Who is majority whip of senate

Senate Majority Leader
The Majority Leader is, in a practical sense, the most senior Senate official. (The Vice President and the President pro tempore of the Senate are largely ceremonial positions.) As the day-to-day manager of business on the Senate floor, the Majority Leader is responsible for working with each Committee on legislation and scheduling the sequence and manner of debate on all legislation. As the highest-ranking partisan position in the Senate, the Majority Leader exercises broad powers, has the right of priority recognition on the Senate floor, and serves as the primary spokesperson for Senate Democrats. In concert with other elected leaders, the Majority Leader has also assumed responsibilities for building and managing Democratic Caucus consensus on legislation.

Website for the Senate Majority
Website for the Senate Majority Leader:  Senator Chuck Schumer

Senate Majority Whip
The Majority Whip is the second ranking leadership position for the Senate Democrats. The Majority Whip is selected by a vote of the Democratic Caucus. The responsibilities of the Majority Whip principally consist of counting votes and persuading Members to support the Democratic Caucus’s position on votes.

Website for the Senate Majority Whip: Senator Dick Durbin
Website for the Senate Chief Deputy Majority Whip: Senator Jeff Merkley

Senate Assistant Democratic Leader
The responsibility of the Assistant Democratic Leader is to assist the Majority Leader in the coordination of Senate Floor activities. The Assistant Democratic Leader is the third ranking leadership position for the Democratic party. The Majority Whip is selected by a vote of the Democratic Caucus.

Website for the Assistant Democratic Leader: Senator Patty Murray

Senate Democratic Caucus Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary
The Senate Democratic Conference is the organizational vehicle for all Democratic Members of the Senate and their staff. The Majority Leader (or Minority Leader, when the Democrats are in the minority) is the ex officio Chairman of the Caucus. The leader is elected by a vote of all Senate Democrats. In addition to the Chair are the Vice Chairs and Caucus Secretary. The Conference hosts periodic meetings of Senate Democrats and is the primary vehicle for communicating the party’s message to Members.

Website for the Senate Democratic Caucus
Website for Democratic Caucus Chair: Senator Chuck Schumer
Website for Democratic Caucus Vice Chairs: Senator Mark Warner and Senator Elizabeth Warren
Website for the Caucus Secretary: Senator Tammy Baldwin

Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Chair
The Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) is the policy-making arm of the Senate Democrats. In the 110th Congress, this committee was reorganized and was given additional responsibilities, including the authority to conduct oversight investigations and hold public hearings focusing on government accountability.

Website for the Senate Democratic Policy Committee
Website for the Senate Democratic Policy Committee Chair: Senator Debbie Stabenow

Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee Chair
The Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee is responsible for building coalitions with Democrats at all levels of government, and with advocacy organizations in pursuit of the policy objectives of the Senate Democratic Conference. The Chair of the Democratic Steering and Coordination Committee is appointed by the Minority Leader.

Website for the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee
Website for the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee Chair: Senator Amy Klobuchar
Website for the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee Vice Chair: Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair
The Chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is appointed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The Chair of the DSCC oversees the political committee of Senate Democrats which is not funded by tax dollars nor located in the Congressional complex. The Chair of the DSCC added by a Vice Chair is responsible for coordinating the efforts of Senate Democrats with a strategy to elect Democrats to the United States Senate.

Website for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Website for the DSCC Chair: Senator Gary Peters

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Listed below are the current leadership and officers for the 117th Congress. Also available on Senate.gov are historical essays on and lists of Senate leadership and Senate officers.

Constitutionally Mandated Officers

About the Offices of the Vice President and President Pro Tempore

Political Party Leaders

About Leadership Positions

Democratic Leadership

Who is majority whip of senate

Democratic Leader Chairman of the Conference
Charles E.

Who is majority whip of senate

Majority Whip
Richard J.

Who is majority whip of senate

Assistant Democratic Leader

Who is majority whip of senate

Chair of Policy & Communications Committee

Who is majority whip of senate

Vice Chair of Conference

Who is majority whip of senate

Vice Chair of Conference
Mark R.

Who is majority whip of senate

Chair of Steering Committee

Who is majority whip of senate

Chair of Outreach

Who is majority whip of senate

Vice Chair of Outreach
Cortez Masto,

Who is majority whip of senate

Vice Chair of Policy & Communications Committee
Joe, III

Who is majority whip of senate

Vice Chair of Policy & Communications Committee
Cory A.

Who is majority whip of senate

Secretary of the Conference

Republican Leadership

Committee Chairmen

Standing Committees

Who is majority whip of senate

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Chairwoman

Who is majority whip of senate

Appropriations Chairman
Patrick J.

Who is majority whip of senate

Armed Services Chairman

Who is majority whip of senate

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Chairman

Who is majority whip of senate

Budget Chairman

Who is majority whip of senate

Commerce, Science, and Transportation Chairwoman

Who is majority whip of senate

Energy and Natural Resources Chairman
Joe, III

Who is majority whip of senate

Environment and Public Works Chairman
Thomas R.

Who is majority whip of senate

Finance Chairman

Who is majority whip of senate

Foreign Relations Chairman

Who is majority whip of senate

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Chairwoman

Who is majority whip of senate

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman
Gary C.

Who is majority whip of senate

Judiciary Chairman
Richard J.

Who is majority whip of senate

Rules and Administration Chairwoman

Who is majority whip of senate

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Chairman
Benjamin L.

Who is majority whip of senate

Veterans' Affairs Chairman

Special, Select, and Other Committees

Joint Committees

Senate-Elected Officers & Officials

About Senate-Elected Officers and Officials