Why no caffeine after bariatric surgery

At Bariatric Mexico Surgery, we are committed to providing assurance and clarity to all bariatric patients. Therefore, with our bariatric experts’ aid, such as the most prestigious bariatric surgeon in Tijuana, Dr. Fernando Garcia, and our extraordinary bariatric nutritionist, Linda Cardona, we can help you understand clearly what to expect after bariatric surgery. For example, it is vital that you know all the changes you have to implement after a Mexico weight loss surgery, and your body will adjust and respond to common foods and drinks such as caffeine.

One of the most common questions bariatric patients frequently ask us is this: why should I avoid caffeine after Mexico weight loss surgery? We will answer it through facts provided by our bariatric experts and the official bariatric medical organizations. Our primary objective in doing so is to help have the best preparation for your fantastic pop-bariatric procedure lifestyle. This, of course, is not achieved by only giving you excellent articles like this one. The best way to ensure weight loss success and help your body heal, not only from the bariatric procedure but from a life filled with complications due to obesity, is by sticking closely to the follow-up instructions and care provided by Linda Cardona, our wonderful bariatric nutritionist.

Why Caffeine After Bariatric Surgery Is Risky

Decades of research and experience have led world-class bariatric experts and the best bariatric surgeons in Mexico to conclude that all bariatric patients must avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks after their procedure, especially in the first few months. Of course, this does not mean that you will have to avoid them altogether for the rest of your life. But we want to help you understand why caffeine after bariatric surgery is risky.

Regardless of the bariatric procedure that you choose to undergo, the fact is that a bariatric patient’s body will change drastically the way it processes or digests food and drinks. Some particular procedures, such as gastric bypass in Mexico, have malabsorptive components, meaning that in order to provide fast weight loss results, the nutrient absorption is severely limited. Consequently, the bariatric nutritionist will ensure that the post-op diet gives priority to proper nutrient absorption. However, when a bariatric patient drinks beverages containing caffeine, it reduces the body’s natural ability to absorb the nutrients it requires of vital processes.

On the other hand, all bariatric experts and our bariatric nutritionist cannot stress enough the importance of excellent hydration in the short and long-term after Mexico weight loss surgery. As you may well know, coffee and caffeinated beverages are diuretics, which means that it makes a person urinate frequently. Nonetheless, too much urination can lead to dehydration, which is a dangerous risk in bariatric patients.

Side Effects of Too Much Caffeine

Besides dehydration and nutrient absorption reduction due to caffeine intake, there might be other side effects that can potentially cause patients to feel discomfort.  For example, bariatric patients have reported increased acid reflux (GERD) after drinking coffee. Besides, it may provoke other digestive problems, including diarrhea and vomiting. Indeed, these are commonly uncomfortable issues to all people. Yet, in bariatric patients, it can lead to pops-op complications. Hence, they must be especially careful to follow the nutritional recommendations for patients undergoing bariatric surgery.

Another recommendation after Mexico weight loss surgery is to avoid food and beverages with acid content since they can potentially irritate the stomach. After bariatric surgery, the stomach is sensitive due to a significant reduction from gastric sleeve surgery or any other procedure that uses restrictive methods. Since caffeinated drinks are acid, it will be extremely beneficial to avoid them together with irritating food to prevent side effects such as gas, nausea, and vomiting.

It is vital to pay close attention to the labels of all beverages you intend to drink. First, avoid any that have explicit caffeine content in them. Second, keep in mind that caffeine often comes together with sugar and high-calorie beverages. Granted, remember this crucial fact when you are about to drink tea, flavored water, juice, soda, energy drinks, and even protein shakes.

In summary, these are the primary reasons to avoid caffeinated drinks after bariatric surgery:

  • To avoid losing essential nutrients
  • To stay hydrated
  • To prevent irritating your stomach
  • To prevent side effects and discomfort such as acid reflux, diarrhea, and vomiting
  • To avoid any complications shortly after a bariatric procedure
  • To ensure a quick recovery and fantastic lifelong results

Want to Drink Caffeinated Drinks After Bariatric Surgery? Follow These Tips!

