Why do you have to fizz a bass?

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crazychuy Posts: 114 Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:31 pm Location: So Cal

Post by crazychuy » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:59 pm

I know most of you FIZZ your bass through the crunchers as do most of the bass fisherman I fish with.

Is there a video, pictorial link or specific instructions that best describes how to properly FIZZ a bass through the crunchers?



WackySenko Posts: 302 Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:57 pm Location: Antioch

Post by WackySenko » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:34 pm

You can type 'how to fizz a bass' hit search and select one that you like. Here is one that shows how, but it is not a video:


DAKINE198 Posts: 1521 Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:35 pm Location: Ainokea

Post by DAKINE198 » Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:03 am

Isn't it less evasive to go from the side?

AINOKEA..........life is good...but I'm mad as Hell

mark poulson Posts: 10171 Joined: Sun May 08, 2005 4:16 am Location: Antioch, CA

Post by mark poulson » Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:51 am

Steve, Someone posted a link to a Texas DFG video that said it had found the through the side had higher survival rates than through the mouth. I do it through the mouth. I have killed fish going in through the side, but never through the mouth. When you look down a bass' throat, you see the stomach pushed up, like a white bag, with the cetner opening pinched shut. If you put the Bends Mender needle in the upper half of the white stomach, just below the bottom of the two orange crushers, and push straight in, you'll reach the air bladder easily.

If I can do it.....

Attitude plus effort equal success

Scott Shambre Posts: 1092 Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 2:48 pm

Post by Scott Shambre » Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:31 am

Heres a pic for you......you will need a 2 inch, 18 gauge needle inserted in a bic pen barrell so it is long enough to get to the right area. i have actually made mine out of the medicine droppers you can get for free at Walgreens. I drilled the hole in the end out a little and hot glued the needle inside the dropper. I then took the bulb portion of the dropper off the one end and put it over the needle as a cover....waaallaaaa, homemade bends mender. Once you put your fish in the well, leave'em in there for a little while so the swim bladder gets good and big. That will push it forward towards the gullet, shoving the heart & liver down and out of the way. Insert the needle at the 12 O'clock position just above the gullet opening and directly between the crunchers and GENTLY push in and at a slightly UPWARD (that is important) angle. Holding the needle in place, HOLD the fish in the livewell under water to make sure that air is coming out the tube. Letting out the right amount of air is hard to tell, but I have made a scale that I go by and it has worked very well. 1-2 lbs...............15 - 30 seconds 3-4 lbs...............about 1 minute

5 lbs. +..............up to 2 minutes

Attachments fizzing pic.jpg (28.33 KiB) Viewed 7784 times

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John Barron Posts: 3494 Joined: Mon May 09, 2005 5:05 am Location: Central Valley, CA

Post by John Barron » Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:54 am

If we need to do any fizzing at the Piru tournament this Saturday we will be happy to teach anyone that wants to learn. If at all possible we will film it and post it.

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Scott Shambre Posts: 1092 Joined: Sat May 07, 2005 2:48 pm

Post by Scott Shambre » Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:09 am

A couple years ago John Barron came up to run the Galaxy Marine deal and brought this net-thingy that looked like two hula hoops with about 7 ft. of netting between them. They tied the top off to the end of the dock and the other end sunk to a depth of about 7 ft. Everyone would dump their fish inside the top of this thing and if they were good to go they could swimm out the bottm, if not the floated up inside the hoop and were easy to get ahold of. Once they were fizzed, in the hoop they went and they wouls swim out the bottom....

Awesome contraption!!!!

Is there a Lost Land of retards????

Eric Ocampo Posts: 68 Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:25 am Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Post by Eric Ocampo » Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:20 am

It is much easier for me to go through the side. I think the most important thing is to fizz them right away, not wait till they are belly up in the live well 5 min later. Ive had smallies that where bleeding through the nose and eyes from being winched up, but fizzed correctly and fiesty the rest of the day.

DAKINE198 Posts: 1521 Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:35 pm Location: Ainokea

Post by DAKINE198 » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:34 am

Hey Mark, I am still unsure about doing it through the crushers. I tried it once fun fishing on Castaic and I missed because it started bleeding out Brandon didn't appreciate that much and he let me know all day long. needles to say I did feel bad about it. And I had that pic#5 with me at the time....may be i hit something at an angle.

