Why is my dog eating dirt all of a sudden

Barbara Fitzgerald is an AKC Breeder of Merit and author of the column "Conversations with Champions" for the BCSA magazine, "Borderlines."

Hound looking for some good dirt to eat.

By federico stevanin, Stock photo - image ID: 1001821

Why Do Dogs Crave Dirt?

When my dogs started eating dirt in the backyard last summer, I wondered why they suddenly craved clay. Wasn't it harmful to them? Was it a symptom of a nutritional deficiency or parasites?

My research on the subject turned up some surprising theories on geophagia, which is the clinical term for eating clay. (Scroll down for videos of humans and dogs engaged in serious geophagia).

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt?

Just like humans and other mammals, dogs may eat dirt for several reasons. They may be seeking additional nutrients, need a sedative for intestinal issues, or simply enjoy the flavor. It is interesting to note that soil frequently harbors parasites, and clay eating could create a cycle of parasitic infection. The dog or human eats the soil to sooth its intestines and simultaneously infects itself with parasites (whipworms, hookworms, and roundworms can be found in soil). If your dog is eating dirt, it’s a good idea to get a fecal exam done to eliminate parasites as the possible cause for soil eating. Of greater concern is the possibility of toxicity in the dog’s environment as a stimulus for dirt eating.

In trying to understand the cause of my dog’s clay eating, I reviewed the geophagia theories with an eye to my pet’s situation. None of them were pregnant, and fecal tests showed no parasites. They are very particular about the clay they eat. Not any old dirt will do; the clay they eat comes from one small hole in the backyard. Interestingly, their clay consumption, like that of many other dogs that appear in research, is seasonal. Their dirt eating begins in early spring and increases into midsummer. By fall, the clay consumption tapers off and through winter there is minimal interest in the clay.

We live in a suburban environment, where neighbors have services that routinely apply pesticides and fertilizer to the lawns throughout the neighborhood from spring until early fall, which appears to coincide with my dogs geophagia. The National Cancer Institute has linked commercial weed killers and pesticides to the increase of certain deadly cancers in canines such as hemangiosarcoma. It could be that my dogs, and other clay eaters in urban and suburban environments, are absorbing toxins from walks through their neighborhood and runoff into their yards. They then resort to clay eating to detoxify in the spring and summer months. Consuming clay under these circumstances would be an adaptive behavior, and one that I hope is successful for all canine clay eaters. Certainly if your dog has recently begun clay eating, investigate any changes you may have made with floor cleansers or in your yard maintenance. As for your neighbor, don’t begrudge her a spoonful or two of soil to finish off the day or spice up her potatoes.

Pica: A Southern Tradition

As it turns out, here in the South, there is a long tradition of human clay eating. Aficionados of clay claim that the flavor is a nice mix of bitter and sour. Some augment this taste sensation by toasting the soil and adding salt and vinegar to the baked earth. Southerners with a family tradition of geophagia will even ship bags of soil from favorite dig sites in the hometown area to their displaced relatives up North.

While geophagia has been practiced on all continents at various times in history, clay eating by humans in the United States carries a stigma. In fact, the DSM IV categorizes pica as an eating disorder, since excessive clay eating can cause intestinal blockages. Dog owners also cringe to see their pets wolfing down soil in the backyard. However, researchers have found that not only do dogs and humans engage in geophagia, but cats, parrots, buffalo, deer, fruit bats, other primates, in addition to a host of other mammals, engage in clay eating at various times in their lifecycles.

Three Theories to Explain Dirt Eating

Here are some ideas as to why dirt may be consumed.

1. An Attempt to Counteract a Nutritional Deficiency

Pica, the craving to consume something other than food, is typically associated with lower-income children and pregnant women in our society. In fact, geophagia in expectant mothers in Nigeria has been relied on for centuries as an indicator of pregnancy.

Given that growing children and expectant mothers have considerably greater nutritional needs, it has long been assumed that pica evidenced a nutritional deficiency. For example, expectant mothers in other areas of Africa, where calcium is readily available, do not resort to clay eating as their Nigerian counterparts do. Depending on your area, soil may contain nutrients not readily available in the local human and canine diets. Iron, calcium and sodium are found in many areas where clay abounds.

