What Mouse operation displays a shortcut menu?

A context menu is a pop-up menu that provides shortcuts for actions the software developer anticipates the user might want to take.  

In a Windows environment, the context menu is accessed with a right mouse click.  For example, if the end user right-clicks in a Word document, the pop-up menu will include shortcuts for undo, cut, copy and paste.  If the end user right-clicks in Excel, however, the context menu also includes shortcuts for insert cell, delete cell, paste special and other commands that are commonly used for that program. 

User interaction with context menus depends upon the computing device, its operating system (OS) and it input mechanisms. If the user does not have a mouse, for example, he may access context menus by pressing a keyboard combination, pressing and holding a trackball, holding a tap on a touch screen or placing two fingers on a touch pad. Context menus can be closed by selecting an action or clicking outside the menu area in open space.

Windows 7 and Windows 8  allow users to modify the operating system's context menu to add desired actions or remove unused options. However, this requires extensive knowledge of the Windows registry or the aid of third-party tools such as ShellNewHandler or New Menu Editor.

Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide another way to do something that you’d typically do with a mouse.

The following are common keyboard shortcuts in many of the Microsoft apps that come with Windows 10. This includes shortcuts for:

In many of these apps, shortcuts are also shown in a tooltip if you hold the mouse pointer over a button. In others, pressing the Alt or F10 keys shows available keyboard shortcuts. If a letter is underlined in a menu, press the Altkey and the underlined key together instead of choosing that menu item. For example, to create a new picture in Paint, press Ctrl + N. 

Note: With a touch keyboard, you'll need to press the Ctrl key to view some shortcuts.

Press this key

To do this

Alt + 1

Switch to Standard mode

Alt + 2

Switch to Scientific mode

Alt + 3

Switch to Graphing mode

Alt + 4

Switch to Programmer mode

Alt + 5

Switch to Date Calculation mode

Ctrl + M

Store in memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode

Ctrl + P

Add to memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode

Ctrl + Q

Subtract from memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode

Ctrl + R

Recall from memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode

Ctrl + L

Clear memory


Clear current input (select CE)


Fully clear input (select C)


Navigate to the next UI item and give it focus


Selects UI item that has focus


Selects = in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode


Select +/- in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode


Select 1/x in Standard mode and Scientific mode


Select 2√x in Standard mode and Scientific mode


Select in Standard mode and Programmer mode

Ctrl + H

When history button is visible, selects the history button in Standard mode and Scientific mode

