What is the most popular hentai

Hey guys, i love hentai! Don’t tell my family please! Nvm, my family love hentai too xD. If you’re there, you’re probably looking for some great hentai to watch and want to hear some names. Don’t worry, i know some greats hentai and I will tell you their names right now.

Before we start with the list, I didn’t choose any of the hentai on this list. They were chosen by the great people who watch hentai on the website Hentai Heaven. They are the most viewed hentai on their website. So, I hope you guys enjoy it. Here is the top 5 most popular Hentai Anime at the moment.

Top 5 Most Popular Hentai Anime List

Harem Time

Reiji life change when his very rich father died and Reiji become the new master of the Kamiyama house. The only thing he’s left to do is to have sex for the rest of his life. You heard me, guy. He just needs to stay home in the bed and have s@x until he dies from old age. Oh, he also needs to choose a wife and have a kid with her but who cares? The life we all dream of xD. Welcome home Reiji sama.

Harem Time aired on 2012 and contain 2 amazing episodes. Wow, it’s starting to be old a little bit. It’s still great quality even for 2012. Even on 2017, they can’t hardly compete! Enjoy this one.

Top 5 Most Popular Hentai Anime List

Oni Chichi

Everybody knows this one. The worst step-father on the planet really loves his brand new kids. The father got some love potion and use it on Marina and Airi. After using the medicine one them they start having sex with their father for the rest of their life. Amazing father is not it?

Oni Chichi started airing on 2009 and contain 12 episodes. They will never stop as long as the Japanese keep demanding more Marina and Airi. Even the Akinator know who are Marina and Airi.

Top 5 Most Popular Hentai Anime List

The luckiest man on the planet or unlucky. The guy got a power or a curse who keep getting him in trouble. If you watched To Love-Ru, it’s the same power of Rito where you keep grabbing boobs and falling inside girl skirt. Amazing is not it? His power can make any girls a Sex addict as soon as they meet him. Some scene in this show is so funny like the first scene in I think is episode 3, where she gets stuck in a box and keep shaking his ass in front of the main character.

Mankitsu Happening aired on 2015 and contain 4 episodes. The most popular episode of this hentai is episode 2.

Top 5 Most Popular Hentai Anime List

Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo

The main character move into a house wich is owned by 3 hot girls and get to go to a school full of pervert. From a boring life to a life full of sex all day long! What a lucky bast@%”.

The first episode was released on 2009. The third episode was released on 2011 and the complete bundle in 2013 wich contain the 3 episodes of this hentai. You also get your favorite hair color, pink, black, green, blonde, purple and with glasses. You also get all the position, even footjob, leg job, boobs job. Anything possible!

Top 5 Most Popular Hentai Anime List

Baku Ane Otouto Shibocchau Zo!

This is the story of Hayasaki Ryuushirou who return home to recover from his injury. With him, there are 4 hot sisters. Hayasaki Ryuushirou is a lolicon and one of his sisters discover his loli fetish and the poor man is in trouble. Not really in trouble, he’s just teaching us how to have sex with your sisters by making them think you’re a lolicon. They will have sex with you in order to rehabilitate you. What are you doing with your life, sir!

Baku Ane Otouto Shibocchau Zo! aired on 2014 and contain only one episode and is the most viewed and fapped hentai on Hentai Heaven. It’s hard to compete with this one even on 2017.

And we are done, guys! I hope you found what you were looking for and you can watch all the stuff above on Hentai Heaven with subtitle. Have a good fap.

~Watching Anime

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~Watching Anime

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Last Updated: Sep 13, 2021

For obvious reasons, Hentai does not appear on the front pages of news websites or blogs. Hentai anime is viewed in a variety of ways by most people. It isn’t, however, what you believe. They may contain many seductive scenes, but once you’ve seen them, you’ll understand the true beauty of Hentai anime.

They have a mature and exceptional plot, despite the raw and hot visuals. Hentai is an anime genre that you can’t really watch with other people. The majority of people only watch it for “fun.” Certain hentai anime, however, do have a good plot.

