Why is my Nespresso Vertuo blinking orange

Because so many people rely on their daily cup of coffee, the last thing they want to deal with first thing in the morning is a Nespresso orange light that won’t operate. It may be challenging to figure out what’s causing this problem, especially when these coffee machines have so many different sophisticated pieces. 

Why is my Nespresso blinking orange?

Fortunately, a few typical Nespresso machine issues might be the source of these flashing lights. The following are the most popular troubleshooting solutions for fixing your Nespresso machine’s flashing lights.

What Is A Nespresso Machine and How Does It Work?


Each Nespresso Original espresso machine has its own design and setup, although they all function in the same way for the most part.

You just insert a suitable capsule into this series of Nespresso espresso machines and shut the machine. On the upper side, the pod is perforated three times. When you select your beverage size, the coffee machine will pump the appropriate water from the water tank to the capsule.

The hot water is pushed into the capsule at high pressure until the capsule’s wide, foil-covered side breaks, yielding rich, crema-topped espresso. No coffee grounds will get into your cup of coffee, thanks to a filter within the capsule.

Cleaning up is even easier than utilizing these single-serve brewers. Opening a Nespresso machine to insert a new capsule immediately ejects the old one into a waste receptacle.

Why is my Nespresso Vertuo blinking orange


It may seem impossible, but Nespresso has made its new VertuoLine Nespresso machines even easier to use.

With these Nespresso coffee makers, you don’t even have to push a button to choose your drink size. Each Vertuo capsule, on the other hand, is labeled with a barcode. When you close the machine after inserting the capsule, the brewer detects the barcode and adjusts the brewing conditions for that specific coffee.

Vertuo’s extraction technique is also considerably different from the Original Nespresso Line’s pressure-based technology, as the differing pod shapes demonstrate. The Vertuo Nespresso pods are dome-shaped, unlike the Original Line Nespresso capsules, fashioned like little cups.

Why is my Nespresso Vertuo blinking orange

This Nespresso coffee machine series injects hot water onto the flat top of the pod during brewing. After that, the pod is spun at 7000 rpm to infuse the water and ground coffee beans completely. Thanks to centrifugal force, it subsequently escapes through a succession of punctures around the capsule’s edge.

You may produce bigger coffees up to 14 ounces with the centrifuge mechanism, and your consumer will enjoy a richer coating of crema.

So now you may start to find out why Nespresso Vertuo Next blinking orange!

One of the most common causes of flashing lights on a Nespresso machine is mistakenly placed through the descaling procedure if a user notices that the lights are flashing rapidly. Unfortunately, this is most likely the case for lengthy periods, and the user should quit the descaling process by following the procedures below.

Why is my Nespresso Vertuo blinking orange

Hold down the flashing buttons to signal an issue for about six seconds or until the machine produces a clear beep. When this happens, the user may release the buttons, and the system should leave descaling mode on its own. If this does not work, the problem is either caused by a separate issue or is caused by something much more severe, requiring the user to seek expert assistance.

How To Fix Nespresso Blinking Light

Nobody wants to see that red light on their Nespresso machine! The majority of people believe this implies their Nespresso is broken. However, this is not the case. One of the most straightforward issues to resolve is red-light situations.

Why is my Nespresso Vertuo blinking orange

Rapid Red Light

The first thing you may do when encountering a Nespresso blinking red is pry the head open carefully. A dried-up capsule in your machine may cause the problem. You may also try the tried and true method of disconnecting your PC, unplugging it for 15-30 minutes before plugging it back in. Then, see what happens when you turn it on.

Slow Red Light

If you see Nespresso blinking red, remove any capsules from your Nespresso machine by opening it. Close the used pill container after emptying it.

Steady Red Light

Try shutting off and unplugging your machine from the power source. Allow 15-30 minutes for it to be unplugged. Your Nespresso, like modern equipment, may require a recharge. Try plugging it back in and turning it on after as long you choose to wait.

Twice Red Light And Constant Orange Light

Your machine is in perfect working order if you see Nespresso orange light! You’re now on the menu of special functions.

Twice Red Light And Clicking Noises

When you find your Nespresso blinking orange light twice, unplug your Nespresso machine and remove the capsules from the storage area. If you turn it over, some coffee grounds should fall out. In addition, coffee grounds might sometimes obstruct the tiny teeth that pierce your capsules.

A disc and the teeth that pierce the capsules should also be visible. Try spinning it around; it should spin freely. Clean it with a moist paper towel or something similar if it won’t spin. Turn it over and try it out when you can easily spin it with your finger.

How To Descale Your Nespresso

It’s simple to get rid of limescale if you follow our instructions. You may use a specific Nespresso descaling kit to descale your coffee machine. Of course, a universal descaling agent can be used as well.

Why is my Nespresso Vertuo blinking orange

Step 1: Use a Nespresso descaling kit

Wait for the lights on the Nespresso machine to cease flashing before turning it on. Next, 500 mL water and the descaling agent should be added to the tank. To capture the water, place a basin underneath the machine.

At the same time, press the buttons on your coffee machine for three seconds. Both lights will begin to flicker. Your Nespresso’s descaling program has begun. To begin flushing, press the button for a large cup of coffee (lungo).

Step 3: Begin the flushing procedure again

The water tank in your coffee machine will continue to flush until it is empty. So fill up the tank once more. Then, empty the water collection dish and replace it beneath the Nespresso. By pushing the lungo button, the flushing procedure can be restarted.

Step 4: Cleaning the Nespresso machine

Remove the machine’s water tank, cleanse it with clean water, and refill it. You’re merely using water now. Next, remove the water collection basin and empty it. Replace the tank and bowl, then flush the machine once more.

Your Nespresso has been descaled and is now totally clean. Press both buttons simultaneously for three seconds to switch off the descaling option. You may now use your coffee machine as usual.

Check out this video and the Nespresso official Youtube account if you still don’t know how to descale a Nespresso coffee machine on your own:


Why is my Nespresso blinking orange? The answer may vary, but sometimes, you may only need to reset it, like with other electrical equipment, to get it to operate again. Unfortunately, it may be a little more difficult to reset your Nespresso machine, depending on the model. Fortunately, we have a simple tutorial that can assist you in quickly resetting your Nespresso machine!

Further reading: 

  • Nespresso Red And Yellow Light
  • Why Does My Keurig Say Prime?