What are different methods used for training of employees?

What are different methods used for training of employees?

It’s a truth universally acknowledged: Well-trained employees are more satisfied and more productive than those who are not. Given how important training can be for an employee’s day-to-day success, managers must take care when designing training courses and modules. There are many exciting training options for learners to explore – it’s hard not to get caught up in the latest trends and technologies.

Different training methods have different strengths and drawbacks, of course. By understanding the options available to your and your team, you can begin considering the best fit for your needs. Here are five of the most popular employee training methods – and why you should consider implementing each one.

1. Classroom Learning

There’s a reason why traditional instructor-led training is such a classic: the method allows for constant back and forth between trainers and trainees. Questions are addressed that might go unanswered in other types of employee training, and participants can bounce ideas and concepts off of one another. So long as energy remains high, learners stay engaged throughout the entire process. While other forms of training might be more technologically advanced, there’s something to be said for the magic of in-person, collaborative learning opportunities.

Of course, classroom learning isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Some learners may find traditional sit-and-get style training boring. There’s also the matter of venues, travel, and catering. Classroom learning can become expensive, fast. Still, this classic form of staff training is unlikely to lose popularity any time soon – the benefits simply outweigh most of the drawbacks.

2. eLearning

Virtual learning has become more prevalent in recent years, for obvious reasons. We’re all constantly on our devices anyway, so this employee training method is a natural extension of our daily habits. This kind of learning style is ideal for self-paced trainings; without an in-person facilitator guiding learners through each session, employees can take their time with the material. The real benefit to eLearning is its scalability, though. Any number of people can take online workplace training at once, making it easy to roll out content for an entire company’s workforce.

eLearning doesn’t come without its share of challenges. The graphics and visuals that make up computer-based training can age quickly, so keeping things updated is critical. And since most eLearning training is completed without supervision, it can be hard to know how engaged with the content employees really are. You may want to supplement eLearning with surveys, quizzes, or additional evaluation tools to gauge its impact and drive completion.

3. Hands-On Training

Some people learn best by doing. Hands-on training allows learners to jump straight into the practical skills necessary for a given role. It’s an ideal way to train someone for a new position or to prepare them for new responsibilities. By participating in theoretical activities and applying them to their current role, learners can develop the muscle memory necessary for all kinds of duties and responsibilities.

Hands-on staff training can be overwhelming for some individuals, so it’s important to keep an eye on the progress of your learners. It may be worthwhile to pair more experienced employees with newer folks, allowing newbies to gain important context before diving into an activity on their own. Shadowing can be beneficial for the more experienced partner, too – there’s no better way to reinforce ideas and procedures than by showing others how it’s done.

4. Mentorship

Structured forms of the curriculum will always have their place in the world of employee training, but alternative methods are gaining in popularity. Mentorship programs can do wonders in supporting and training new employees. By pairing them with a more senior staff member, you’ll help foster relationships while also making them feel supported and welcomed. It’s ideal for employees who may not feel comfortable speaking up and asking questions in traditional classroom settings.

The one drawback of mentorship programs? They take a lot of time to implement the right way. Mentoring can be incredibly costly in terms of employee hours, and if your more senior staff are reluctant to take on more responsibility, the relationship may feel forced. So long as there’s buy-in from both mentor and mentee, though, this form of workplace training can prove successful.

5. Role-playing

Acting out potential work scenarios is another effective training method for employees. Role-playing provides a controlled setting for new and experienced staff members alike to practice handling difficult situations. Especially useful for those in customer-facing roles, role-playing activities give people the opportunity to think on their feet while examining different perspectives.

Not everyone enjoys being the center of attention, even in role-playing scenarios. While the practice may seem low-key to some, the idea of acting out a scene with colleagues is enough to send some learners cowering in the back of the classroom. Play to the strengths of your team and never force someone’s participation. Doing so could backfire and cause negative associations with that particular aspect of training.

