Why is it important that the three sisters agricultural system combined beans, corn, and squash?

Sister Corn

For centuries, corn was the staple grain of the Americas, and it has sustained generations of Iroquois people. Iroquois women raised several colors and varieties of corn, including flint, flour, pod, pop and sweet.

Every part of the ear of corn was used. Women braided the husks for rope and twine and coiled them into containers and mats. Shredded husks made good kindling and filling for pillows and mattresses. The corncobs served as bottle stoppers, scrubbing brushes, and fuel for smoking meat. Corn silk made hair for cornhusk dolls.

Today corn continues to be an important part of Iroquois life. Many families have small gardens where they cultivate enough white corn for their needs, and some raise surplus corn for ceremonial use. For many Iroquois people, corn remains a sustainer of life.

Corn in the Americas
When Europeans arrived in 1492, fields of corn grew throughout the Americas. Corn had been an agricultural staple for more than 8,000 years and represented one of the most remarkable plant-breeding accomplishments of all time. In the cold regions of Canada and the South American Andean highlands, American Indians developed rapidly maturing varieties. Inca farmers of Peru grew it on the terraced hillsides of the Andes, and Hopi farmers irrigated extensive fields in the dry heat of the Southwest. Corn, in its many varieties, was the foundation upon which the great civilizations of the Americas were built.

Archaeologists believe that corn traveled north from Mesoamerica, where it was first domesticated. The first ears of corn, descended from a wild grass called teosinte, were very tiny. However, over the centuries, the Native peoples of the Americas developed larger varieties of corn that could sustain them.

As varieties of corn adapted to different environments developed, corn spread across the continents, becoming the staple of the majority of American Indian people and transforming life in the Americas.

Cornhusk Dolls

The art of cornhusk doll-making links us to our past, through the corn, as part of the Three sisters, our life staples.

                        Gail General and Pam Brown, Mohawk, 1990

Iroquois women have a lengthy tradition of creating dolls from cornhusks. In the past, they made the dolls for girls to play with or for use in rituals. Today women also make them for sale to non-Native collectors.

The dolls generally have no facial features. An old story tells that once the cornhusk people had beautiful faces. However, they spent so much time admiring their own reflections in pools of water that they forgot they should be entertaining the children. As a consequence, the Creator turned the cornhusk people into dolls.

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Why is it important that the three sisters agricultural system combined beans, corn, and squash?

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The Three Sisters: Squash, Beans, and Corn (Maize)

The Three Sisters: Squash, Beans, and Corn (Maize)

An important traditional form of agriculture is the use of intercropping strategies, sometimes called mixed cropping or milpa agriculture, where different crops are planted together, rather than in big monoculture fields as farmers do today. The Three Sisters (maize, beans, and squash) is what Indigenous farmers in North America called a classic form of mixed cropping, and archaeological evidence has shown that these three American domesticates have been grown together for perhaps 5,000 years.

Growing maize (a tall grass), beans (a nitrogen-fixing legume) and squash (a low-lying creeper plant) together was a stroke of environmental genius, the benefits of which practice have been studied by crop scientists for decades.

Growing the Three Sisters

The "three sisters" are maize (Zea mays), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and squash (Cucurbita spp.). According to historical records, the farmer dug a hole in the ground and placed one seed of each species into the hole. The maize grows first, providing a stalk for the beans, which reach upward for access to the sun. The squash plant grows low to the ground, shaded by the beans and corn, and keeping the weeds from affecting the other two plants.

Today, intercropping, in general, is recommended as an alternative system for small-scale farmers to improve their yield, and thus food production and income in limited spaces. Intercropping is also insurance: if one of the crops fail, the others might not, and the farmer is more likely to get at least one of the crops to produce in a given year, no matter how extreme the weather circumstances.

Ancient Conservation Techniques

The microclimate produced by the three sisters combination favors the survival of the plants. Maize is notorious for sucking the nitrogen out of the soil; beans, on the other hand, supply replacement mineral nitrogen back into the soil: essentially, these are the effects of crop rotation without actually having to rotate crops. Overall, say crop scientists, more protein, and energy are produced by intercropping three crops in the same space than that achieved by modern monocultural agriculture.

Maize maximizes photosynthesis and grows straight and tall. Beans use the stalks for structural support and to gain greater access to sunlight; at the same time, they bring atmospheric nitrogen into the system, making the nitrogen available to maize. Squash performs best in shady, humid places, and that is the type of microclimate provided by the corn and beans together. Further, squash decreases the amount of erosion that plagues monocultural cropping of corn. Experiments conducted in 2006 (reported in Cardosa et al.) suggest that both nodule number and dry weight of beans increases when intercropped with maize.

