When can you bring puppies around other dogs?

You can’t wait to show your new puppy off to the world, but is it a good idea to take your new bundle of joy out on the town right away?

The short answer is – probably not.

Your puppy needs to remain safe from dangerous diseases until their vaccinations are complete, but these little ones need socialization as well. So, how can you do both?

We have the answers for you!

While puppies are on their mother’s milk, they get antibodies that keep them safe from illness. But once weaned, that protection ends, and their immune system is still developing. That’s why puppies need vaccinations.

Vaccinations start around 8 weeks of age and the full series is complete around 16 weeks of age. These vaccinations build up their immune systems to protect them against common puppy illnesses like Parvovirus, Distemper, Leptospirosis, and parasites.

When puppies go outside and come in contact with an infected dog, or sniff or lick any feces or urine on the ground, they can pick up the disease. Not all dogs are symptomatic either. Some can be carriers, meaning they can carry the disease while showing no signs of illness. 

Parvo is especially notorious for latching onto objects and can remain active for up to one year. One sniff from your puppy can be enough for the canine parvovirus to enter their system and wreak havoc.

All of this to say, sticking to your puppy’s vaccination schedule is crucial for keeping your puppy safe from these awful diseases. Veterinarians suggest you avoid contact with all unknown or unvaccinated dogs until their vaccination series are complete. But what about socializing them? Do you need to keep your dog isolated until they’ve had all their vaccines?

The American Veterinarian Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) states in their position statement that behavioral issues, not infectious diseases, are the leading cause of death for dogs under the age of three.

Science has proven that the socialization of young puppies is at its most critical between 6 and 16 weeks of age. 

Allowing them the freedom to experience positive interactions with other dogs, meet new people, and experience new sights, sounds, and smells, helps them gain the confidence and social skills they need to become the confident adult dog you know they can be.

This does leave you in a bit of a pickle, though – If your puppy’s health is at risk until they’ve completed their vaccinations, how can you properly socialize them? 

We’re here to assure you it’s possible! Let’s dive into some ways you can socialize your puppy while keeping them out of harm’s way.

When your puppy first comes home, socialization can begin immediately as you introduce to your new pup to your other dog(s) and other family members. All pets in the house should be current on vaccinations and parasite control measures.

Most yards are a low-risk area for young unvaccinated puppies unless you have lots of wildlife in your area. If you aren’t sure, ask your veterinarian if there are any disease outbreaks or other areas of concern specific to your area.

It’s okay for you to let your puppy meet any fully vaccinated dog that you a) know well and b) doesn’t frequent dog parks or take part in off-leash activities. This is likely a low-risk play partner. Keep the playdate in your yard, or theirs, but not in public places that risk contamination from unknown dogs or animals that may be carriers of disease.

Choose a sunny play spot in the yard and keep your puppy in that area during play or bathroom visits.

Puppies that are all around the same age, and have received at least one of their puppy shots, is also okay, as long as you allow them to play in your own yard, or theirs.

Many pet parents want their puppies to go outside for walks around the neighborhood, but until your puppy has completed their vaccination series, avoid it. Puppies don’t need as much exercise as adult dogs, (be prepared for your puppy to sleep a lot!) so there’s no actual need for long walks.

If you want to take your puppy into the community with you, puppy backpacks, strollers, or carriers are a good add-on to your new puppy shopping list, as they make for easy travel while protecting them from contagions. If those aren’t available, carrying your puppy in your arms works, too. Remember that bacteria, pests, and disease can lurk on the surface of parking lots, grass, dirt, and leaves.

Dog parks are notorious for parasites, diseases carried by unvaccinated dogs, carriers (animals who carry the disease without symptoms), and dogs incubating diseases or illnesses prior to their symptoms. 

Avoid these areas until your puppy has received the full series of vaccinations.

Most reputable puppy obedience classes require immunization records and sterilize the dog areas between classes. Most dog behaviorists and veterinarians support attending puppy classes one week after their first vaccinations, but you should always check with your veterinarian to be certain.

Try to take part in classes geared toward your puppy’s age, where all the participants are at the same vaccination levels. Keep the puppy on a leash and watch your pup’s body language and be ready to separate them if they’re showing signs of fear, apprehension, or aggressiveness.

The early months and years of your curious puppy’s life have the potential for plenty of misadventures. Enrolling your puppy in a puppy insurance plan gives you peace of mind that your puppy is protected should future eligible accidents or illnesses arise.

Vaccinations and puppy socialization are two critical components of keeping your puppy safe and out of harm’s way. And you can do both by following a few simple guidelines while the vaccination series is underway.

  • Avoid any dogs you don’t know or know to be unvaccinated. This includes dog parks, off-leash areas like hiking trails, or fields where wildlife roams.
  • Carry your puppy over the ground where unknown dogs may have peed or pooped. Dog slings and backpacks are great for this if you have a large puppy and can’t carry them.
  • Playdates are wonderful ways to socialize your puppy with other dogs, as long as they’re vaccinated and you know where the dog has been. Plan the playdate to be on your turf or theirs and safe from wildlife or unknown animals.
  • Consider puppy training classes after the first set of puppy shots in facilities that screen for vaccinations and sterilize dog areas between classes.
  • Talk to your vet about wildlife areas to avoid and any potential disease outbreaks in your location.
  • You can take your dog for walks one week after they completed the last series of puppy shots.

