Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

It’s a conundrum, for sure. One minute your beloved kitty is over the moon with pleasure as you scratch her favorite spot and the next thing you know you’re left staring at tooth marks on your arm.

You’re not the only one suffering. Many pet owners call this common behavior “Love biting,” but feline behaviorists have given it a more formal name: Petting-induced aggression—and it’s a poorly understood topic.

Typically, a friendly cat seeks out human attention, only to turn on his lavisher of attention once the affection seems to have gone on for too long. Owners describe these cats as changing from friendly to feral “like a light switch.”

Despite the perplexing nature of this uniquely feline way of acting out, a couple of possibilities have been proposed to explain why cats might do this:

  1. It may be a manifestation of so-called status-induced aggression, in which cats seek to control a situation.
  2. There may be some neurologically significant negative stimulus associated with being petted at length that affects these cats in particular.
  3. These cats may be especially subtle at letting humans know when they’re unhappy, so that their change in attitude appears more sudden than it truly is.

Whatever the cause, the good news is that this behavior does not necessarily mean you can’t interact with your cat meaningfully. Your veterinarian can coach you to recognize the very subtle warning signs associated with your cat’s displeasure before it reaches the biting point.

More on Vetstreet.com:


For kittens, biting and bunny-kicking are normal play behaviours. They play like this with their littermates and mothers and it mimics how they pounce, grab and bite their prey. 

You can discourage the behaviour by praising them for gentle play during bonding sessions. Whenever your cat engages in play that uses their paws, but not their claws or teeth, reward them with plenty of affection and a reward or treat. 

Don’t be concerned when your kitten starts biting and pouncing with other animals and during play with you.

For all cats, the act of play fighting makes up a huge amount of their play. They enact these tendencies as a natural instinct: practising for the day when they will need to hunt out their prey, even though for domestic indoor kittens, that day will likely never come! Although this is a natural instinct that should be encouraged in young kittens, never give the impression that it’s OK to bite human fingers and toes

Cats have lightning-fast reflexes, which you’ve probably witnessed if a cat has ever suddenly grabbed you and bitten you while you were patting them. This behavior can be surprising and startling, and if you don’t understand what’s causing the behavior, you might be upset and frustrated. Your cat biting your hand or arm seemingly randomly doesn’t mean that they don’t love you, and it also doesn’t mean that they’re doing this behavior just because. Instead, there are important messages behind your cat’s behavior. If you’re wondering, “Why does my cat bite me when I pet her,” there are a few potential causes that you need to understand.

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

If your cat bites you when you’re patting them, you’re witnessing something called petting-induced aggression. These bites are generally gentle and don’t draw blood, but they can still be painful and upsetting. Your cat might lick at your hand first before using their teeth, and you shouldn’t see signs of aggression like growing or hissing. (If you do see these signs of aggression, your cat is telling you in no uncertain terms to back off and give them some space.)

In the case of petting-induced aggression, scientists are still trying to understand the exact cause. This biting is generally your cat’s way of telling you that they’re done with having you pat them and that you need to move away. Your cat might not enjoy being petted, or they may have reached the point where they’re overstimulated and need the session to end.

If your cat bites you, you should never react negatively. Don’t frighten your cat or scruff them. Remember, biting is your cat’s way of communicating with you.

Instead, respect your cat’s wishes and move away from them. Don’t attempt to keep patting them, and give your cat some space.

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

How do I get my cat to stop biting when petting?

According to the Humane Society of Hudson Valley, getting your cat to stop biting you is a matter of modifying how you pet them and learning to watch for signs that they’re becoming overstimulated.

Make an appointment with the vet

To start, it’s a good idea to take your cat to the vet for an examination to make sure that your cat isn’t experiencing pain anywhere that’s prompting them to bite.

Look for telltale warning signs

Next, learn to watch for your cat’s warning signs that they’re getting uncomfortable. They might pull their ears back or start to twitch their skin or tail. You might notice that your cat’s pupils dilate, and their body may get stiff all over. Some cats may growl and start to expose their claws. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to honor your cat’s wishes and stop patting them. If they’re on your lap, move them off of your lap and give them some space.

You may also need to modify how you pat your cat. Some cats like short strokes as opposed to long, drawn-out strokes, and some cats like you to only pat certain areas of their bodies, like under the chin. Experiment with using different strokes, and instead of using your whole hand, see if your cat better tolerates it if you use just a finger or two. If your cat doesn’t bite you during a patting session, consider rewarding them with a treat to reinforce this positive behavior.

Keep track of your cat’s behavior

Once you’ve learned the warning signs that your cat gives off, you can watch to see when these signs appear. Keep track of how long you’re able to pat your cat before they give you a warning. Some cats can only take so much patting, so if you’re able to determine that your cat can tolerate a certain amount of patting, you can keep this in mind so you can stop patting them before he gets uncomfortable.

Finally, realize that cats can be particular. Some cats can be very social, but they just don’t appreciate being patted. If you try all of the above strategies with no improvement, then it’s probably time to honor your cat’s wishes and not pat them. You can show your cat affection in other ways, such as by playing with them or just spending time nearby.

If your cat keeps biting you when you pat them, they’re trying to tell you something. By taking the time to listen and try to figure out the cause of this behavior, you’ll be doing right by your cat and helping to ensure that they’re able to be comfortable in their home.

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Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them

Why do cats bite you when youre petting them