2. Some Clay Has Medicinal Properties

Kaolin, a white clay found here in Georgia, has the ability to stop diarrhea and stomach upset. It is so effective that it has been used in manufacture of Kaopectate, Rolaids, Maalox, and Mylanta. The anti-nausea properties of clay have been cited as a possible reason pregnant women tend to begin or increase their soil consumption. Some researchers theorize that clay soothes the digestive tract and counteracts morning sickness, hence the expectant mothers’ clay diets. But other researchers have begun looking at the origins of morning sickness as key piece of the puzzle of clay cravings.

3. An Adaptive Behavior to Bind Toxins

Clay has the additional, extraordinary ability to bind itself to toxins and help eliminate them from the system unabsorbed. Clay has long been used in health spas and mud baths for external detoxification, and early Greek and Eastern medical practitioners used it internally to detoxify patients. In fact, clay is still in use as a condiment on bitter, slightly toxic potatoes in South America and New Mexico. The toasted clay is sprinkled onto the potato dish where it will bind to the toxins in the potato, allowing the potato dish to become nutritious and non-toxic.

Following this line of reasoning, researchers have suggested that as the expectant mother’s body draws on its internal resources to support the growing baby, it also draws out stored toxins stored in body fat. The toxins then cause nausea, the body’s attempt to rid the system of the toxins by vomiting. Cravings for clay and the subsequent consumption of the clay effectively eliminates the toxins from the system. Additionally, much in the same way the South Americans used dirt to detoxify their potatoes, clay consumption may also serve to bind food born bacteria and viruses that would be harmful to the mother and developing fetus. It appears that clay eating is frequently an adaptive behavior, and perhaps not always an eating disorder, as it has been characterized in the DSM IV.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.


Barbara Fitzgerald (author) from Georgia on June 30, 2013:

Thanks sgbrown. I am still learning HP ways and just now saw your comment! As delicious as my dogs seem to find the clay here, I must agree with you. It holds no attraction for me.

Sheila Brown from Southern Oklahoma on April 17, 2013:

Another very interesting hub! Our soil is very heavy in clay where we live and we have noticed our dogs eating dirt from time to time. I have wondered if there is a mineral in the soil that their body was craving. As of yet, I have not found myself wanting to join in. I found all your information very interesting. Voting up and interesting. :)

Adrienne Farricelli on April 11, 2013:

Catchy title! I was intrigued by it and had to stop by and read it. I didn't know kaolin was made of white clay. Voted up~!

Barbara Fitzgerald (author) from Georgia on April 08, 2013:

Thanks peachpurple! Spring is here and my dogs are enjoying the clay a little more!

peachy from Home Sweet Home on April 07, 2013:

really/ I thought doggies were playing with the dirt, you know trying to scrap off ants that bite his snout... Awesome hub! Voted up

Barbara Fitzgerald (author) from Georgia on March 14, 2013:

Thanks Kelly! I'll have some dirt to celebrate - Cheers!

Kelly from New England on March 14, 2013:

Very interesting! I voted up!

Dogs are active pets that love to run, bark, and play with anything they can find.

They are notorious for eating any food they can find, even if it is not food!

They will eat things such as mud or dirt just because they smell good enough in their minds.

If your dog only eats dirt, then he might have geophagia which is the practice of eating nonfood items like soil and clay.

One of the most common reasons an older dog might eat dirt is that they lack essential nutrients. Pets need a diet rich in protein and fat to keep their coat healthy, but pet owners often compromise on quality ingredients because of budget constraints.

This can lead to hair loss, dry skin, and a weakened immune system – all symptoms that could prompt your old dog to turn towards eating dirt as an alternative source for these minerals. 

Your old dog could have gone through painful experiences in the past that made him develop the habit, or he could be developing mental problems.

It can also be brought about by an underlined pathology, mineral deficiency, or gastric upset.

