What type of movement happens during the concentric phase of plyometric exercise Nasm quizlet?

Compare with definitions throughout the chapter

Rate of Force Production: closely associated with power and maximal strength; this is a measure of how quickly you can reach peak levels of force.

Plyometric training: also known as “jump training” or “plyos”, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength).

Integrated performance paradigm: The ability to properly decelerate, stabilize and accelerate in a performance based task.

Compare with Figure 11.1 – Integrated performance paradigm

All movement during performance activities requires the ability to decelerate active forces and accelerate to produce a new force. This requires stabilization of the core and intrinsic stabilizers of the joints.

The phases of Plyometric Exercise

Phase 1 – Eccentric: In the first phase of plyometrics (the Eccentric Phase, also referred to as the “loading” or “cocking” phase), energy is stored in the muscle in preparation for the following phase.

Phase 2 – Amortization: In the second phase of plyometrics (the Amortization Phase), the muscle with the stored energy is stabilized in preparation for the final phase. For optimal performance, buy xenical online usa this stage is rapid in order to create a more powerful response.

Phase 3 – Concentric: The third and final phase is the Concentric Phase, also referred to as the unloading phase. This phase occurs immediately after the amortization phase which results in the use of the energy stored in that particular muscle.

Reference: http://fitness.vpxsports.com/blog/bid/85152/3-Phases-of-Plyometric-Training

Compare with Figure 11.2 – Program design parameters for reactive training

Understanding the program design parameters will assist you in developing effective programs.

For exercise selection know the progression continuum similar to that of the other types of training.

For exercise variables recognize how different variables affect exercise.

OPT™ Level (adaptation): Stabilization, Strength, or Power  &  Type of Exercise: Balance  &  Compare with Table 11.1 Plyometric training program design

Stabilzation: Exercises involve a 3-5 second pause upon landing (Box Jump with stabilization) with 5-8 reps, steady tempo and 0-90sec rest.

Strength: Exercises involve a repetitive movement (Repeated squat jump) with 8-10 reps, moderate tempo and 0-60sec rest.

Power: Exercises involve quickly repeating the movement as fast as possible (Power step up) with 8-12 reps, xxx tempo and 0-60sec rest.

Asked by: Alicia Ruiz

What does the stretch shortening cycle do?

The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) refers to the ‘pre-stretch’ or ‘countermovement’ action that is commonly observed during typical human movements such as jumping. This pre-stretch allows the athlete to produce more force and move quicker.

What is an example of stretch shortening cycle?

It. Okay so to lay the groundwork the stretch shortening cycle occurs in fast movements such as jumping. And sprinting. It involves a pre-stretch of a muscle. And then a counter movement where the

What is the most important part of the stretch-shortening cycle?

Most powerful activities involve a countermovement during which the muscles involved are first stretched and then shortened to accelerate the body or limb. This action of the muscle is called a stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) (66).

What is the stretch-shortening cycle plyometrics?


Plyometric training utilizes the stretch‐shortening cycle (SSC) by using a lengthening movement (eccentric) which is quickly followed by a shortening movement (concentric).

What is the shortening of a muscle called?

Muscle contracture refers to physical shortening of muscle length, and it is often accompanied by physical shortening of other soft tissues such as fascia, nerves, blood vessels, and skin.

Which if the following is the order of the phases of the stretch-shortening cycle?

There are three phases to the stretch-shortening cycle: eccentric, amortization, and concentric. The eccentric phase includes the eccentric contraction, or loading of the muscle.

How does the stretch-shortening cycle improve concentric force production quizlet?

How does the stretch-shortening cycle improve concentric force production? It builds up elastic energy during the eccentric phase, preloading the muscle.

Why is plyometric training important?

Plyometric training increases muscle strength, which allows you to run faster, jump higher, and change direction quickly. They improve performance in any sport that involves running, jumping, or kicking.

What is an example of a plyometric exercise?

In the simplest of terms: Plyometrics are exercises that involve a jumping or explosive movement. For example, skipping, bounding, jumping rope, hopping, lunges, jump squats, and clap push-ups are all examples of plyometric exercises.

What process does plyometric exercise use?

Plyometric training takes advantage of a rapid cyclical muscle action known as the ‘stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)’, whereby the muscle undergoes an eccentric contraction, followed by a transitional period prior to the concentric contraction (1) (Figure 1).

How does the stretch-shortening cycle improve concentric force production quizlet?

How does the stretch-shortening cycle improve concentric force production? It builds up elastic energy during the eccentric phase, preloading the muscle.

How does the stretch-shortening cycle improve concentric force production Nasm?

Stretch-shortening cycles require the neuromuscular system to react quickly and efficiently after an eccentric muscle action to produce a concentric contraction and impart the necessary force (or acceleration) in the appropriate direction.

What happens during the eccentric phase of the stretch-shortening cycle?

Eccentric phase – The lengthening eccentric contraction of a muscle, for example: the lengthening of the quadricep muscles during initial squat-like loading for the jump. Amortisation phase – the transition period, where a time delay between loading the tendons with energy to the pre-burst of force generated.

Why does a shorter amortization phase lead to more effective plyometric movement?

Why does a shorter amortization phase lead to more effective plyometric movement? It causes stored elastic energy to be used more efficiently.

What 3 components make up the mechanical model for elastic energy in the stretch-shortening cycle?

Plyometric exercises have three distinct components: an eccentric, an amortization, and a concentric phase that releases the explosive force. These three components make up a stretch-shortening cycle.

What is the correct order of the three phases of plyometric exercise?

Plyometrics consist of 3 phases:

  • Eccentric pre-stretch (loading) phase.
  • Amortization (coupling or time to rebound) phase.
  • Concentric shortening (rebound) phase.

NASM Chapter 11 Plyometric Training.

Building a pyramid, you build the base then get narrower and narrower.

Well ladies and gentlemen we’ve built a great base focusing cardiovascular, balance, and core fitness.

We can now move onto to something called Plyometric Training.

What type of movement happens during the concentric phase of plyometric exercise Nasm quizlet?

What is Plyometric Training? It is exercises that generate quick, powerful, movements involving explosive concentric (Force Production)muscle contraction preceded by an eccentric muscle action( Force Reduction).

There are three phases of a plyometric exercise.

  1. The Amortization Phase- The transition phase, between Eccentric, and Concentric. This is important because it involves dynamic stability. It is a switch, and the longer an athlete spends in this phase the less efficient the concentric movement will be.
  2. The Concentric Phase- Releasing of the rubber band. All the tension is transferred into force production. Should be explosive.

So Just remember EAC

Why is it important? Because it creates quick burst of energy. Which can become more powerful the more you do it. Plyometrics also improves neuromuscular efficiency.

Watch this video

Some of these exercises are a little advance. But keep practicing themI like this video, cause she emphasizes bracing and drawing in of the core.

Remember it all about starting it. The more you do it the better you will become. So no worries, even if it is a little hop, the key is you are doing it.