When a computer hacker uses multiple compromised computers to carry out a DDoS attack the compromised computers are usually referred to as which of the following?

The basis for this attack often targets applications like Web Servers (i.e., Windows IIS, Apache, etc…); however, application layer attacks have been evolving to application platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, and others.

The goal of application layer attacks is to take out an application, an online service, or a website.

These attacks are usually smaller than the ones we have seen before. Nevertheless, the consequence of an application layer attack can be nefarious, since they can go unnoticed until it is too late to react. That is why they are called “low and slow attacks” or even “slow-rate attacks”. They can be silent and small, especially when compared to network-layer attacks, but they can be just as disruptive.

For example, a small VPS on Linode, Digital Ocean or AWS (Amazon) can easily handle a 100,000 to 200,000 packets per second SYN flood. However, the same server running on a WordPress or Joomla CMS can barely break 500 HTTP requests per second without shutting down. That is why application layer attacks can cause as much damage as a network application attack.

When you think about the amplification effect that we discussed in Section 1.4, even one HTTP request (which an attacker can perform without spending much money or resources) can cause a server to execute a large number of internal requests and load numerous files to create the page.


When application layer attacks start, they look very similar to legitimate requests from users and can escalate. The reason for that is that these attacks focus on the web application layer, which generally includes:

  • Hitting the web server
  • Running PHP scripts and
  • Contacting the database just to load one web page.

Application-layer attacks (mostly known as Layer 7 attacks) can be part of attacks which not only target the application, but also the bandwidth and network.

One of the reasons why these attacks are on the rise is that they tend to be less expensive to implement by malicious actors. On an application-layer attack, the amplification is CPU, memory or resource based, not network based.

These attacks are also harder to detect than network-layer attacks.

Pro Tip: Sucuri has developed a robust Website Application Firewall (WAF) solution that impedes DDoS attacks from shutting down your website. We will explain more about the Sucuri Firewall later.

Your devices, such as home routers, can be compromised and act as a botnet for DDoS attacks. We have discovered a number of large-scale DDoS attacks related to IoT devices.

Application Layer Attacks include:

  • The Domain Name System (DNS) is vital to the website infrastructure. DNS associates information with domain names and they can also be a target of DDoS attacks.

    These attacks use spoofing, reflection, and amplification, which means that a tiny query can be largely amplified in order to result in a much larger response in bytes.

    Botnets are used to send DNS requests. If the attacker wanted to target a DNS server, it would use all the botnet zombies in his network to issue DNS request messages for an amplification record from open recursive DNS servers that translate domain names into IP addresses. When it is a new request, the server promptly issues its own request to an infected server with a view to obtain the amplification record. This attack is completed using spoofing so that even though the server has never sent a request, it has been overburdened with responses.

    These attacks are very popular today. They occur at Layers 3 / 4, using publicly accessible DNS servers around the world to overwhelm your web server with DNS response traffic. Your web server is overwhelmed by the influx of responses in turn making it difficult to function as its resources are depleted, making it impossible to respond to legitimate DNS traffic.

    A Layer 3 DNS Amplification is a type of DDoS attack where the attacker hides the origin of the attack from the targeted site by reflecting the attack off of a third party. It uses amplification, meaning that the victim receives more byte counts than what is being sent from the attacker, increasing the power of the attack.

    If these attacks are successful, the targeted site will go down and be unavailable.

  • Layer 7 HTTP Flood – Cache Bypass is the smartest type of attack. The attackers try to use URLs that cause the most damage making the site use up all of its resources without being cached. For example, an attack can do random dictionary searches for “news”, “gov”, “faith”, which will consume a lot from the site and will not easily be detected since it looks like a normal user’s search habits.

  • A Layer 7 HTTP Flood Attack is a type of DDoS attack made to overload specific parts of a site or server. They are complex and hard to detect because the sent requests look like legitimate traffic. These requests consume the server’s resources causing the site to go down. These requests can also be sent by bots, increasing the attack’s power.

    An interesting point about layer 7 DDOS attacks, aka HTTP flood attacks, is that they have little dependency on bandwidth allowing them to easily take down a server by overloading its resources. Depending on the web server and application stack, even a low number of requests per second can choke the application and backend databases. On average, attacks greater than 100 requests per second have the potential to bring down most mid-sized websites.

    The issue with this type of attack is that server-level caching is unable to stop it. The incoming URLs are dynamic and the application forces a reload of the content from the database for every new request that is not in cache, which creates a new page. Attackers know this, making it the preferred method of attack for today’s Layer 7 DDoS attacks.

We categorize the HTTP Floods (Layer 7 DDoS attempts) into 4 major categories:

  • Basic HTTP Floods: Common and simple attacks that try to access the same page over and over. They generally use the same range of IP addresses, user agents, and referrers.

  • Randomized HTTP Floods: Complex attacks that leverage a large pool of IP addresses and randomized the URLs, useragents and referers used.

  • Cache-bypass HTTP Floods: A sub-category of the randomized HTTP Floods that also try to bypass web application caching.

  • WordPress XMLRPC Floods: A sub-category that uses WordPress pingback as a reflection for the attacks.

Any WordPress site with pingback enabled, which is on by default, can be used in DDoS attacks against other sites.

XMLRPC is used for pingbacks, trackbacks, remote access via mobile devices and many other features. However, it can also be heavily misused by attackers.

What can happen is that other WordPress sites can send random requests at a very large scale and bring a website down.