Hentai is just another genre that expresses beauty in a unique way. You can enjoy these series on how the characters get to the point even if you aren’t interested in the art of seduction.

Hentai plots are mind-blowing because the methods used in these anime shows to make two people fall in love are fascinating. These shows serve as a platform for you to live out your fantasies. Hentai is a broad genre that includes a variety of sub-genres to suit everyone’s preferences.

It goes without saying that the anime featured in this article are intended for adults only and, at the very least, contain nudity and sex. So, without further ado, let’s get down to business with our list.

30. Dropout

A special government program is introduced to conscript so-called “dropouts”—young people who are either unable to find work or have failed high school—into compulsory labor to address the alarming problem of unemployment.

Although it began as simple manual labor, it quickly evolved into dropout girls being forced to perform mandatory sexual services for men. Because one’s academic performance determines which dropout they receive, men all over the country have become fierce competitors for the best sex partners.

Ryouta Niimi, who is at the top of his class, is awarded the best dropout Japan has to offer. Reika Shichijou, his former crush, is his new “study partner.” Niimi quickly becomes the envy of his classmates after being assigned a girl who is both sweet and well-endowed. How did Reika, who used to be a model student, end up in such a humiliating and subservient role—and why is she so happy in it?

This is a fantastic release for both vanilla and hardcore fans. The character design is fantastic, and both of the main girls are extremely attractive, and the animation is really well done. The two main girls are well-written, but the two guys don’t do much other than get angry at each other.

29. Yokosou! Sukebe Elf no Mori e

Alfheim is an elf-dominated world where only women exist. The elves’ magical power source, the world Shrine, had begun to fade, and the race was on the verge of extinction. Then there’s the prophecy that a man from another world will be the elven race’s savior. And it wasn’t long before the hero was transported to the world of Elves.

The elves decided that the only way they could survive was to have children with the hero. Many other elves, however, objected to this immoral decision, and the elves split into two groups: those who despised childbearing with a man and those who chose to accept the fact.

Those who accepted, however, have discovered something: having sex with the hero and absorbing semen into their bodies increases their magical abilities. As a result, they proceed to milk him to death.

The plot is similar to that of the majority of Isekai anime. The protagonist is transported to another world and is tasked with assisting its inhabitants. The characters are well-designed, and there are a variety of them; despite the fact that they are all elves, there is a significant difference in design between them, particularly among dark elves. Fans of hentai and elves will enjoy this hentai.

28. Baka Dakedo Chinchin Shaburu no dake wa Jouzu na Chii-chan♡

In the blazing hot summer heat, a student who lives alone due to difficult family circumstances runs into a classmate at a convenience store. Shiinea Chieri, also known as Chii-chan, has large breasts, a nice figure, and is open about her sexuality and antics. The likelihood of being with her appears distant, but then she smiles.

It’s entertaining and lighthearted. If you’re looking for a simple storyline, this is a good hentai to watch. The characters are initially clueless, and the main girl appears to be dumb at first and only interested in sexual favors, but thanks to the MC, she eventually achieved her goal of being top of her class.

Now, in most hentais, chubbier or fatter characters are more malevolent, and while he is chubby in this one, you can tell he has a good heart and genuinely cares for the girl; he has no evil intentions.

The sex between the MCs is wholesome and consensual, the main girl is both hot and cute, the guy isn’t actually creepy despite the “ugly bastard” tag, and the ending is also wholesome. Everything in this hentai is done exceptionally well.

27. Kyonyuu Hitozuma Onna Kyoushi Saimin

Morishita Wataru grew up in a family without a mother, but despite his isolated upbringing, he worked hard and was accepted into the prestigious Ousei academy. The school is run by an old scholarship rule that ties the students’ grades to the teacher’s evaluation, so the teachers are forced to provide a strict education to the students.

Morishita has good grades, but he is below average in a class where everyone is an excellent student. Tsukishima Kyoko, his homeroom teacher, was particularly harsh with him, not only in terms of his grades but also in terms of his daily life.

Morishita was stressed out from his difficult studies and harsh teaching, but he had someone who could help him: Shirakawa Miwa, his class’s assistant homeroom teacher, a kind, maternal woman who understood Moshita’s situation and was always on his mind.