Choosing The Right Training for Your Team

At World Manager, we know there’s no single employee training method that will work for all learners. For organizations to truly thrive, management must constantly work to develop the talents and skills of their employees. This is often dependent on finding the right training method – or a blend of several. If you’re eager to explore your options and want a learning management system that can help you manage your training methods in one place, World Manager is the answer. Reach out today for a demo!

Disclaimer: This information is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor World Manager will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this information.

A company that invests in workplace training invests in its own success.

With technology evolving every day, employees expect their companies to be able to provide them with regular, relevant training programs to keep them informed of the newest industry procedures, procedures and technology.

The need for different types of training and development has never been greater than in this era of talent disparities and sophisticated technology. These training strategies can improve the employee performance and productivity while also training them for the challenges that the future will demand of them. This is most likely why businesses have devoted their entire focus to continuous staff training with different types of training methods, investing as much as $87.6 billion in 2018.

Unfortunately, just 34% of these businesses believe that training employees is helpful. As a result, as the industry evolves, Learning and Development professionals must understand how to make their programs successful. And the first step to that is to select the best employee training methods.

Why is Employee Training Important?

Technological advancements, changes in workplace procedures, and shifting strategies expose where employers and employees do not align rather than where they do.

So, what is the solution to this mismatch?

The answer lies in business owners’ assessment and practical training to teach their employees information and develop work skills. It also assists managers in determining what each employee should know and be capable of to become more productive and valued.

When a firm invests in an organized, efficient employee training software and systems, it helps guarantee that employees learn regularly. Finally, this develops their knowledge and skills, prepares them for more extensive work responsibilities (and maybe advances), and indicates that they are valuable employees in the company. 

As a result, business owners will realize the value of employee training, including lower production costs, less time spent rectifying errors, and safer, more inclusive workplaces.

According to research, organizations that provide training to their employees have lower turnover than companies that do not have adequate training for employee programs.

Top 10 Types of Training Methods for Employees and its Benefits in 2022

Employees’ training methods come in different forms and sizes, and the diversity is expanding with each passing year. This implies that each team, department, and business can select the best methods for training new employees and existing employees based on their specific requirements.

Let’s look at the top 10 different types of training and their benefits. 

1. Instructor-led Training

Instructional-led Training (ILT) is the training process whereby an instructor leads the training for a group of candidates and an individual. ILT can be carried out both in person or on through the internet. However, the most crucial thing is that the candidates have immediate access to the instructor for feedback and discussions.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of Instructional-led Training are:

  • It is an extremely successful technique of staff training, particularly for complicated topics
  • Instructors can address particular employee queries or point them toward more useful resources
  • It allows highly trained teachers to tailor the training level and style
  • It enables the development of relationships between the trainer and the trainee
  • Fosters relationships among the employees who are undergoing training together

2. Online Training

Online training, also known as eLearning, is now among the most widely used methods for training employees efficiently. This training method can include online webinars, course videos, etc. and is delivered through online videos, assessments, and courses. Employees may complete their training either through their smartphones or on workplace PCs.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of Online Training are:

  • It’s one of the simplest forms of employee training to implement across more significant populations
  • Works for employees who work remotely or have a high turnover rate
  • Employees can undertake training anywhere and at any time
  • It may also help keep your staff involved in the training by using interactive games, exams, films, activities, or even gamified components

3. On-The-Job Training

On-the-job or hands-on training focuses on the fundamental skills required for the job. This training strategy is immediately put to use by recruits. In some circumstances, incorporating an employee shadowing component may be helpful. This will help prospective recruits understand the context and what their job needs before doing it independently.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of On-The Job Training are:

  • One of the most effective succession planning training options
  • Because employees are thrown into the deep end, this form of training can result in quick learning

4. Interactive Training

Interactive training includes group activities, exercises, games, quizzes, evaluations, and anything else that keeps employees engaged in the learning process. These employee training techniques ensure that staff are present throughout the training process. When people are involved in the employee training process, they are motivated and see the genuine worth of their training.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of Interactive Training are: 

