What rationale explains why prolonged use of oxygen should be discouraged in a child with anemia?

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Publication# SubjectsGender (F/M)ReturnO2Slope (95%CI)
Weiskopf et al.63216/16NoNo−4.48 (−4.17 to −4.79)
Hopf et al.341410/4NoNo−3.79 (−3.30 to −4.27)
Weiskopf et al.35115/17YesNo−3.80 (−3.25 to −4.35)
Weiskopf et al.123020/10NoYes−3.36 (−2.99 to −3.74)
Weiskopf et al.3685/3NoNo−3.61 (−2.76 to −4.46)
Weiskopf et al.131410/4NoYes−3.74 (−2.99 to −4.50)
Weiskopf et al.1196/3YesNo−3.92 (−3.41 to −4.42)