What is true about j-turns and crashes

The point of these turns it to greatly reduce – or even eliminate -- a significant number of severe crashes common when drivers must cross-over busy highways to reach another road.

In the J-turn design drivers turn right in the same direction of traffic, and merge safely into the left lane to prepare to make a left turn in the direction they intended to travel. This option uses an extended deceleration lane, basically adding a third lane on the highway to allow traffic making a left turn onto opposing lanes to safely pull off the mainline, out of the way of high speed traffic. In addition, acceleration lanes may be constructed to allow traffic an opportunity to gain speed after turning onto the highway.

How do J-turns enhance safety?

J-turns have proven to be a safer alternative to a traditional roadway intersection on a four-lane highway because they eliminate or greatly reduce right-angle crashes, the crash type most responsible for fatalities and serious injuries at intersections. In fact, the installation of J-turns at similar intersections throughout Missouri and the nation have shown a substantial decrease in fatal and serious injury crashes. Basically, they eliminate the need for motorists to cross the high-speed lanes of traffic to get to the opposing lanes.

Studies done by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program show J-turns provide significant reduction in right-angle, “far” side crashes. 

Recent statistics about J-turns:

A recent study conducted by the University of Missouri shows that implementing the J-turn design at intersections of high-speed rural expressways and minor roads results in fewer crashes than those that are controlled by two-way stops.


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