Why does it show public figure on Facebook?

If you’re a marketing or branding manager who thinks a public figure Facebook page isn’t for you, you’re mistaken.

Having a public figure page gives you the keys to the branding kingdom. You can run targeted ads, promote yourself, offer your business services and create brand awareness. You can also use it to track engagement.

It’s against Facebook’s terms of service to promote products using a personal profile. You know the one you use to talk to friends, family and hide bad selfies? That’s the profile you’re supposed to use for fun. The public figure page is strictly for business.

Personal profiles can’t be tagged by well-known media outlets or any organization that Facebook dubs a “business page.”

Here are three ways to make a public figure page work for your brand.

1. Analytics

Facebook analytics show who views your posts, how they engage with your content and the best times to share stories and news.

Review your page’s analytics every few weeks to see which types of content best resonates with your audience. Doing so will strengthen and deepen your relationships.

2. Grow your list

Here is the step-by-step guide on knowing whether a public figure account on Facebook is authentic or not.

Here is the step-by-step guide on knowing whether a public figure account on Facebook is authentic or not.

By India Today Web Desk: Facebook is one of the most used social networking sites across the globe. On Facebook, people upload their photos, videos, post their status and connect with other Facebook users. Facebook helps to connect with your friends or family living in any part of the world.

On Facebook, you can find accounts of public figures including celebrities, athletes, bands, politicians, journalists and creators, etc. Pages and profiles that impersonate public figures or other people are against the community standards and not allowed on Facebook.

When you are interacting with public figures, you should seek for the blue badge on their Page or profile. The blue badge means the account has been verified by Facebook as an authentic Page or profile.

Follow the steps to know a public figure account on Facebook is authentic.

How to find a blue badge?

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account.

Step 2: Go to the top, search for the Page or profile and click on the ‘search’ icon.

Step 3: Tap on the public figure’s Page or profile.

Step 4: Look for a blue tick next to their name.

Note: There are many public figures who are working to get their profile or Page verified on Facebook, remember that not every public figure account has a blue badge.

How to spot impersonating accounts?

Be careful if you see certain things like:

  • Asking you for payment in the form of gift cards, money transfer or through messenger.
  • Asking for your financial information for any kind of offers, or directing to any suspicious link or website asking for your private information.
  • Have a suspicious Page or profile URL which is not linked with the public figure.

Note: If you feel somebody is pretending to be a public figure or someone else on Facebook, you can report the profile or Page.

(Source: Facebook help)

Read: How to send private messages to a Facebook Page: Step-by-step guide

Read: How to guard current profile pic on Facebook: Step-by-step guide

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Edited By:

Megha Chaturvedi

Published On:

Aug 11, 2020

For many people Facebook was one of the first social media platforms they ever created. The Facebook public figure pages are mainly used for brands, businesses, communities and public figures or celebrities to better connect with their audience. It is a great place for them to post new content, stories and their events.

Most people set up these accounts at first as normal accounts, but if they want to edit or become public figures on Facebook they will need to change their account settings. Public figure pages on Facebook are specifically set up for influential people to connect to their fan base. Becoming a public figure is simple, if you follow some basic steps.

1. Understand the difference between a Public Profile and a Facebook Group

Remember these two things are very different; Facebook groups are only visible to the people that are members of the group. Fan pages are visible to everyone, but their administrators are not always easily identified. This can be good or bad, depending on who actually does manage the page; it gives your agents the opportunity to manage them. Facebook groups have more of a community feel as they are easy to communicate on, but they can easily loose their influence.

2. Create your public profile page

After you have researched which type of page is best for you, next you should create your page. When you log onto Facebook there is a link that clearly states an option to create a page. This is the best way to help you share this with your friends and family, initially. Then, in time, this will be the basis of which you can share relevant information with your fans and followers.

3. Tailor your Facebook public page

Once you have created your page, you should then choose an official page. Then you should choose from the drop down of various options the one that fits you best. Next you should give your page a relevant name, make it as relevant to yourself as possible. This can be your own given name, or public figure name. It is important that it stands out and is memorable.

You should also delete any of the irrelevant tabs on the page. Some people choose to get rid of the discussion tab, as it is difficult to keep on top of. Nevertheless, this gives you the opportunity to connect with your clients so don’t be too hasty!

4. Get likes

The next focus should be getting likes on your page. As soon as you start to get likes, then your page will become more relevant, respected and viewed. Once you receive up to 25 likes you will automatically get a new URL attached to your site. These are usually much shorter, memorable and easier to share.

5. Claim your pubic figure name

Your username on Facebook is much like a domain name. This means that most of them are taken, but you can still find some gems if you think outside the box. Once you claim this name it will always be linked to you and can be used across all of your social media to keep them very linked and professional.


Creating a public figure page on Facebook is easy; the important part is making sure you have all the correct content available. If you already have a following and the ability to post interesting updates to the site regularly you will continue to grow your page with ease. Just remember to keep your content fresh and exciting, this way it will be much easier to grow.

Relevant Resources: 

移动版浏览器上的 Facebook.com 正在更新。展开

移动版浏览器上的 Facebook.com 正在更新。对于移动版浏览器上的可用功能,我们会把更新版说明发布到帮助中心。请在接下来的几个月回来查看。收起

与公众人物和品牌互动时,请查看其公共主页或个人主页上是否有认证徽章。认证徽章意味着 Facebook 确认此公共主页或个人主页代表真实的公众人物或品牌。我们不使用认证徽章对公众人物或品牌表示支持或认可。

冒充公众人物或其他用户的公共主页和个人主页违反了我们的社群守则。如果您认为 Facebook 上有人冒充公众人物或其他用户,请了解如何举报

在您的动态中,轻触 Facebook 顶部的搜索,搜索公共主页或个人主页。


轻触 Facebook 右上方的 ,搜索公共主页或个人主页。


注意:尽管许多公众人物配合 Facebook 验证其公共主页或个人主页,但请注意,并非所有公众人物都有认证徽章。

要求您以礼品卡、汇款的形式或通过 Messenger 付款。


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