However, she unexpectedly announced her engagement, and Morishita, who had just lost his best friend and only source of moral support, was devastated. Naturally, he was unable to concentrate on his studies and received the lowest score on the scholarship test, forcing him to attend special after-school classes.

His anxiety was at an all-time high now that his admired Miwa was going to be someone else’s woman, and his grades were at an all-time low. His phone began to vibrate at that point, and when he checked it out of curiosity, he discovered an app called “Hypnosis app,” which he had never seen before. It’s great as a vanilla hentai, but it’s far from the best for hypnotism.

26. Tsumamigui 3 the Animation

After his workplace closes for renovations, Akito Natsuki decides to spend his one-month summer vacation in his hometown. He decides to relax because he has no money and nothing to do.

Miyuri, his sister-in-law whom he used to adore, and Sayoko, who treated him like her own son, were waiting for him at home. Akito tried to hide his feelings as usual by acting out the part of the brother-in-law, but his true feelings are revealed after a slip of the tongue.

Then his dormant relationships with Miyuki and Sayoko begin to blossom again, and he becomes deeply involved with both of them.

This hentai is based on a game with the same name. This hentai features beautiful animation as well as a compelling plot that will keep you engaged throughout the show. This series is essentially about in-law siblings who genuinely love and want to be with each other, despite the fact that their circumstances make things difficult for them. They want to be with each other as potential lovers, not as siblings.

This hentai should definitely be added to your personal watchlist because it has a lot of beautifully animated sex scenes, an intriguing plot, and likable characters.

25. Enbo

Misako has been Yosuke Amamiya’s wife for a year, but her new stepson Kazuhiko barely acknowledges her, let alone sees her as a mother figure.

However, she has a more pressing concern: when she is alone at home, she frequently receives menacing calls from an unknown person who has intimate knowledge of her daily activities. She remains silent about these disturbing interactions because she is unable to bring this up with Yosuke.

Things take a darker turn for Kazuhiko when she receives a sex toy delivered to her door, just as he begins to warm up to Misako. She starts masturbating while on the phone with the unknown speaker after being left unsatisfied by her workaholic husband.

When Misako sees Kazuhiko pleasuring himself with her underwear, she realizes she isn’t the only one with a dirty secret! Where will all this sexual tension lead now that she knows her stepson thinks of her as a woman?

The story’s strongest point is undoubtedly the characters. They’re extremely relatable, and the psychological elements are excellent and realistic. The anime has a lot of twists and turns that will make you think and keep you on the edge of your seat.

24. Koiito Kinenbi The Animation

Kinenbi Koiito The Animation is made up of a series of short but sweet romantic stories with happy endings. Technically, this hentai is divided into three parts, one of which is the “main story” and the others are “side stories” that have no influence on it.

These side stories do not necessarily detract from the main story because they are simple ones, to begin with. You have a young man and a young woman who fall in love, meet her mother, and marry. That’s about as straightforward as it gets. The main story revolves around the protagonist and his landlord, Kanako.

When a new romance hentai is released, it’s like a breath of fresh air. When two characters make love because they love each other, they rarely fail to give you that warm and calm feeling. Kinebi Koiito The Animation achieves that perfect balance of heartwarming sex scenes and two other side stories that will keep you entertained with their hilarious and adorable characters.

The character designs in this show are all unique, and each girl is attractive. With a great female cast, a good enough story, and good art, it’s a lot of fun. Anyone who enjoys hentai should give it a try.

23. Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Anata to KoibitoTsunagi

Reo Kawamura and Mai Sawaguchi don’t appear to be friends. Even though Mai tries her hardest to get along with Reo, they always end up fighting. When Mai inquires about Reo’s feelings for her, Reo instead confesses.

Mai is perplexed and surprised, and she begins to wonder if she shares her feelings. She meets Reo again after school, prepared to respond. The two girls agree that their feelings are mutual and begin to use each other to satisfy their sexual desires.

