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Laxalt, Sen. Paul—1199, 1225 Leahy, Sen. Patrick J.-1148 Leather, bovine-1179 Lebanon, Israeli border tensions—1351 Leeds, Byron—1221, 1255 Legal profession, public opinion–1043 Leibman, Morris I.-1105 Leif Erikson Day—1098 Leland, Marc E.—1254, 1288 Lemnitzer, Lyman L.-1089n. Lent, Repr. Norman F.-1231

Letters, Messages, Telegrams

Friedersdorf, Max L., resignation—1329

Jewish High Holy Days-1058 Levin, Ida-1297n. Levitt, Arthur, Jr.—1322 Lewis, Drew L.–1130, 1137, 1321, 1328 Libraries and Information Science, National

Commission on—1221, 1255 Libya Col. Mu'ammar Qadhafi—1119, 1120, 1325,

1333 Oil boycott by U.S., possibility—1164 Lichenstein, Charles M.-1149 Liddicoat, Marilyn D.—1223 Lilley, Robert D.-1322 Lincoln, Abraham-1314 Lincoln, Nebr.-1254 Linowitz, Sol-1104n. Lipp, Eugene V.—1320, 1352 Lippmann, Walter-1138 Lippold, Rear Adm. Herbert R., Jr.--1285,

1309 Livingston, Repr. Robert L.-1286 Lladó, José—1110, 1121n. Loan guarantee reductions, Federal—1229 Lobb, R. Kenneth-1126n. Locigno, Paul R.-1308 Locke, John-1235 Loeffler, Repr. Tom-1258 Long, Sen. Russell B.-1148 Long Beach, Calif.-1286 Longshoremen's Association, International

1234 López Portillo, José—1187, 1206, 1207 Lott, Repr. Trent-1225 Louisiana Gov. David C. Treen-1039, 1046, 1048n.,

1302 President's visit-1039, 1046, 1079 Republican reception-1046 U.S. attorney—1289, 1309

U.S. marshal—1228, 1229, 1309 Lucas, Henry, Jr.-1322 Luce, Claire Boothe-1177

Luers, William H.-1055, 1266n.

Lung Association, American—1254 Luttgens, Leslie L.-1322 Luxembourg, U.S. Ambassador-1115 Lyet, Paul-1133

Lyman, Richard W.-1322 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Tex.-

1257n. Lyons, Charleton-1046 Lyons, John W.-1126n. MacAvoy, Paul—1241 MacCallum, Donald Kenneth-1238 MacNaughton, Donald S.-1241 Macon, Ga.-1254 Madison, Dolley—1284 Madison, James-1284 Maduro, Reynaldo Philip—1191, 1226 Magnuson, Paul A.-1078, 1079 Maier, Cornell C.-1322 Majali, Abdul Hadi al—1207, 1214n. Maldives, U.S. Ambassador-1283, 1309 Malik, Charles-1044 Management and Budget, Office of—1229,

1252, 1291 Management and Budget, Office of, Director

(David A. Stockman) Federal pay recommendations-1263 Marine mammals protection, responsibil-

Meetings with the President (Digest

1254, 1351 Mentions—1091-1093 1983 budget review—1252 Transcripts released by the Press Office

(Checklist1183, 1256 Manila Pact-1096 Marathon Oil Co.-1327 Marcos, Ferdinand E.-1206 Marine Corps, United States-1110, 1343 Marine Mammal Commission—1238 Marine mammals, protection-1111 Marlenee, Repr. Ron-1114 Marriott, Repr. Dan—1114 Marshall, Ernest T.-1306 Marshals, U.S.