This blog post will discuss the reasons behind your pet’s sudden desire to eat dirt and how you can stop them from doing so without having to resort to force-feeding or punishment.

Four Reasons Why Your Dog Loves Eating Dirt 

1. Nutritional Deficiency 

Your old dog finds dirt to be appetizing because the diet you’re giving him lacks the nutrients needed in his body.

Eating dirt is a pica disorder which is a state in which dogs eat things other than food.

This usually occurs when a dog’s body is mineral deficient or is suffering from nutritional imbalance.

Says Carol.

Dry dog foods lack the essential nutrients a dog needs to be happy and healthy, while some brand flavors are too plain and boring to your dog.

Nutritional deficiencies can be due to an underlined medical concern. If the deranged appetite persists, consider a diet change and seek guidance from your veterinarian.

2. Underlying Health Problem

Eating dirt is an indicator of serious medical conditions that your old dog is going through, such as anemia or liver disease.

Anemia in old dogs results from inflammations in the bowel, which causes bleeding along with the bowel and chronic wounds.

This decreases the absorption of essential B vitamins.

Dogs with this condition tend to eat dirt to get more minerals to help deal with the anemia.

Other causes of anemia include:

  • Bleeding tumors
  • Ulcers
  • Parasites

Bleeding tumors cause anemia.

Internal parasites such as hookworms attach to the intestinal lining and suck blood, thereby causing anemia too.

These are serious medical conditions that require you to organize a checkup and consult a veterinarian promptly.

3. Dirt Smells Good  

One unique thing about dogs is their high level of sensitivity to smell.

Your old dog will eat mud or dirt when he smells food leftovers that spilled on the ground.

He can eat dirt just because it smells good to him, which is just natural.

 If a dog is eating dirt, the owner needs to check the area to find out if there’s something that the dog is trying to get to. This would make sense if the dog keeps going back to the particular area like under a grill

says Morgan.

4. Your Old Dog Is Bored

Dogs can exhibit this wired behavior of feeding on dirt when they are bored.

You shouldn’t be shocked. It’s just the same case with humans who behave strangely when bored.

When you lock your old dog at home the whole day and deny him proper exercise and play, don’t get surprised when you see him eating dirt – the mud, the smelly trash, it’s just out of pure boredom that he does that.

Engage your dog with something that engages his mind and body daily.

Remember, dogs too, just like humans, need to be occupied with duties daily, more so they enjoy jobs, so give your old dog something to do.

How Can I Stop My Old Dog From Eating Dirt?

We’ve seen the various reasons as to why old dogs eat dirt.

It’s wise to visit a veterinarian for a precise diagnosis to know the exact cause of the habit and get the necessary medication.

Once you’ve established the underlining issue, the next step is management.

Here are simple tips to stop your old dog from eating dirt:

1. Balanced diet

giving your old dog a balanced diet ensures that all the nutritional requirements in his body are met.

When he has all the nutrients he needs, he won’t go about digging into mud and garbage pile searching for nutrients.

2. Prevent access to dirt 

Prevent every access to the dirt piles your old dog would enjoy, and make sure your dog is always supervised in your garden.

3. Engage your dog with daily routines 

If boredom is the cause of eating dirt, keep your old dog working and playing.

Further, teaching your dog new games and tricks exposes them to more exciting things.

And that’s better than idling in your garden and feeding on dirt


4. Regular deworming 

Ensure your old dog is dewormed at the right time as per the schedule.

Failure to do so brings about intestinal parasites, which we saw earlier as both a direct and indirect cause of this weird habit.

Is your old dog throwing up after eating dirt? Then he has ingested a toxin.

Thus it will be wise if you consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

If your dog is eating dirt, it could be for any number of reasons.

It may be a sign that they lack essential nutrients or that they have an upset stomach.

The key to fixing this problem is making sure your pet has plenty of protein and fat in their diet, so their coat stays healthy.

You can also consult with a veterinarian about possible health issues such as anemia, leading them to eat the dirt if there’s blood present in feces.

Whatever you do, just don’t punish them for what’s likely not intentional behavior.

See Also


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