Up arrow

Move up in history list, memory list, and menu items

Down arrow

Move down in history list, memory list, and menu items

Ctrl + Shift + D

Clear history


Select DEG in Scientific mode


Select RAD in Scientific mode


Select GRAD in Scientific mode


Select 2xin Scientific mode

Ctrl + G

Select 10xin Scientific mode


Select 10xin in Scientific mode

Shift + S

Select sin-1 in Scientific mode

Ctrl + S

Select sinh in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Shift + S

Select sinh-1 in Scientific mode


Select tan in Scientific mode

Shift + T

Select tan-1 in Scientific mode

Ctrl + T

Select tanh in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Shift + T

Select tanh-1 in Scientific mode


Select cos in Scientific mode

Shift + O

Select cos-1 in Scientific mode

Ctrl + O

Select cosh in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Shift + O

Select cosh-1 in Scientific mode


Select sec in Scientific mode

Shift + U

Select sec-1 in Scientific mode

Ctrl + U

Select sech in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Shift + U

Select sech-1 in Scientific mode


Select csc in Scientific mode

Shift + I

Select csc-1 in Scientific mode

Ctrl + I

Select csch in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Shift + I

Select csch-1 in Scientific mode


Select cot in Scientific mode

Shift + J

Select cot-1 in Scientific mode

Ctrl + J

Select coth in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Shift + J

Select coth-1 in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Y

Selecty√x in Scientific mode

Shift + \

Select |x| in Scientific mode


Select ⌊x⌋ in Scientific mode


Select ⌈x⌉ in Scientific mode


Select log in Scientific mode

Shift + L

Select logyx in Scientific mode


Select dms in Scientific mode


Select ln in Scientific mode

Ctrl + N

Select ex in Scientific mode


Select Pi in Scientific mode


Select x2 in Standard mode and Scientific mode


Toggles on/off F-E buttonin Scientific mode


Select exp in Scientific mode

Y, ^

Select xy in Scientific mode


Select x3 in Scientific mode


Select n! in Scientific mode


Select mod in Scientific mode

Ctrl ++ on numpad

Graph zooms in while in Graphing mode

Ctrl +- on numpad

Graph zooms out while in Graphing mode


Select DWORD in Programmer mode


Select WORD in Programmer mode


Select BYTE in Programmer mode


Select HEX in Programmer mode


Select DEC in Programmer mode


Select OCT in Programmer mode


Select BIN in Programmer mode


Select QWORD in Programmer mode


Select letters A-F in Programmer mode while HEX is select

Shift + ,

Select RoL in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to either "Circular" shift

Shift + .

Select RoR in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to either "Circular" shift

Shift + ,

Select Lsh in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to "Arithmetic" or "Logical" shift

Shift + .

Select Rsh in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to "Arithmetic" or "Logical" shift


Select % in Programmer mode


Select OR in Programmer mode


Select XOR in Programmer mode


Select NOR in Programmer mode


Select NOT in Programmer mode


Select AND in Programmer mode


Select NAND in Programmer mode

Press this key

To do this

Windows logo key  + G

Open Game bar when a game is open

Windows logo key  + Alt + G

Record the last 30 seconds

Windows logo key  + Alt + R

Start or stop recording

Windows logo key  + Alt + Print Screen

Take a screenshot of your game

Windows logo key  + Alt + T

Show or hide recording timer

Windows logo key  + Alt + M

Turn the microphone on or off

Windows logo key  + Alt + B

Start or stop broadcasting

Windows logo key  + Alt + W

Show camera during broadcast

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + P

Play or pause

Ctrl + F

Skip to next song

Ctrl + B

Restart current song or skip to previous


Volume up


Volume down


Mute volume

Ctrl + Enter

Select an item and enter selection mode

Ctrl + A

Select all


Delete selected item(s)

Ctrl + Shift + P

Play selected item

Ctrl + T

Repeat on or off

Ctrl + H

Shuffle on or off

Ctrl + Q


Press this key

To do this

Arrow keys

Pan the map in any direction

Ctrl + plus or minus key (+ or -)

Zoom in or out

Ctrl + Left or Right arrow keys


Ctrl + Up or Down arrow keys


+ or - keys

Zoom in or out in 3D Cities view

Page Up or Page Down

Move farther or closer in 3D Cities view

Ctrl + Y

Switch map views between aerial and road

Ctrl + Home

Center map on your current location

Ctrl + D

Get directions

Ctrl + F


Ctrl + M

Minimize the active tab

Ctrl + P


Ctrl + T

Show or hide traffic


Go back

Ctrl + H


Ctrl + L

Move focus to map

Ctrl + W

Close the active tab

Ctrl + Tab

Go to the next tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Go to previous tab

Ctrl + S

Show or hide Streetside

Ctrl + C

Copy to clipboard

Press this key

To do this

Alt + Enter

Play full-screen


Leave full-screen


Select something that's in focus



Ctrl + P

Play or pause (when a video is in focus)

Alt + Left arrow key


Windows logo key  + Backspace 

Go back

Ctrl + T

Turn repeat on or off


Mute the sound


Volume down


Volume up

Press this key

To do this


View a picture in full-screen mode


Save the picture as a new file

Ctrl + A

Select the whole picture

Ctrl + B

Bold selected text

Ctrl + C

Copy a selection to the Clipboard

Ctrl + E

Open the Propertiesdialog box

Ctrl + G

Show or hide gridlines

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text

Ctrl + N

Create a new picture

Ctrl + O

Open an existing picture

Ctrl + P

Print a picture

Ctrl + R

Show or hide the ruler

Ctrl + S

Save changes to a picture

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text

Ctrl + V

Paste a selection from the Clipboard

Ctrl + W

Open the Resize and Skew dialog

Ctrl + X

Cut a selection

Ctrl + Y

Redo a change

Ctrl + Z

Undo a change

Ctrl + plus (+)

Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel

Ctrl + minus (-)

Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel

Ctrl + Page Up

Zoom in

Ctrl + Page Down

Zoom out

Alt + F4

Close a picture and its Paint window

Right arrow

Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel

Left arrow

Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel

Down arrow

Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel

Up arrow

Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel

Shift + F10

Show the context menu

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + 0  or NumberPad0

Reset zoom

Ctrl + 3

Switch views

Ctrl + A

Selects all 3D items in your workspace; repeat command to toggle to select all 2D items

Ctrl + B

Bold selected text

Ctrl + C

Copy selected item

Ctrl + Insert

Copy selected item

Ctrl + Shift + C

Capture a screenshot

Ctrl + E

Show canvas properties

Ctrl + Shift + E

Show or hide 3D perspective

Ctrl + G

Group objects

Ctrl + Shift + G

Ungroup objects


Turn on eyedropper

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text


Minimize or expand the side menu

Ctrl + N

Create a new picture or file

Ctrl + O

Open an existing picture or file

Ctrl + P

Print in 2D

Ctrl + S


Ctrl + Shift + S

Save as

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text

Ctrl + V

Paste selected item

Shift + Insert

Paste selected item

Ctrl + W

Select canvas

Ctrl + Shift + W

Show or hide canvas

Ctrl + X

Cut selected item

Shift + Delete

Cut selected item

Ctrl + Shift + X

2D crop

Ctrl + Y

Redo an action

Ctrl + Z

Undo an action


Stop or leave the current task


Reset view


Zoom in

Ctrl + PgUp

Zoom in


Zoom out

Ctrl + PgDn

Zoom out

Ctrl + mouse wheel

Zoom in or out

Ctrl + Left

Orbit left

Ctrl + Right

Orbit right

Ctrl + Up

Orbit up

Ctrl + Down

Orbit down

Alt + Left

Pan left

Alt + Right

Pan right

Alt + Up

Pan up

Alt + Down

Pan down

Ctrl + Minus (-) or [

Decrease brush size

Ctrl + Plus (+) or ]

Increase brush size

Right arrow

Move selection or active shape right by one pixel

Left arrow

Move selection or active shape left by one pixel

Down arrow

Move selection or active shape down by one pixel

Up arrow

Move selection or active shape up by one pixel

Alt + F4

Close program


Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop


Activate the Menu bar in the app

Shift + F10

Show the context menu


View picture in full-screen mode


Save picture as a new file

Press this key

To do this

Spacebar (in Collection)

Select an item and enter Selection mode

Enter (from Selection mode)

Select an item while in Selection mode

Spacebar (viewing a photo)

Show or hide commands

Spacebar (viewing a video)

Play or pause the video

Arrow keys (in Collection)

Scroll up, down, left, or right

Left or right arrow keys (on a single item or slideshow)

Show the next or previous item

Arrow keys (on a zoomed photo)

Move within the photo

Ctrl + plus or minus (+ or -)

Zoom in or out when viewing a photo

Ctrl + 0

Reset zoom on a photo


Return to previous screen

Ctrl + S


Ctrl + P


Ctrl + C


Ctrl + R (viewing or editing)

Rotate a photo

E (viewing a photo)

Enhance a photo

Ctrl + Z (editing)

Undo changes

Ctrl + Y (editing)

Redo changes

Ctrl + / (editing)

View original

Shift + arrow keys

Resize crop or selective focus area

Ctrl + arrow keys

Move crop or selective focus area

F5 (viewing an item)

Start a slide show

Alt + Enter

View file info

Ctrl + L

Set as lock screen

Ctrl + N (in Albums view)

Create a new album

Ctrl + R (in Albums view)