  • Employees can make errors and learn from where they went wrong
  • It can help you engage more employees and adopt a more well-rounded approach
  • Allows employees to evaluate what they might have done differently and how an alternative course of action would have resulted in different outcomes
  • Learning is made more enjoyable with interactive training sessions

5. Training using Modern Methods

Employee training approaches have evolved in the modern workplace, where we have remote employees and employees from many cultures. So, how can we approach learning in such a complicated work environment? The answers lie in training using modern methods using the social learning and online training.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

a. Social learning

Social learning, which originated with Albert Bandura’s work in the 1970s, is typically characterized as learning from others through observing, imitating, and modelling their behaviour. Social learning may also be used as an intentional form of training.

Many conventional employee training approaches do not include social learning, mainly because it is more difficult to arrange, assess, and regulate. However, it may be pretty productive since people are pushed outside their regular tasks, gaining new views and problem-solving abilities.

b. Online training

Online training has become one of the most well-acknowledged answers to the problem of how to train employees successfully. Online employee training programs can include eLearning courses, webinars, and other media, and they allow employee training content to be delivered and assessed in a variety of ways.

Benefits of Training using Modern methods are:

  • It is efficient when training is required in different locations
  • Is it cost-effective due to the absence of travel costs
  • It’s easy to update  
  • It is believed to be effective for self-directed learning

6. Group Discussions and Activities

Group discussions and activities may be an excellent training choice for a specific group of employees. These discussions and exercises can be conducted by an instructor or supported by online prompts, then checked by a supervisor.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of Group Discussions and activities are:

  • It is best suited for situations that need a collaborative approach to complicated concerns
  • It allows several employees to attend at the same time
  • Employees train in an appropriate atmosphere for their existing departments or groups
  • Encourages innovations and allows for risk-taking

7. Leadership Training

Leadership training for your current leaders is a great approach to re-energize and reset their thinking. Leadership training for other employees, on the other hand, helps them better grasp their present positions and learn what it takes to become excellent leaders in the future.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of Leadership Training are:

  • Boost employee morale and retention
  • Encourage better decision-making
  • Make better teams
  • Enhance your leadership style

8. Simulation Employee Training

A computer, virtual reality or augmented reality equipment is the most often used technique of simulation training. Regardless of the initial expenditures for developing such software or technology, simulation training may be a necessary alternative for employees working in riskier or high-stakes areas. Simulation training is frequently used for pilots and physicians, but it may also benefit other employees.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of Simulation employee Training are:

  • The training is practical and dependable
  • Allows employees to grow regularly and at their speed.
  • Allow employees to tackle problems they will most likely encounter on the job.

9. Role-playing Training

Role-playing, like group discussions, allows employees to work through one part of their responsibilities in a controlled situation. This will challenge students to analyze multiple points of view and think on their feet while role-playing.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

This approach is often used with a trainee and a facilitator (or trainer), allowing each to act out several future job scenarios. Role-playing, like other group activities, is extremely useful yet may be unneeded for simple, uncomplicated themes.

The benefits of Role-playing Training are:

  • Works best in businesses that demand client or customer connection 
  • Allows staff to practise dealing with challenging circumstances
  • It helps develop soft skills

10. Case studies or other required Reading

Case studies may be the best employee training tool for developing analytical and problem-solving abilities. Trainees are presented with actual or imaginary scenarios that illustrate ordinary workplace circumstances. Employees are then required to examine the problem separately or in groups and develop perfect solutions and scenarios.

What are different methods used for training of employees?

The benefits of Case Studies Training are:

  • Helps develop analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Enables employees to manage tasks better
  • Employees are more engaged in what they are learning


Training is no longer a one-time affair. Companies must continually upgrade their employee’s skills and foster workplace training to survive and prosper. As a result, a range of employee training approaches will benefit most circumstances.

You can guarantee that your staff’s skills and talents will improve, which will raise the organization’s revenue while also ensuring a competent and well-trained workforce.

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