The hentai Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Anata to Koibito Tsunagi is as grand as its title. First and foremost, it is the wet dream of every vanilla connoisseur. This hentai is the epitome of vanilla.

Second, it passes every moral test that can be applied to it. The two main characters are in love, and the sex scenes are as ordinary and sweet as a vanilla ice cream cone in the middle of July.

It’s morally sound, with mostly sex scenes, and the design is ideal for the hentai genre. Both characters adore each other and will be there for one another at all times. The personalities of the characters aren’t particularly interesting, but they’re entertaining. It’s difficult to create strong characters in just one episode.

22. Oni Chichi: Rebuild

The three main characters adjust to their current setting of an open adult relationship in the latest series of the Airi storyline. When Airi and Marina’s mother, Kayako, returns, she tries to “rebuild” her relationship with the stepfather, despite the fact that he is having sexual relations with her two daughters.

In addition, the stepfather is becoming increasingly abusive toward Airi, who has been interfering with their relationship with another young lady. The plot has expanded to include Airi and Marina’s mother Kayako, as well as a new girl named Yuka, in addition to Airi and Marina’s father Takami.

Oni Chichi Rebuild is the fourth season of Oni Chichi, and it’s just as good as, if not better than, its prequel Reborn. Rebuild begins similarly to Reborn. Papa is accepted by the girls as a horny pervert.

Papa was laid-back as he cuddled up to have sex with Airi, who defied him but accepted because she knew he couldn’t control his perversion. Airi and Papa have several lighthearted sex scenes, including swimsuit scenes, which are all very well done.

The characters, as they have been since the beginning, are without a doubt the most likable aspect of this series. Overall, this season is the most enjoyable of the entire series.

21. Joshikousei no Koshitsuki

At the school Joshikousei no Koshitsuki, seduction, and sexuality appear to be in the air, water, or both. When the institute’s beach volleyball coach received a surprise visit from the busty and seductive Saori Kiryuu, she asked for special training to help her overcome her swimsuit embarrassment.

Saori’s sister, unbeknownst to him, was watching the entire time and wants their sensei for herself. As a result, he has two sexually charged young women in his life while also trying to keep his cool as a teacher.

However, he isn’t alone in his erotic misadventures. The female tennis team has a strong lust for the male team, the all-girls billiards club lusts after the male manga club, and the drama club is about to embark on a supreme orgy to help their cast members boost their own self-esteem.

Every student and faculty member at this “educational” institute has something new to learn when it comes to physical pleasure.

It’s difficult to create an original story in a hentai. Joshikousei no Koshitsuki, however, adds something new to the table while also being well-paced. All of the characters in the series have unique characteristics and personalities.

20. Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai

Mochizuki Tomoya is a single man who makes ends meet by working at a convenience store during the day. He can’t draw, isn’t much of a writer or composer, and doesn’t know much about business, despite his fondness for eroge. Still, his ambition is to work in an eroge studio, where he can make the games he enjoys.

Tomoya’s luck changes when he sees an advertisement for a help wanted ad for the local studio Flower, and after a meeting with the company president, who, to his surprise, looks like an elementary school kid, he is hired as the company’s website administrator.

Tomoya’s joy at being a part of the eroge industry is short-lived, as he soon learns that Flower is on the verge of being shut down due to the failure of their first title.

After playing Flower’s first game, Tomoya realizes that his coworkers have no idea what an eroge is and lack the knowledge and understanding required to create a good game.

Following some prodding from Flower’s parent company’s president and some introspection of his own, our protagonist decides to save Flower by teaching the four girls on staff the ins and outs of what makes an eroge great.

As the player gets an interesting look into the world of eroge development, the story focuses on Tomoya’s role as a pseudo-consultant while also getting to know the four heroines of the story.

19. Bible Black

Every school has secrets, but few leave an indelible mark. There was once a fun club centered around magic at a certain school, but it had devolved into murder and a desire for power. The resulting evil of that day was sealed and willfully forgotten in the school’s basement.