Remove album

Ctrl + D

Add selected items to album

Ctrl + U

Remove selected items from album

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + R

Start a new recording

Ctrl + M

Add a new marker to the recording


Delete the selected recording


Play or pause


Go back


Rename a recording

Right or Left arrow

Jump ahead or back while playing a recording

Shift + Right or Left arrow

Jump further ahead or back


Jump to the start of the recording


Jump to the end of the recording

Press this key

To do this


Search for the next instance of the text in the Finddialog box


Save the document as a new file

Ctrl + 1

Set single line spacing

Ctrl + 2

Set double line spacing

Ctrl + 5

Set line spacing to 1.5

Ctrl + A

Select all

Ctrl + B

Make selected text bold

Ctrl + C

Copy a selection to the Clipboard

Ctrl + D

Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing

Ctrl + E

Align text center

Ctrl + F

Search for text in a document

Ctrl + H

Replace text in a document

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text

Ctrl + J

Justify text

Ctrl + L

Align text left

Ctrl + N

Create a new document

Ctrl + O

Open an existing document

Ctrl + P

Print a document

Ctrl + R

Align text right

Ctrl + S

Save changes to a document

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text

Ctrl + V

Paste a selection from the Clipboard

Ctrl + X

Cut a selection

Ctrl + Y

Redo a change

Ctrl + Z

Undo a change

Ctrl + equal (=)

Make selected text subscript

Ctrl + Shift + equal (=)

Make selected text superscript

Ctrl + Shift + greater than (>)

Increase the font size

Ctrl + Shift + less than (<)

Decrease the font size

Ctrl + Shift + A

Change characters to all capitals

Ctrl + Shift + L

Change the bullet style

Ctrl + Left arrow

Move the cursor one word to the left

Ctrl + Right arrow

Move the cursor one word to the right

Ctrl + Up arrow

Move the cursor to the previous line

Ctrl + Down arrow

Move the cursor to the next line

Ctrl + Home

Move to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + End

Move to the end of the document

Ctrl + Page Up

Move up one page

Ctrl + Page Down

Move down one page

Ctrl + Delete

Delete the next word

Alt + F4

Close WordPad

Shift + F10

Show the context menu

The following keyboard shortcuts are available in Windows 8.1

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Calculator.

Press this key

To do this


Open Calculator Help


Edit the calculation history

Alt + 1

Switch to Standard mode

Alt + 2

Switch to Scientific mode

Alt + 3

Switch to Programmer mode

Alt + 4

Switch to Statistics mode

Alt + C

Open date calculations

Ctrl + E

Open date calculations

Ctrl + H

Turn calculation history on or off

Ctrl + L

Press the MC button

Ctrl + M

Press the MS button

Ctrl + P

Press the M+ button

Ctrl + Q

Press the M- button

Ctrl + R

Press the MR button

Ctrl + U

Open unit conversion

Ctrl + Shift + D

Clear the calculation history


Press the +/– button


Press the 1/× button


Press the square root button


Press the CE button

Up arrow

Move up in the calculation history

Down arrow

Move down in the calculation history


Press the C button or stop editing the calculation history


Recalculate the calculation history after editing


Select Degrees in Scientific mode


Select Radians in Scientific mode


Select Grads in Scientific mode

Ctrl + B

Press the 3√x button in Scientific mode

Ctrl + G

Press the 10x button in Scientific mode

Ctrl + O

Press the cosh button in Scientific mode

Ctrl + S

Press the sinh button in Scientific mode

Ctrl + T

Press the tanh button in Scientific mode

Ctrl + Y

Press the y√x button in Scientific mode


Press the Mod button in Scientific mode


Press the Inv button in Scientific mode


Press the log button in Scientific mode


Press the dms button in Scientific mode


Press the ln button in Scientific mode


Press the cos button in Scientific mode


Press the pi button in Scientific mode


Press the x^2 button in Scientific mode


Press the sin button in Scientific mode


Press the tan button in Scientific mode


Press the F-E button in Scientific mode


Press the Exp button in Scientific mode


Press the x^y button in Scientific mode


Press the x^3 button in Scientific mode


Press the Int button in Scientific mode


Press the n! button in Scientific mode


Select Dword in Programmer mode


Select Word in Programmer mode


Select Byte in Programmer mode


Select Hex in Programmer mode


Select Dec in Programmer mode


Select Oct in Programmer mode


Select Bin in Programmer mode


Select Qword in Programmer mode


Press the A-F buttons in Programmer mode


Press the RoL button in Programmer mode


Press the RoR button in Programmer mode


Press the Lsh button in Programmer mode


Press the Rsh button in Programmer mode


Press the Mod button in Programmer mode


Press the Or button in Programmer mode


Press the And button in Programmer mode


Toggles the bit value in Programmer mode


Press the Average button in Statistics mode

Ctrl + A

Press the Average Sq button in Statistics mode


Press the Sum button in Statistics mode

Ctrl + S

Press the Sum Sq button in Statistics mode


Press the S.D. button in Statistics mode

Ctrl + T

Press the Inv S.D. button in Statistics mode


Press the CAD button in Statistics mode

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with the Calendar app.

