What is the percent by mass concentration of a solution?

Mass percentage is one way of representing the concentration of an element in a compound or a component in a mixture. Mass percentage is calculated as the mass of a component divided by the total mass of the mixture, multiplied by 100%.

Also Known As: mass percent, (w/w)%

Mass percent is the mass of the element or solute divided by the mass of the compound or solute. The result is multiplied by 100 to give a percent.

The formula for the amount of an element in a compound is:

mass percent = (mass of element in 1 mole of compound / mass of 1 mole of compound) x 100

The formula for a solution is:

mass percent = (grams of solute / grams of solute plus solvent) x 100


mass percent = (grams of solute / grams of solution) x 100

The final answer is given as %.

Example 1: Ordinary bleach is 5.25% NaOCl by mass, which means each 100 g of bleach contains 5.25 g NaOCl.

Example 2: Find the mass percentage of 6 g sodium hydroxide dissolved in 50 g of water. (Note: since the density of water is nearly 1, this type of question often gives the volume of water in milliliters.)

First find the total mass of the solution:

total mass = 6 g sodium hydroxide + 50 g water
total mass = 56 g

Now, you can find the mass percentage of the sodium hydroxide using the formula:

mass percent = (grams of solute / grams of solution) x 100mass percent = (6 g NaOH / 56 g solution) x 100mass percent = (0.1074) x 100

answer = 10.74% NaOH

Example 3: Find the masses of sodium chloride and water required to obtain 175 g of a 15% solution.

This problem is a bit different because it gives you the mass percentage and asks you to then find how much solute and solvent are needed to yield a total mass of 175 grams. Start with the usual equation and fill in the given information:

mass percent = (grams solute / grams solution) x 100
15% = (x grams sodium chloride / 175 g total) x 100

Solving for x will give you the amount of NaCl:

x = 15 x 175 / 100
x = 26.25 grams NaCl

So, now you know how much salt is needed. The solution consists of the sum of the amount of salt and water. Simply subtract the mass of salt from the solution to obtain the mass of water that is required:

mass of water = total mass - mass of saltmass of water = 175 g - 26.25 g

mass of water = 147.75 g

Example 4: What is the mass percent of hydrogen in water?

First, you need the formula for water, which is H2O. Next you look up the mass for 1 mole of hydrogen and oxygen (the atomic masses) using a periodic table.

hydrogen mass = 1.008 grams per mole
oxygen mass = 16.00 grams per mole

Next, you use the mass percentage formula. The key to performing the calculation correctly is to note there are 2 atoms of hydrogen in each water molecule. So, in 1 mole of water there are 2 x 1.008 grams of hydrogen. The total mass of the compound is the sum of the mass of the two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

mass percent = (mass of element in 1 mole of compound / mass of 1 mole of compound) x 100mass percent hydrogen = [(2 x 1.008) / (2 x 1.008 + 16.00)] x 100mass percent hydrogen = (2.016 / 18.016) x 100

mass percentage hydrogen = 11.19%

Learning Objectives
  • Calculate the mass/volume percent of a solution.

As stated previously, chemists have defined several types of concentrations, which each use a different chemically-acceptable unit, or combination of units, to indicate the amount of solute that is dissolved in a given amount of solvent.  The following paragraphs will present and apply the equation that is used to calculate a mass/volume percent, which is the final type of percent-based concentration that will be discussed in this chapter.

The mass/volume percent of a solution is defined as the ratio of the mass of solute that is present in a solution, relative to the volume of the solution, as a whole.  Because this type of concentration is expressed as a percentage, the indicated proportion must be multiplied by 100, as shown below.

\(\text{Mass/Volume Percent}\) = \( \dfrac{ \rm{m_{solute} \; (\rm{g})}}{\rm{V_{solution} \; (\rm{mL})}} \) × \({100}\)