In those first important months of your puppy’s life, they need puppy vaccinations and lots of proper socialization through positive experiences. Keep them safe by avoiding strange dogs and risky places until vaccinations are complete.

With the ever present risk of parvovirus, also known as parvo, puppy owners have raised concerns over socialisation and its potential risks. While socialisation is particularly important for developing healthy behaviours and interactions into adulthood, it’s important to understand the risks of parvovirus and how you can help your puppy socialise and interact with other dogs in a safe and comfortable environment.

Canine parvovirus is a highly infectious virus that attacks the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Spread through infected faeces, unvaccinated puppies and dogs are susceptible to contracting the potentially life-threatening virus.

Learn more about why puppy socialisation matters and how you can best protect your puppy from parvovirus.

How to Protect Puppies from Parvovirus?


While socialisation is critical in a dog’s development, it’s also important to be aware of the risk of parvovirus. Before your puppy goes on walks outside and interacts with other dogs, it’s important to start the vaccination process. By receiving their first vaccination, puppies begin building up a resistance to parvovirus and can begin to interact with other dogs and explore outdoor environments with greater protection. Once your puppy receives their first vaccination and is examined by a vet, they can begin to attend puppy school, but not socialise with other dogs until after their final vaccination. 

By bringing your puppy to a reputable puppy school that requires proof of parvovirus vaccinations, including our Puppy Preschool program, you can be confident that your puppy can socialise and build skills in a safe environment.

Why is Puppy Socialisation Important?

Dogs are intelligent animals with unique personalities and characteristics. Just like humans, puppies and adult dogs are shaped by experiences and interactions. In order for dogs to develop healthy and desirable behaviours, proper socialisation is important. Simple experiences before the age of 16 weeks can greatly impact future behaviour and long-term development. By exposing your puppy to a multitude of scenarios that they’re likely to encounter as an adult, you can help your puppy develop healthy and confident responses that shape them into friendly and sociable dogs.

What Age is My Puppy Safe from Parvo?

Your puppy can always be susceptible to parvovirus, even after vaccination, however vaccination greatly reduces the risk of this disease. At Vetwest, we recommend that puppies receive their first vaccinations between 6 to 8 weeks. Puppies then need another vaccination at 10 weeks old. Offering an early finish vaccine, your puppy can be taken out in public spaces 2 weeks after their 10-week vaccination. While your puppy goes through a vaccination process while they’re young, annual boosters are required for life to keep your puppy healthy and safe.

Though your puppy may be fully vaccinated, it’s wise to deter them from smelling the faeces of other dogs or animals to limit potential contact with materials that may be contaminated by parvovirus.

First Symptoms of Parvo in Puppies

Early symptoms of parvo in puppies should be treated with immediate action and attention. The best parvo treatments are administered as soon as symptoms are detected, giving your vet and your puppy the best chance to fight off the virus. Though treatments are available, parvo is sometimes fatal in young puppies. Symptoms include:

  • A sudden onset of diarrhoea, often bloody
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite or unwillingness to eat
  • Repeated vomiting

It's important to remember that many dogs won't show all signs of parvo. If you notice any of the above symptoms, it's best to bring your dog in for a check-up.

Learn more about the parvovirus in dogs and how to keep your pet protected.

Puppy Vaccinations

When you adopt a puppy, your vet will guide you through the vaccination process. Essential for keeping them safe, vaccinations allow your puppy to explore, grow and learn with maximum safety and protection. Vaccinations against a variety of canine diseases occur at 6 to 8 weeks and 10 weeks, providing them with the support and protection required to explore with confidence.

Check out the comprehensive puppy care guide as well as how important it is to get your puppy vaccinated.

How Can I Socialise My Puppy Without Risking Parvovirus?

Parvovirus can be life-threatening for young dogs. If your puppy is yet to have their first vaccination, it’s important to keep them away from other dogs and out of public places in order to minimise exposure to the virus. Play with your puppy indoors and incorporate toys and games to keep them engaged. After their first vaccination take them on car trips, meet new friends and family and even bring them to meet a fully vaccinated dog in a safe, uncontaminated and contained environment. If your puppy is meeting another dog, make sure that an unvaccinated dog or a dog with parvo hasn’t been in the environment before and if unsure keep them off the ground by holding them. Once your puppy receives their first vaccination, you’re able to bring them along to puppy school.

Puppy Preschool

Providing a safe and stimulating environment for your puppy to learn and develop, our Puppy Preschool gives your puppy the opportunity to grow into a sociable and well-behaved dog. With a focus on positive reinforcement, we help you develop a strong bond with your dog. Puppy Preschool gives your dog the chance to learn new skills, behaviours and interactions that allow them to become healthy and happy adults.

Requiring all puppies to be vaccinated against parvovirus, learn more about Puppy Preschool at a vet clinic near you.


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