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + 1 or Ctrl + D

Show the day view

Ctrl + 2 or Ctrl + O

Show the work week view

Ctrl + 3 or Ctrl + W

Show the week view

Ctrl + 4 or Ctrl + M

Show the month view

Ctrl + T or Home

Go to today

Page up

In month view, go to the previous month   In week view, go to the previous week  

In day view, go to the previous two days

Ctrl + H

In month view, go to the previous month   In week view, go to the previous week  

In day view, go to the previous two days

Page down

In month view, go to the previous month   In week view, go to the previous week  

In day view, go to the previous two days

Ctrl + J

In month view, go to the previous month   In week view, go to the previous week  

In day view, go to the previous two days

Right arrow

In a view, go to the next day

Left arrow

In a view, go to the previous day

Down arrow

In a view, go to the next hour

Up arrow

In a view, go to the previous hour


Go back

Ctrl + S

Save or send the event

Ctrl + P, use up and down arrows to select

Respond to an event

Ctrl + D

Delete an event

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with the Mail app.

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + R


Ctrl + Shift + R

Reply all

Ctrl + F


Ctrl + M

Move item to a different folder

Ctrl + J

Toggle between marking a message as junk or not junk

Ctrl + Shift + U

Show only unread messages

Ctrl + Shift + A

Show all messages

Ctrl + Shift + E

Show Folder options

Ctrl + U

Mark as unread

Ctrl + Q

Mark as read

Ctrl + A

Select all messages


Toggle between Flag and Remove flag for messages

Ctrl + N

New message



Alt + B

Put focus on the bcc button

Alt + C

Put focus on the cc button


Alt + D


Alt + T

Put focus on the To button


Alt + V

Open the invitation in Calendar

Alt + S

Send mail

Alt + i

Insert attachment

Ctrl + Shift + F

Select a font

Ctrl + Spacebar

Clear formatting

Ctrl + Y




Ctrl + [

Increase font size one point

Ctrl + ]

Decrease font size one point

Ctrl + Shift + ,

Increase font size

Ctrl + K

Add a link

Ctrl + E


Ctrl + L


Ctrl + R


Ctrl + Shift + L


Ctrl + M

Indent when text is selected

Ctrl + Shift + M


Tab or Shift + Tab

Indent/outdent when text is selected or when focus is in a list

Ctrl + '

Acute accent

Ctrl + ,

Cedilla accent

Ctrl + Shift + 6

Circumflex accent

Ctrl + Shift + ;

Diaeresis accent

Ctrl + `

Grave accent

Ctrl + Shift + 7

Ligature accent

Ctrl + Shift + 2

Ring accent

Ctrl + /

Forward slash accent

Ctrl + Shift + `

Tilde accent

Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 1

Inverted exclamation mark

Alt + Ctrl + Shift + /

Inverted question mark

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for the People app.

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + N

Add a contact

Ctrl + S

Save changes


Delete a contact

Ctrl + F

Make a contact a favorite

Ctrl + Shift + 1

Pin a contact to Start


Go back


Go to beginning of contact list

Page down

Go forward in the contact list

Page up

Go backwards in the contact list


Go to end of the contact list

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with the Messaging app.

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + N

Start a new conversation

Ctrl + N

Select people

Ctrl + E

Select an emoticon

Ctrl + >

Next conversation

Ctrl + <

Previous conversation

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Paint.

Press this key

To do this


Open Paint Help


View a picture in full-screen mode


Save the picture as a new file

Ctrl + A

Select the entire picture

Ctrl + B

Bold selected text

Ctrl + C

Copy a selection to the Clipboard

Ctrl + E

Open the Properties dialog box

Ctrl + G

Show or hide gridlines

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text

Ctrl + N

Create a new picture

Ctrl + O

Open an existing picture

Ctrl + P

Print a picture

Ctrl + R

Show or hide the ruler

Ctrl + S

Save changes to a picture

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text

Ctrl + V

Paste a selection from the Clipboard

Ctrl + W

Open the Resize and Skew dialog box

Ctrl + X

Cut a selection

Ctrl + Y

Redo a change

Ctrl + Z

Undo a change

Ctrl + plus (+)

Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel

Ctrl + minus (-)

Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel

Ctrl + Page Up

Zoom in

Ctrl + Page Down

Zoom out

Alt (or F10)

Display keytips

Alt + F4

Close a picture and its Paint window

Right arrow

Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel

Left arrow

Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel

Down arrow

Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel

Up arrow

Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel

Shift + F10

Show the current shortcut menu

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with the Reader app.