Nutritionally, the three sisters provide a wealth of healthy foodstuff. Maize provides carbohydrates and some amino acids; beans provide the rest of required amino acids, as well as dietary fiber, vitamins B2 and B6, zinc, iron, manganese, iodine, potassium, and phosphorus, and squash provides Vitamin A. Together, they make a great succotash.

Archaeology and Anthropology

It's difficult to say when the three plants began to be grown together: even if a particular society had access to all three plants, we can't know for sure that they were planted in the same fields without direct evidence from those fields. That's pretty rare, so let's look instead at the domestication histories, which are based on where and when the domesticated plants turn up in archaeological sites.

The Three Sisters have different domestication histories. Beans were domesticated in South America first, about 10,000 years ago; squash followed in Central America about the same time; and maize in Central America about a thousand years later. But the first appearance of domesticated beans in Central America was not until about 7,000 years ago. Agricultural use of the co-occurrence of the three sisters seems to have spread throughout Mesoamerica by about 3,500 years ago. Maize was the last of the three to reach the Andes, between about 1800 and 700 BC.

Intercropping with the Three Sisters has not been identified in the American northeast, where the European colonists first reported it, until AD 1300: maize and squash were available, but no beans have been identified in a North American context any earlier than 1300 AD. By the 15th century, however, the intercropped triple threat had replaced the original domestic maygrass-chenopod-knotweed agricultural crops planted throughout northeastern and midwestern North America since the Archaic period.

Planting and Harvesting

There are accounts from various Indigenous historical sources as well as reports of early European explorers and colonists on maize-based agriculture. In general, Indigenous farming in the northeast and midwest was gender-based, with men creating new fields, burning grass and weeds and trenching the fields for planting. Women prepared fields, planted the crop, weeded and harvested the crop.

Harvest estimates range between 500/1,000 kilograms per hectare, providing between 25-50% of a family's caloric needs. In Mississippian communities, harvests from fields were stored in community granaries for use by elites; in other communities, the harvest was for family or clan-based purposes.


Cardoso EJBN, Nogueira MA, and Ferraz SMG. 2007. Biological N2 fixation and mineral N in common bean–maize intercropping or sole cropping in southeastern Brazil. Experimental Agriculture 43(03):319-330.

Declerck FAJ, Fanzo J, Palm C, and Remans R. 2011. Ecological approaches to human nutrition. Food & Nutrition Bulletin 32(Supplement 1):41S-50S.

Hart JP. 2008. Evolving the Three Sisters: The changing histories of maize, bean, and squash in New York and the greater northeast. In: Hart JP, editor. Current Northeast Paleoethnobotany II. Albany, New York: The University of the State of New York. p 87-99.

Hart JP, Asch DL, Scarry CM, and Crawford GW. 2002. The age of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the northern Eastern Woodlands of North America. Antiquity 76(292):377-385.

Landon AJ. 2008. The "How" of the Three Sisters: The origins of agriculture in Mesoamerica and the human niche. Nebraska Anthropologist 40:110-124.

Lewandowski, Stephen. "Diohe'ko, the Three Sisters in Seneca life: Implications for a native agriculture in the finger lakes region of New York State." Agriculture and Human Values, Volume 4, Issue 2–3, SpringerLink, March 1987.

Martin SWJ. 2008. Languages Past and Present: Archaeological Approaches to the Appearance of Northern Iroquoian Speakers in the Lower Great Lakes Region of North America. American Antiquity 73(3):441-463.

Scarry, C. Margaret. "Crop Husbandry Practices in North America’s Eastern Woodlands." Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology, SpringerLink, 2008.

Why is it important that the three sisters agricultural system combined beans corn and squash choose 1 answer?

Corn, beans, and squash are called the "three sisters," a winning combination discovered by Mesoamericans thousands of years ago. The corn provides support for climbing beans, the beans fertilize the soil for the corn, and the squash leaves suppress weeds.

What is the significance of farming corn beans and squash together?

Today we know the reason: Bacteria living on bean plant roots pull nitrogen – an essential plant nutrient – from the air and convert it to a form that both beans and corn can use. Squash plants contributed by shading the ground with their broad leaves, preventing weeds from growing and retaining water in the soil.

Why are the three sisters crops important?

The Iroquois and the Cherokee called corn, bean, and squash the three sisters' because they nurture each other like family when planted together. These agriculturalists placed corn in small hills planting beans around them and interspersing squash throughout of the field.

What were the three sisters a corn beans and squash the three most important crops of the Wampanoag o'b the God?

The Wampanoag grew corn, squash, and beans – crops known as the “Three Sisters” that make a potent growing team, especially in poor, sandy soil that doesn't retain nutrients or water. The three plants work well together to create fertile soil.