What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

Pyramids and cones are different from prisms and cylinders in that they have just one base and an apex, or a single point at which the other faces of the solid meet.

Cones are like cylinders and prisms in that they can be oblique or right. If a line dropped from the cone’s apex at right angles to the base goes through the center of the base, then the cone is right. Otherwise, the cone is oblique. Pyramids that have a clear center in their bases can also be considered right or oblique.

We can use relationships between pyramids and prisms to build a formula for the volume of a pyramid. The image shows 3 square pyramids assembled into a cube. We’ll use similar thinking, but with triangular pyramids and prisms, to create a pyramid volume formula in an upcoming lesson.

The surface area is the area that describes the material that will be used to cover a geometric solid. When we determine the surface areas of a geometric solid we take the sum of the area for each geometric form within the solid.

The volume is a measure of how much a figure can hold and is measured in cubic units. The volume tells us something about the capacity of a figure.

A prism is a solid figure that has two parallel congruent sides that are called bases that are connected by the lateral faces that are parallelograms. There are both rectangular and triangular prisms.

What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

To find the surface area of a prism (or any other geometric solid) we open the solid like a carton box and flatten it out to find all included geometric forms.

What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

To find the volume of a prism (it doesn't matter if it is rectangular or triangular) we multiply the area of the base, called the base area B, by the height h.

$$V=B\cdot h$$

A cylinder is a tube and is composed of two parallel congruent circles and a rectangle which base is the circumference of the circle.

What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?


What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

The area of one circle is:

$$A=\pi r^{2}$$

$$A=\pi \cdot 2^{2}$$

$$A=\pi \cdot 4$$

$$A\approx 12.6$$

The circumference of a circle:

$$C=\pi d$$

$$C=\pi \cdot 4$$

$$C\approx 12.6$$

The area of the rectangle:

$$A=C\cdot h$$

$$A=12.6 \cdot 6$$

$$A\approx 75.6$$

The surface area of the whole cylinder:

$$A=75.6+12.6+12.6=100.8\, units^{2}$$

To find the volume of a cylinder we multiply the base area (which is a circle) and the height h.

$$V=\pi r^{2}\cdot h$$

A pyramid consists of three or four triangular lateral surfaces and a three or four sided surface, respectively, at its base. When we calculate the surface area of the pyramid below we take the sum of the areas of the 4 triangles area and the base square. The height of a triangle within a pyramid is called the slant height.

What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

The volume of a pyramid is one third of the volume of a prism.

$$V=\frac{1}{3}\cdot B\cdot h$$

The base of a cone is a circle and that is easy to see. The lateral surface of a cone is a parallelogram with a base that is half the circumference of the cone and with the slant height as the height. This can be a little bit trickier to see, but if you cut the lateral surface of the cone into sections and lay them next to each other it's easily seen.

What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

The surface area of a cone is thus the sum of the areas of the base and the lateral surface:

$$A_{base}=\pi r^{2}\: and\: A_{LS}=\pi rl$$

$$A=\pi r^{2}+\pi rl$$


What is volume What is the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and a prism a cylinder and a cone?

$$\begin{matrix} A_{base}=\pi r^{2}\: \: &\, \, and\, \, & A_{LS}=\pi rl\: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ A_{base}=\pi \cdot 3^{2} & & A_{LS}=\pi \cdot 3\cdot 9\\ A_{base}\approx 28.3\: \: && A_{LS}\approx 84.8\: \: \: \: \: \\ \end{matrix}$$

$$A=\pi r^{2}+\pi rl=28.3+84.8=113.1\, units^{2}$$

The volume of a cone is one third of the volume of a cylinder.

$$V=\frac{1}{3}\pi \cdot r^{2}\cdot h$$


Find the volume of a prism that has the base 5 and the height 3.

$$B=3\cdot 5=15$$

$$V=15\cdot 3=45\: units^{3}$$

Video lesson

Find the surface area of a cylinder with the radius 4 and height 8

Find the volume of a cone with height 5 and the radius 3

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