Alabama—1227, 1229 Alaska-1116, 1117 Arizona-1227, 1229 Florida-1288 Idaho1116, 1117 Indiana-1117

Iowa-1228, 1229, 1288

Kansas-1228, 1229 Kentucky-1116, 1117 Louisiana—1228, 1229, 1309 Michigan—1229, 1255 Minnesota-1228, 1229 Missouri—1226, 1228, 1229 Nebraska—1353, 1354 Nevada-1183 New Hampshire—1228, 1229 North Carolina—1289, 1309 North Dakota-1228, 1229 Ohio-1079, 1115 Oklahoma-1116, 1117, 1229, 1255

Page 3


Developing countries usage—1142

Price decontrol—1059 O'Kelley, Harold E.-1085 Oklahoma

Disaster declaration-1225 U.S. district judge—1352, 1354

U.S. marshals-1116, 1117, 1229, 1255 Oklahoma City, Okla.—1254 Older Americans Act-1318 Older persons Administration's goals

goals and accomplishments—1317, 1331, 1353 Contributions-1317

Statistics—1317 Olmer, Lionel H.—1305 Olson, Robert D., Sr.-1116, 1117 Olympic Hockey Team, U.S., 1980—1233 O'Neill, Eugene—1235 O'Neill, Paul H.-1241 O'Neill, Repr. Thomas P., Jr. See Speaker of

the House of Representatives OPEC—1070, 1140, 1209 Oregon, U.S. marshal_1116, 1117

Organization. See other part of title

Orthodox Church in North and South Amer-

ica, Greek—1225 Ortiz, Frank V., Jr.-1115 O'Shea, Michael—1104 Ottawa Economic Summit

Summit Conference1167, 1186, 1247 Outdoor Life Magazine Conservation

Award-1207 Overseas Private Investment Corporation

1079, 1305, 1350, 1352 Owens, Jessie-1104 Pace, Frank, Jr.-1322 Pacific islands, airline service-1119 Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the—1211,

1227, 1320, 1352 Paganelli, Robert P.-1115 Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza-1155 Pahr, Willibald—1206 Paige, Roderick R.-1308 Paine, Thomas-1172 Paisley, Melvyn R.-1189, 1208 Pakistan, U.S. Ambassador-1115 Palestine Liberation Organization—1119,

1152 Palestinians-1152 Palmer, B. J.-1249 Palmer, John-1209 Palmer, Stephen E., Jr.—1267 Panama, international economic assistance

1142 Papua New Guinea, U.S. Ambassador-1115 Paris Industrial Property Convention, Diplo

matic Conference on the Revision of the

1077 Parole Commission, U.S.-1203, 1227 Parsky, Gerald L.-1241

PATCO. See Professional Air Traffic Control

lers Organization Pauken, Thomas W.-1148, 1239, 1256, 1322 Paul, Repr. Ron—1258 Pavlak, Robert L., Sr.—1228, 1229 Peabody, Robert-1352 Peace, administration's commitment-1274,

1277 Peace Corps-1148 Peachee, Judy F.-1100, 1150 Pekarek, Kenneth L.-1228, 1229 Pell, Sen. Claiborne-1104n. Pendleton, Clarence M., Jr.—1264 Pennington, Charles, Jr.—1116, 1117 Pennsylvania Gov. Richard L. Thornburgh—1137, 1148

President's visit—1137, 1144n., 1148, 1150 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corpora

tion-1064 Pentagon, tour by the President—1286 Peoria, nl.—1254 Pepper, Repr. Claude-1317 Percy, Sen. Charles H.-1104n., 1220, 1331,

1332n. Perez Chiriboga, Marcial—1266n. Pérez Llorca, José Pedro—1120 Perkins, J. Jerome-1117 Perkins, John H.-1241 Perle, Richard Norman-1268 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, United

States and Canada-1174 Perot, H. Ross-1177 Pershing missile-1160, 1275 Persian Gulf area, administration's commit

ment to protect-1090 Personnel Management, Office of–1126,

1148, 1263 Peru, U.S. Ambassador-1115 Petran, Janos-1207 Petrignani, Renaldo-1109 Petroleum Exporting Countries, Organization

of. See OPEC Petroleum Reserve, Strategic—1078 Petroleum reserves, naval—1097 Pew Memorial Trust 1148 Pfeiffer, Edwin W.-1115 Philadelphia, Pa.—1137, 1144n., 1148, 1150 Philadelphia, World Affairs Council of—1137,

1150 Philadelphia Eagles—1139 Philadelphia Partnership, Greater-1148 Philippines

President Ferdinand E. Marcos-1206

Veterans health care-1217 Physical Fitness and Sports, President's Coun

cil on–1322 Pierce, Hinton R.—1227, 1229 Pius XII, Pope-1086 Plank, Jayne—1286 PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization Plowden, William Coskrey—1174, 1208