How can you make sure that you are making wise choices when it comes to eating and drinking after Mexico weight loss surgery? First of all, ask our bariatric nutritionist when the best time is to incorporate some caffeine progressively in your diet. However, before you get to that point in your post-bariatric surgery life, drink plenty of clear fluids and water. One tip is to start infusing your water with fruits and herbs such as berries, peaches, mint, and basil. Later on, you can make fruit-flavored water or smoothies.

If you are one of those persons who thrive on having a hot beverage in the morning to start your day on the right foot, ask our bariatric nutritionist for recommendations of naturally caffeine-free herbal infusions or about how much decaf coffee can you drink at least one month after your bariatric procedure. You can still enjoy food and drinks while experiencing the phenomenal benefits of gastric sleeve surgery and other groundbreaking bariatric procedures. Additionally, you can add non-fat milk with fortified calcium to your hot beverages to add nutrients to it, such as calcium.

Above all, having the right nutrients in your meals is crucial to enjoy long-term weight loss benefits and ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. In fact, most people drink coffee for the energy boost it provides. Yet, they might now know that they can get the same energy only if they kept a healthy diet and exercise, both of which are essential after a weight loss surgery.

Drinks to Avoid or consume in moderate amounts:

  • Coffee
  • Soda
  • Caffeinated tea
  • Energy drinks
  • Caffeinated protein shakes
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Any high sugar or caffeine drinks

Alternatives to Caffeinated Drinks

  • Stick to plain water
  • Fruits and herb-infused water
  • Caffeine-free herbal teas
  • Warm apple cider (after at least one month)
  • Energizing natural smoothies
  • Caffeine-free protein shakes

Experience the Best Nutritional Post-Bariatric Care

This article provides a sample of the care and attentiveness that our fantastic bariatric nutritionist Linda Cardona provides to bariatric patients. Since she is a bariatric patient herself, she knows exactly how patients feel when he goes through the process of losing weight through our magnificent bariatric procedures. There is much more to know about our bariatric procedures that are perfect for your needs and expectations and the best nutritional post-bariatric care you will experience through Bariatric Mexico Surgery. So, call us today at (800) 316 8234 or email us at

References: American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery https://asmbs.org/, https://asmbs.org/patients/life-after-bariatric-surgery

Obesity Control Center https://obesitycontrolcenter.com/, https://obesitycontrolcenter.com/can-i-drink-coffee-after-weight-loss-surgery/

Caffeine has become a big part of the average person’s modern lifestyle, both from beverages we all know to be caffeinated, but also from the myriad of products that often contain hidden caffeine. Some forms include:

  • Coffee (even decaf)
  • Tea
  • Soda
  • Chocolate
  • Ice Cream and yogurt
  • Energy drinks
  • “Designer” waters
  • Protein bars
  • Pain relievers and more

While caffeine can offer a much needed energy boost in the morning or halfway through the day, it is not compatible with the bariatric surgery diet – at least not in significant quantities.  Ultimately, it causes several potential issues:

  • Caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it flushes water out of your system. Hydration is one of the most importance indicators of success after surgery. Not only does it help with energy and mood throughout the day, it can also promote weight loss. Patients that are chronically dehydrated have a harder time maintaining their weight loss.
  • Caffeine can affect mood, and withdrawal can be very uncomfortable for many patients and cause a cycle of increased caffeine intake over time.
  • Caffeine can be a stomach irritant, causing discomfort in the abdominal area which can, in turn, complicate early recovery after bariatric surgery.
  • Caffeinated food and drinks can cause weight regain. Many caffeinated drinks are also carbonated, which can cause stretching of the stomach pouch, and in turn, long-term weight regain. Caffeinated food and drinks are also often sweetened which, of course, can run counter to the new lifestyle patients have adopted.

We do not advocate for a complete abstinence from all of the foods and drinks that don’t comply with postsurgical instructions. We certainly understand that there are times when eating less-than-ideal foods are inevitable. However, especially in the first few months after surgery, we want patients to avoid caffeine whenever they can. Beyond that time, we encourage a conversation with our office to decide the best course of action for your individual circumstance. In the meantime, questions about caffeine can be answered at any follow-up appointments or at one of our monthly weight loss surgery support groups.