One attacker can use thousands of clean WordPress installations to perform a DDoS attack with a simple pingback request to the XML-RPC file. In other words, a simple command in Linux can start a mammoth attack.

If you are interested in learning more about legitimate WordPress websites being abused in order to perform a DDoS attack, read this blog article: More Than 162,000 WordPress Sites Used for Distributed Denial of Service Attack.

Denial-of-service attacks don’t just affect websites—individual home users can be victims too. Denial-of-service attacks can be difficult to distinguish from common network activity, but there are some indications that an attack is in progress.

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack occurs when legitimate users are unable to access information systems, devices, or other network resources due to the actions of a malicious cyber threat actor. Services affected may include email, websites, online accounts (e.g., banking), or other services that rely on the affected computer or network. A denial-of-service condition is accomplished by flooding the targeted host or network with traffic until the target cannot respond or simply crashes, preventing access for legitimate users. DoS attacks can cost an organization both time and money while their resources and services are inaccessible.

What are common denial-of-service attacks?

There are many different methods for carrying out a DoS attack. The most common method of attack occurs when an attacker floods a network server with traffic. In this type of DoS attack, the attacker sends several requests to the target server, overloading it with traffic. These service requests are illegitimate and have fabricated return addresses, which mislead the server when it tries to authenticate the requestor. As the junk requests are processed constantly, the server is overwhelmed, which causes a DoS condition to legitimate requestors.

  • In a Smurf Attack, the attacker sends Internet Control Message Protocol broadcast packets to a number of hosts with a spoofed source Internet Protocol (IP) address that belongs to the target machine. The recipients of these spoofed packets will then respond, and the targeted host will be flooded with those responses.
  • A SYN flood occurs when an attacker sends a request to connect to the target server but does not complete the connection through what is known as a three-way handshake—a method used in a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP network to create a connection between a local host/client and server. The incomplete handshake leaves the connected port in an occupied status and unavailable for further requests. An attacker will continue to send requests, saturating all open ports, so that legitimate users cannot connect.

Individual networks may be affected by DoS attacks without being directly targeted. If the network’s internet service provider (ISP) or cloud service provider has been targeted and attacked, the network will also experience a loss of service.

What is a distributed denial-of-service attack?

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack occurs when multiple machines are operating together to attack one target. DDoS attackers often leverage the use of a botnet—a group of hijacked internet-connected devices to carry out large scale attacks. Attackers take advantage of security vulnerabilities or device weaknesses to control numerous devices using command and control software. Once in control, an attacker can command their botnet to conduct DDoS on a target. In this case, the infected devices are also victims of the attack.

Botnets—made up of compromised devices—may also be rented out to other potential attackers. Often the botnet is made available to “attack-for-hire” services, which allow unskilled users to launch DDoS attacks.

DDoS allows for exponentially more requests to be sent to the target, therefore increasing the attack power. It also increases the difficulty of attribution, as the true source of the attack is harder to identify.

DDoS attacks have increased in magnitude as more and more devices come online through the Internet of Things (IoT) (see Securing the Internet of Things). IoT devices often use default passwords and do not have sound security postures, making them vulnerable to compromise and exploitation. Infection of IoT devices often goes unnoticed by users, and an attacker could easily compromise hundreds of thousands of these devices to conduct a high-scale attack without the device owners’ knowledge.

How do you avoid being part of the problem?

While there is no way to completely avoid becoming a target of a DoS or DDoS attack, there are proactive steps administrators can take to reduce the effects of an attack on their network.

  • Enroll in a DoS protection service that detects abnormal traffic flows and redirects traffic away from your network. The DoS traffic is filtered out, and clean traffic is passed on to your network.
  • Create a disaster recovery plan to ensure successful and efficient communication, mitigation, and recovery in the event of an attack.

It is also important to take steps to strengthen the security posture of all of your internet-connected devices in order to prevent them from being compromised.

  • Install and maintain antivirus software.
  • Install a firewall and configure it to restrict traffic coming into and leaving your computer (see Understanding Firewalls for Home and Small Office Use).
  • Evaluate security settings and follow good security practices in order to minimalize the access other people have to your information, as well as manage unwanted traffic (see Good Security Habits).

How do you know if an attack is happening?

Symptoms of a DoS attack can resemble non-malicious availability issues, such as technical problems with a particular network or a system administrator performing maintenance. However, the following symptoms could indicate a DoS or DDoS attack:

  • Unusually slow network performance (opening files or accessing websites),
  • Unavailability of a particular website, or
  • An inability to access any website.

The best way to detect and identify a DoS attack would be via network traffic monitoring and analysis. Network traffic can be monitored via a firewall or intrusion detection system. An administrator may even set up rules that create an alert upon the detection of an anomalous traffic load and identify the source of the traffic or drops network packets that meet a certain criteria.

What do you do if you think you are experiencing an attack?

If you think you or your business is experiencing a DoS or DDoS attack, it is important to contact the appropriate technical professionals for assistance.

  • Contact your network administrator to confirm whether the service outage is due to maintenance or an in-house network issue. Network administrators can also monitor network traffic to confirm the presence of an attack, identify the source, and mitigate the situation by applying firewall rules and possibly rerouting traffic through a DoS protection service.
  • Contact your ISP to ask if there is an outage on their end or even if their network is the target of the attack and you are an indirect victim. They may be able to advise you on an appropriate course of action.

In the case of an attack, do not lose sight of the other hosts, assets, or services residing on your network. Many attackers conduct DoS or DDoS attacks to deflect attention away from their intended target and use the opportunity to conduct secondary attacks on other services within your network.


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