As discussed in the previous two sections of this chapter, mass percents and volume percents can be calculated using an alternative equation, in which the masses or volumes, respectively, of the solute and the solvent that are contained in a solution are added to obtain the mass or volume, respectively, of that solution, as a whole.  While mass percents are typically reported for solid- and liquid-phase solutions, and volume percents are usually determined for liquid- and gas-phase solutions, a mass/volume percent concentration is most often calculated for solutions that are specifically prepared by dissolving solid solutes in liquid solvents.  In order to create this type of solution, the solid solute particles must overcome the attractive forces that exist between the liquid solvent molecules, in order to move throughout and occupy the "empty" spaces that are temporarily created during the solvation process.  After the solute particles have dispersed throughout the solvent, the solvent molecules interact more strongly with the solvated solute particles than with other solvent molecules and, consequently, exist in closer physical proximity to those solute particles, relative to other solvent molecules.  As a result of these solute-solvent interactions, the solvated solute particles occupy less space than they had prior to their solvation, which causes the volume of the solution, as a whole, to decrease, relative to the combined volumes of the individual solute and solvent.  Because the magnitude of this volumetric contraction varies based on the solute and solvent that are utilized to prepare a solution, calculating the mass/volume percent of a solution by adding the volumes of its components is prohibitively challenging.  Therefore, only the equation that is shown above can be applied to reliably determine the mass/volume percent of a solution.

In order to be incorporated into the equation that is shown above, the mass of the solute must be expressed in grams, the volume of the solution must be provided in milliliters, and the chemical formula of each component must be written as the secondary unit on its associated numerical quantity.  Therefore, if either of these measurements is reported using an alternative unit, its value would need to be converted to the appropriate unit prior to being incorporated into the mass/volume percent equation.

During the multiplication and division processes that are used to solve this equation, no unit cancelation occurs, because the units that are present in the numerator and denominator, "g" and "mL," respectively, do not match one another.  Therefore, the unit that results from the division of the indicated quantities is "g/mL," which is a unit that is typically utilized to report the density of a substance.  Because densities and mass/volume percent concentrations have unique definitions and are calculated using different equations, these measurements are distinctive quantities and, consequently, cannot be expressed using the same unit.  Therefore, the mass and volume units are eliminated during the simplification of the mass/volume percent equation, even though "g" and "mL" do not cancel, mathematically, and the calculated concentration is expressed as a percentage.  However, as stated previously, the quantity of solute that is present in a given solution can be expressed using three unique percent-based concentrations.  In order to distinguish a mass/volume percent, which is calculated by simplifying a mass-to-volume ratio, from the other percent-based concentrations, the unit in which a mass/volume percent concentration is reported is "% m/v," and the chemical formula of the solute is written as the secondary unit on this calculated quantity.

Finally, because mass/volume percents are not defined as exact quantities, their values should be reported using the correct number of significant figures.  However, "100" is an exact number and, therefore, does not impact the significance of the final reported concentration.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

Calculate the mass/volume percent of a 762.5 milliliter solution that is prepared by dissolving 289.15 grams of calcium azide, Ca(N3)2, in water.

Answer In order to calculate the mass/volume percent of a solution, each substance that is referenced in the problem must first be classified as a solute or a solvent.  Because the indicator word "in" is present in the given statement, the chemical that is mentioned after this word, water, H2O, is the solvent in this solution, and the remaining substance, calcium azide, Ca(N3)2, is the solute, "by default."

Before this equation can be applied, the validity of the units that are associated with the given numerical values must be confirmed.  As stated above, the mass of the solute must be expressed in grams, and the volume of the solution must be provided in milliliters.  Therefore, the given quantities are both expressed in the appropriate unit and can be directly incorporated into the mass/volume percent equation, as shown below.  The mass and volume units are eliminated during the simplification of this equation, even though "g" and "mL" do not cancel, mathematically, in order to avoid obtaining a density unit as a result of dividing the given quantities.  In order to distinguish a mass/volume percent, which is calculated by simplifying a mass-to-volume ratio, from the other percent-based concentrations, the unit in which the resultant concentration is reported is "% m/v Ca(N3)2."  The chemical formula of the solute is written as the secondary unit on the calculated quantity, and applying the correct number of significant figures to this value results in the final answer that is shown below.

\(\text{Mass/Volume Percent}\) = \( \dfrac{289.15 \; \rm{g} \; \rm{Ca(N_3)_2}}{762.5 \; \rm{mL} \; \rm{solution}}\) × \({100}\)

\(\text{Mass/Volume Percent}\) = \({37.92131... \%\ \rm{m/v} \; \rm{Ca(N_3)_2}} ≈ {37.92 \%\ \rm{m/v} \; \rm{Ca(N_3)_2}}\)