AINOKEA..........life is good...but I'm mad as Hell

Oldschool Posts: 1508 Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:29 am

Post by Oldschool » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:50 am

LMB roll over in the live for 2 reasons; 1. Over stressed; bleeding out or temperature shock. 2. Over inflated air bladder. Fizzing an over stressed bass may not improve it's survival rate. Fizzing a bass with over inflated air bladder helps the bass to swim upright in the live well and swim down into deeper water. Survival rates are questionable, however better than not fizzing tournament caught bass with air bladder issues. It's pre spawn now and most bass should be staged in water less than 35 feet and shouldn't need to be fizzed. DVL may be an exception in SoCal lakes. The throat needling can puncture some vital blood vessels and organs when working on smaller bass, it's easier to do with big bass. The problem with bass taken from 50+ foot depths can be brain damage and needling doesn't help in the long term. Tom

PS; the floating open bottom hoop net is a good idea for tournaments.

mark poulson Posts: 10171 Joined: Sun May 08, 2005 4:16 am Location: Antioch, CA

Post by mark poulson » Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:17 am

DAKINE198 wrote:Hey Mark, I am still unsure about doing it through the crushers. I tried it once fun fishing on Castaic and I missed because it started bleeding out Brandon didn't appreciate that much and he let me know all day long. needles to say I did feel bad about it. And I had that pic#5 with me at the time....may be i hit something at an angle.

Steve, The photo is a little deceiving and confusing, at least to me. I actually put the needle in just below the bottom of the two crushers, not between them. Between the crushers runs the risk of hitting vital organs, while just below the crushers, but still above the stomach opening, gets you to the air bladder every time. The air bladder inflates and pushes the stomach down, and out, so it takes the place of the stomach just above the stomach opening.

The Texas DFG video showed that really well.

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btbdodgers Posts: 14 Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:54 pm Location: Castaic

Post by btbdodgers » Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:38 am

Oldschool wrote:LMB roll over in the live for 2 reasons; 1. Over stressed; bleeding out or temperature shock. 2. Over inflated air bladder. Fizzing an over stressed bass may not improve it's survival rate. Fizzing a bass with over inflated air bladder helps the bass to swim upright in the live well and swim down into deeper water. Survival rates are questionable, however better than not fizzing tournament caught bass with air bladder issues. It's pre spawn now and most bass should be staged in water less than 35 feet and shouldn't need to be fizzed. DVL may be an exception in SoCal lakes. The throat needling can puncture some vital blood vessels and organs when working on smaller bass, it's easier to do with big bass. The problem with bass taken from 50+ foot depths can be brain damage and needling doesn't help in the long term. Tom

PS; the floating open bottom hoop net is a good idea for tournaments.

i had to fizz a fish that came from 20 feet at Castaic the other day

brambo0311 Posts: 1330 Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:05 pm Contact:

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Post by brambo0311 » Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:01 am

This time of year all my fish have to be fizzed if I'm in a tournament. But when I'm fun fishing or prefish I bring them up really slow and put them back really fast. If you don't gawk and do a photo shoot, they will swim back down without poking holes in them. When you bring a fish up from 120 plus, everything is under pressure and they about bleed out when you poke them. Just put them back fast.

The mike hart trick works to, just stick a 3 ounce weight in there throat and let it go down. Couple tugs on the line when she is down, the weight comes out.


Mark 1 Posts: 67 Joined: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:24 pm

Post by Mark 1 » Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:59 am

Okay, after having read all the things that could affect bass behavior in the livewell after fizzing, I have a question. I've fizzed alot of fish from 30+ feet recently from water with a surface temp of 48 degrees. I try not to stick the needle way down, but just enough between the crushers until I see the air bubbling out. However, on more than one occasion, the fish will immediately sink, not swim, to the bottom of the livewell and just sit there. The fish doesn't die, survives weigh-in and then swims off afterwards. I assume this is a combination of shock, water temp. etc.??

swank Posts: 383 Joined: Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:36 am Location: west L.A.

Post by swank » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:02 pm

You don't want to take all the air out of the fish and if you do it's possible to put air back into the fish by blowing into the needle refilling the air bladder.

Oldschool Posts: 1508 Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:29 am

Post by Oldschool » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:57 pm

Mark 1 wrote:Okay, after having read all the things that could affect bass behavior in the livewell after fizzing, I have a question. I've fizzed alot of fish from 30+ feet recently from water with a surface temp of 48 degrees. I try not to stick the needle way down, but just enough between the crushers until I see the air bubbling out. However, on more than one occasion, the fish will immediately sink, not swim, to the bottom of the livewell and just sit there. The fish doesn't die, survives weigh-in and then swims off afterwards. I assume this is a combination of shock, water temp. etc.??

Keep in mind you only need to fizz a bass if the airbladder is over inflated. Put the bass in the livewell before you needle it, it may swim upright. Needling the air bladder through the throat requires the needle to go completely through both walls of the stomach, then into the air bladder. The air bladder doesn't contain air, it's gas from digestion. Don't add your bacteria into the bass by blowing in air. The bass must swim until the hole heals and gas can be replaced, this takes several days. Consider more than an abrupt 10 degree temperature change being fatal to bass.



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