What was the importance of Mayellas bruises being primarily?

Use the review games below to practice.

Let's see if you remember the major events of the section of To Kill a Mockingbird.

1) Describe the courthouse square on the day of the trial.

Answer: The square was extremely crowded because the vast majority of all Maycomb County residents were attending the trial.

2) Who in Maycomb did not go to the trial?

Answer: Miss Maudie

3) Where did the children sit at the trial?

Answer: In the balcony with the black residents of Maycomb County.

4) What was the importance of Mayella's bruises being primarily on the right hand side of her face?

Answer: The bruises could not have been given to her by Tom Robinson.

5) What does Mayella's testimony reveal about her?

Answer: That she is terribly afraid of her father, and she is obviously lying.

6) Why does Mayella get frustrated with Atticus?

Answer: Atticus keeps calling her Miss Mayella out of respect, but she feels he is making fun of her.

7) What does Tom say happened to Mayella?

Answer: He says he came into her house to help her fix a door hinge. She made advances towards him, and her father saw and began yelling at her.

Brandon Johnson

8 September 2020

7 test answers

What did Mr. Heck Tate’s mob want?

They wanted to make sure Atticus and Tom Robinson would be all right.

What was the purpose of Walter Cunningham’s mob?

Cunningham’s mob wanted to get to Tom Robinson to inflict their own justice upon him.If that meant they had to beat up Atticus, they were willing to do that.

Why did Mr. Cunningham’s mob leave?

Scout, Jem and Dill arrived on the scene. Scout came forward, and, while making herentrance and looking at the crowd, she noticed Mr. Cunningham. She identified him andbegan speaking to him on a personal basis, saying she was in his son’s class and that hehad come to lunch. She also reminded him that Atticus had done some legal work forhim. All of these things were said in an innocent conversation to Mr. Cunningham. Itmade Cunningham (and others, I suspect), realize that they were individuals, neighbors,and that they really didn’t want to hurt Atticus or anyone else.

Identify Mr. Dolphus Raymond.

Mr. Dolphus Raymond was a white man who married a black woman and lived with theblack community. Jem has heard a story that Mr. Raymond is always drunk. (However,we learn later that this is just an act.)

Identify Tom Robinson, Mr. Gilmer, Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell, and Judge Taylor.

Tom Robinson supposedly raped Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell’s daughter. Mr. Gilmer is theprosecuting attorney. Judge Taylor will be the judge during Tom’s trial.

What was the importance of Mayella’s bruises being primarily on the right-hand side of herface?

Bruises on her right side indicate that a left-handed person inflicted the wounds.

Identify Tom Robinson, Mr. Gilmer, Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell, and Judge Taylor.Tom Robinson supposedly raped Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell’s daughter. Mr. Gilmer is theprosecuting attorney.


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