Press this key

To do this


Use two-page layout

Ctrl + R

Rotate the file 90 degrees clockwise

Ctrl + F

Search for text in a file


Use keyboard selection mode

Ctrl + P

Print a file

Ctrl + O

Open a file

Ctrl + W

Close a file

Ctrl + M

Reader app home

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Remote Desktop Connection.

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + Alt + Home

Toggle appbars between the remote PC and the one in front of you

Ctrl + Alt + Left arrow

Switch your view to the previous session (when viewing a session)

Ctrl + Alt + Right arrow

Switch your view to the next session (when viewing a session)

Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow

Switch your view to the first session (when viewing a session)

Ctrl + Alt + Down arrow

Switch your view to the last session (when viewing a session)

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with OneDrive.

Press this key

To do this

Ctrl + A

Select all

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Change view (details/thumbnails)

Ctrl + U


Ctrl + Shift + N

New folder


Clear selection

Ctrl + O

Open with

Ctrl + Alt + O

View folder

Ctrl + Shift + V


Ctrl + Shift + Y


Ctrl + S


Alt + Up arrow

Go up





The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows Journal.

Press this key

To do this


Open Journal Help


Refresh the note list


Toggle between a note list and a note


View a note in full-screen mode

Ctrl + A

Select all items on a page

Ctrl + C

Copy a selection to the Clipboard

Ctrl + F

Search for text in a file

Ctrl + G

Go to a page

Ctrl + N

Start a new note

Ctrl + O

Open a recently used note

Ctrl + P

Print a note

Ctrl + S

Save changes to a note

Ctrl + V

Paste a selection from the Clipboard

Ctrl + X

Cut a selection

Ctrl + Y

Redo a change

Ctrl + Z

Undo a change

Alt + F4

Close a note and its Journal window

Ctrl + Shift + C

Display a shortcut menu for column headings in a note list

Ctrl + Shift + V

Move a note to a specific folder

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with WordPad.

Press this key

To do this


Open WordPad Help


Search for the next instance of the text in the Find dialog box


Display keytips


Save the document as a new file

Ctrl + 1

Set single line spacing

Ctrl + 2

Set double line spacing

Ctrl + 5

Set line spacing to 1.5

Ctrl + A

Select the entire document

Ctrl + B

Make selected text bold

Ctrl + C

Copy a selection to the Clipboard

Ctrl + D

Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing

Ctrl + E

Align text center

Ctrl + F

Search for text in a document

Ctrl + H

Replace text in a document

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text

Ctrl + J

Justify text

Ctrl + L

Align text left

Ctrl + N

Create a new document

Ctrl + O

Open an existing document

Ctrl + P

Print a document

Ctrl + R

Align text right

Ctrl + S

Save changes to a document

Ctrl + U

Save changes to a document

Ctrl + V

Paste a selection from the Clipboard

Ctrl + X

Cut a selection

Ctrl + Y

Redo a change

Ctrl + Z

Undo a change

Ctrl + =

Make selected text subscript

Ctrl + Shift + =

Make selected text superscript

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increase the font size

Ctrl + Shift + <

Decrease the font size

Ctrl + Shift + A

Change characters to all capitals

Ctrl + Shift + L

Change the bullet style

Ctrl + Left arrow

Move the cursor one word to the left

Ctrl + Right arrow

Move the cursor one word to the right

Ctrl + Up arrow

Move the cursor to the previous line

Ctrl + Down arrow

Move the cursor to the next line

Ctrl + Home

Move to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + End

Move to the end of the document

Ctrl + Page Up

Move up one page

Ctrl + Page Down

Move down one page

Ctrl + Delete

Delete the next word

Alt + F4

Close WordPad

Shift + F10

Show the current shortcut menu


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