServ”. Select “Register as a CEO”. After this, you have officially become a CEO.


Every game player must aspire to get to the level of becoming a CEO as it is one of the gaming heights in the GTA world. It is of my opinion that this article has been able to explore and explain in plain and clear terms, the procedure that is involved in getting to know how to register as a CEO in GTA 5 online.

A lot of privileges are associated with becoming a CEO. You may also decide to recruit a Business Associate.