Why is fairness important in a workplace?

By Mary Dowd Updated August 30, 2021

Fair and consistent treatment of employees in the workplace builds trust, enhances morale, deepens loyalty and spurs productivity. By contrast, favoritism breeds animosity and resentment toward favored individuals and the employer. A commitment to fair treatment at work enhances the reputation of the company and helps with recruitment of top talent. Strategies for achieving workplace fairness include articulated expectations of fairness, well-written policies, commitment to equitable practices, and unbiased, consistent enforcement of rules.

Elevating the importance of fairness in the workplace can positively affect office culture. Workers strive to do their best when they feel respected, valued, important and heard, regardless of who they are or what role they play in the organization. According to UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School, fair treatment at work starts with senior leadership rewarding managers for fair and just treatment of the employees they hire, train and supervise.

Communicating expectations of fairness in job descriptions and basing promotions on fair managerial practices can effect structural changes. Managers are incentivized to make personnel decisions based on objective criteria that give all employees a fair chance if they work hard. Managers should also be offered training to help them better understand how to conduct fair performance-based evaluations and provide constructive feedback.

Concepts of equality, equity and fairness are sometimes conflated and misunderstood. In school and in work settings, treating everyone the same can actually work against fairness. For example, the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that students with certain disabilities be treated fairly by being afforded extended time on tests even though that means all test-takers are not treated equally.

When employers strive to treat employees fairly but not equally, they may be well-intended. Examples include targeted recruitment efforts to attract diverse workers from underrepresented groups in the workplace. Premier Talent Partners suggests that employers should strive for equity in the workplace rather than equality to create fair and inclusive working environments. Accessible workstations, gender-neutral restrooms, and diverse hiring panels are among the ways to treat prospective and current employees fairly.

Policies written from an equity lens promote fair and consistent treatment of employees. Such policies set forth fair evaluative criteria for managers to use when making hiring and promotion decisions to help mitigate implicit bias and cronyism. Other examples of fairness in the workplace include equitable policies and practices for employee compensation and benefits, such as flexible scheduling for parents of young children and others who need it.

Employers committed to equal opportunity implement human resources policies that offer a range of accommodations for employees with mental health or medical conditions, physical disabilities or language barriers. Policies are widely distributed in visible locations at the worksite, available in different formats and easily located on the company website. Supervisors are updated on any policy changes and held accountable for consistent enforcement.

Favoritism often rears its ugly head in the inconsistent enforcement of company policies and rules. Morale tanks when employees see that certain individuals receive preferential treatment when it comes to requesting time off or receiving undeserved promotions. Resentment grows when employees who socialize outside work with the boss, for example, are allowed to get away with rule violations like repeatedly arriving late to work or leaving early.

Fair and consistent treatment of employees requires that codes of conduct be administered without prejudice of any kind. The Society for Human Resource Management indicates that employees are more likely to accept the consequences of disciplinary action and make an effort to improve their behavior if they feel that the process was fair.

Most workers have experienced unfair treatment in the workplace at some point in their careers either directly or indirectly. We’ve had that boss that plays favorites or that doesn’t ensure equal opportunity for every employee. There is a good chance that these experiences either made you or a coworker feel undermined and not very valuable.

Unfair treatment can be detrimental to workplace morale and the motivation and efficiency of your workforce. This is why it’s critical for employers to understand why consistently treating employees fairly across their workforce is necessary for overall company success.

Maintain Your Company Brand

One of the most essential reasons why you should ensure your employees are treated fairly is to maintain a positive reputation. No one wants to be associated with a company that treats workers poorly and that plays favorites among their ranks — especially nowadays.

When all employees experience the same level of respect from the leaders of their company, more meaningful relationships and motivated workers will result.

Without genuine and trusting professional relationships, you risk creating a negative employer brand. Current employees may begin to look for new and better opportunities while great potential candidates may reconsider joining your company.

Fair vs Equal Treatment

In order to understand how to properly establish a fair workplace environment, it is crucial to understand the difference between fair and equal treatment. Treating every employee fairly does not necessarily mean treating every employee equally.

Yes, each employee should receive equal treatment and opportunities, but every employee is also unique.

Fair, equal treatment involves catering to the unique needs, motivations, and goals of each employee the same without playing favorites among your ranks.

All employees have subtle but important nuances in their work ethics, styles, skill sets, responsibilities, and goals that should be catered to and nurtured.

Create an Engaging Employee Experience

Fairness means treating every employee as an individual based on their unique circumstances and contributions. A good place to start is to explain your expectations clearly to every employee.

What kind of performance or results should they strive for? What kind of rewards can employees who exhibit this outstanding performance expect? Make sure each employee has the chance to reach these personal and organizational goals on their own terms using their unique skill set.

Your employees also need to feel valued beyond members of your team. It’s essential you meet their unique working situations with understanding and respect.

If one of them is going through a tough time or situation, then their performance will likely suffer as well. Try to not just know but understand these circumstances so you can better establish a workplace environment that highlights their strengths.

Workers Perform Better When Rewarded Equitably

People work for rewards; there is just no way around it. Do you know anyone who goes to work not expecting to be compensated?

Many managers assume that the salary, hourly wage, or contract rate for coming to work is enough — but these managers are missing the bigger picture. In fact, the number-one reason people quit their job is poor management, not low wages.

Your employees need to feel that they’re being compensated fairly for the value they’re providing to the company. As a manager, you need to know what drives your employees and which factors are the ones motivating them to do better work. If you can’t figure this puzzle out, how can you help them improve efficiency and output?

This type of compensation is not just monetary. Increased responsibility, availability of resources, collaborative opportunities, continual feedback, managerial support, and professional development opportunities are all great ways to show employees that they are truly valued.

At the end of the day, employees want to know that the work they are doing means something and that the ones they are helping actually care about their lives and their future.

Equality and inclusion should be a critical focus for any company that wants to establish a powerful brand and a competitive atmosphere. Both equality and fair treatment lead to happier, more engaged, and productive employees who are proud to vouch for your company.

HR Search and Rescue is an HR Consulting Firm that specializes in helping businesses solve complex workplace issues while improving employee output and efficiency. Our professional HR consultants are dedicated to helping clients feel safe, and they always work diligently to protect confidential information. Contact us online to get in touch with one of our third-party HR consultants today and discuss fair treatment.


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