Why doesnt fake tan stick to my chest

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NewDog · 13/07/2012 11:06

I've been using St Moriz and the colour is great. I've put it on again this morning and it just won't take on my chest - a V from my shoulders down to my boobs.

What the hell am I going to do? And why is it doing this? I've exfoliated and everything. Argh!!!!

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ThisIsAUsername · 13/07/2012 11:30

Not pregnant are you?

Why doesnt fake tan stick to my chest

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anniewoo · 13/07/2012 11:33

Even St.Moriz went patchy on me

Why doesnt fake tan stick to my chest
that's it- no bloody fake tan works!!!

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ThisIsAUsername · 13/07/2012 11:35

You know what works great - Palmers Natural Bronze. It's a tanning moisturiser, but with just one application the colour is amazing. Looks brown and not orange, lasts for yonks yes I do shower and doesn't streak. Doesn't smell like crap either!

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OhEmGee24 · 13/07/2012 12:48

Nothing beats a proper St Tropez spray tan!

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KateShmate · 13/07/2012 12:53

Use an exfoliating glove and some moisturiser and just scrub in circular motions!

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NewDog · 13/07/2012 14:30

Patchy isn't the right word - it just won't "stick" on my chest!!!!

Oh effing hell.

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poppedoutforapintofmilk · 13/07/2012 17:09

That's weird. I can't think why that happened unless you had moisturiser there? If it's not patchy and simply 'absent' in that area have you tried exfoliating again and having another go? Other than that I can't think what you could do really. How typical the day before you go away. Hope you have a good hol.

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anniewoo · 13/07/2012 18:44

Thisis does the palmers have that cocoa scent? I can't abide it

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lipglossandlashes · 13/07/2012 20:51

It's because you have sprayed perfume, applied body lotion/oil. This creates a barrier to the tan. Have a shower and a mega scrub with non oily exfoliater and wait a couple of hours for your skin to settle. Apply St Moriz with a mitt.

I know a lot of girls who swear by St Moriz.

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