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President Julius K. Nyerere—1206

U.S. Ambassador-1078 Tariffs and Trade, General Agreement on

1140, 1186, 1190
Task Force on Social Security Reform—1317
Task Force on the Victims of Crime-1040 Tax Act, Economic Recovery—1318 Tax Court, United States—1262, 1287 Tax Reform Act-1041 Taxation

Canadian provision—1268 Excise taxes—1293 Gasoline taxes—1092, 1293 Income taxes—1297 Increase-1094, 1242, 1260, 1314 Kennedy administration's policies—1068,

1259, 1314 Punitive nature-1172 Reduction–1059, 1065, 1068, 1091, 1092,

1145, 1231-1233, 1244, 1259, 1314, 1325 Relationship with:


Inflation-1314, 1318 Sales taxes—1294 State and local governments' role—1291,

1293, 1297, 1303, 1326 User fees-1092 Taylor, Maxwell D.-1089n. Teamsters, International Brotherhood of-

1321n., 1351 Tekere, Edgar-1220 Telecommunication Union, International

1304 Tennessee

Gov. Lamar Alexander-1114, 1240 U.S. attorneys--1080, 1115, 1149, 1150,

1227, 1229 U.S. marshal—1353, 1354 Terra, Daniel J.-1129n. Terry, John–1148 Tesoro Petroleum Corp.-1085 Texas

Disaster declaration-1207 Gov. Bill Clements—1257

President's visits—1255, 1257, 1262, 1286 Texas International Airlines-Continental Air

lines acquisition case-1119 Texas Republican Campaign Committee

1261n. Texas Republican Congressional Committee

1261n. Thailand

Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda-1095 Queen Sirikit—1096 Relations with U.S.-1096

U.S. Ambassador-1115 Thanksgiving Day-1251 Theberge, James Daniel—1222, 1255 Thomas, Gerald E.-1319, 1352 Thomas, Helen–1237 Thompson, Bobby Jack-1192, 1226 Thompson, Derrell P.-1205

Thompson, Gov. James R.-1287 Thornburgh, Gov. Richard L.-1137, 1148 Thornton, Charles B. (Tex1105 Thornton, Charles Bates, Jr.-1105 Three Mile Island, Pa.-1148 Thurmond, Sen. Strom-1104n, 1225 Titan missile—1095, 1154 Tobago, Trinidad and, U.S. Ambassador-

1222, 1255 Todman, Terence A.-1121n. Togo, U.S. Ambassador-1048, 1079 Tower, Sen. John G.-1199, 1225 Tower, Lilia Burt Cummings—1116 Toxic substances-1217

Trade. See Commerce, international

Trade Commission, Federal—1182, 1254 Trade and Investment Mission to Africa,

United States-1305
Trade Representative, Office of the United

States—1312 Transition Group, Presidential—1254 Transportation, Department of

Budget deferrals—1064, 1224 Secretary-1057, 1130, 1137, 1321, 1328

United States Coast Guard-1057 Transportation Safety Board, National—1320,

1352 Trautlein, Donald—1352 Travels, President's

California—1302n., 1303n., 1312 Louisiana-1039, 1079 Mexico—1185, 1187, 1189, 1206 New Jersey-1144 New York—1225, 1231, 1233 Ohio-1312, 1351 Pennsylvania-1137, 1144n., 1148, 1150 Texas-1255, 1257, 1262, 1286

Virginia—1165–1167, 1170, 1194
Treasury, Department of the

Comptroller of the Currency_1253, 1287
Counselor to the Secretary-1240 Deputy Under Secretary—1254 Intelligence activities—1341 Internal Revenue Service-1317 Secretary, position function—1341

U.S. Secret Service-1341
Treasury, Secretary of the (Donald T. Regan)

Federalism involvement-1291
Meetings with the President (Digest)-

1182, 1206, 1351 Mentions—1091, 1244, 1326 Narcotics control efforts-1041 Productivity, Federal role-1239

Transcripts released by the Press Office

(Checklist)—1183, 1208, 1209 Treen, Gov. David C.-1039, 1046, 1048n.,

1302 Trident submarine-1075 Trinidad and Tobago, U.S. Ambassador

1222, 1255

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