Twelve years later, high school student Taki Minase discovers the secret cloaked in blood while inspecting the scene of the incident—a book of magic known as the “Black Bible.” He soon discovers that the magic is real and easily penetrates the hearts and bodies of his classmates when he tries his luck with its love curses.

The ensuing intercourse makes the student body very vocal, and Minase’s actions are not overlooked. What began as a simple glint of curiosity grows much larger and more difficult to control.

Everyone he knows, including his childhood friend Kurumi Imari, is completely consumed by the unbridled darkness. Minase, torn apart, finally realizes his errors and realizes that he must correct them in time if he and Imari are ever to be reunited.

The hentai with the best character backgrounds is Bible Black. This is the epitome of how a hentai should be done. The story isn’t just there for the sake of it; it plays an important role and complements the sex scenes perfectly.

18. Virgin Night

Yuzuru and Azumi have a crucial date tonight, and if they don’t become more intimate by the end of it, their relationship could be jeopardized. Both of them are aware of the urgency of the situation, but their nerves and insecurities cause them to doubt each other’s intentions.

Virgin Night is not just another sleazy hentai anime. Sure, the premise of some ordinary teen wanting to lay his too-cute-for-him girlfriend for the first time isn’t particularly original, but a healthy dose of subtlety and a sense of genuine affection elevates this schlocky premise into a perfect portrait of awkward adolescent love.

Nothing is invented in Virgin Night; the plot is based on true events. There is a boy and a girl in this situation, which is both simple and common. The boy is in love with the girl, and the girl is in love with the boy; they have been dating for a while.

Hugs, kisses, and even deep kisses have been exchanged – in short, everything except sex. One day, the boy decides to overcome his apprehensions about making love to his girlfriend for the first time.

17. Stringendo: Angel-tachi no Private Lesson

A tale about how each popular high school girl ended up having sex with some of the less popular guys. Sex is their own personal temptation for desire and lust that they are unable to control. Every non-popular guy in the world has fantasized about having sexual relations with the most popular and attractive girl in school. This is exactly what this hentai is for.

Bold, sexy babes and blowjobs of the finest quality. Stringendo is unquestionably one of the greatest hentai series ever created. Stringendo differs from most other hentai series in that it maintains a consistently high level of quality over a large number of episodes compared to the norm.

The characters in the hentai are likable and have distinct personalities. The girls in this hentai aren’t just tits on the screen; they’re real and genuine. Despite this, they’re all constantly horny and looking for aggressive sex.

Stringendo is a purely vanilla series, with the only unrealistic element being the occasional use of exaggerated aphrodisiac drugs; otherwise, all of the sex scenes are very simple but extremely well written. Stringendo is a hidden gem in the hentai anime industry.

16. Zettai Junshu Kyousei Kozukuri Kyokashou!! 

Humanity is facing a crisis: women are densely populated in a world where there are almost no human males, with one man for every 10,721 women. To alleviate this dire situation, governments issue licenses to men, encouraging them to copulate with the girls of their choice in the hopes of restoring gender equality.

Takumi Ibuki, the only male in his town, receives his license and goes about his business. Takumi will do everything he can to save humanity from extinction in an environment where there are females as far as the eye can see, whether it’s with his school’s ace, a childhood friend, or even his sister!

The animation is slick and erratic. The characters’ bodies aren’t rigid like in mainstream anime. They appear to be made of jelly. During sex, their limbs flail in a flamboyant manner. Everything simply moves, making the sex feel more visceral and authentic.

All of the unique elements that make Zettai Junshu Kyousei Kozukuri Kyokashou so enjoyable are present. The plot jumps from scene to scene, obfuscating your sense of time. The animation has a distinct style that you will either enjoy or despise.

15. La Blue Girl

A long-running feud between the Miroku and Suzuka ninja clans has raged for many years. The Miroku have been the forerunners and guardians of a terrifying power—control over a group of sex demons known as the Shikima—during this time period.

This power was bestowed upon the Miroku clan in the form of a magical, light-emitting compact. Anyone who comes into contact with the compact’s light will be subjected to the Shikima’s heinous assaults.

Miko Mido is the latest descendant of Miroku and is attempting to balance her life as a high school student with her ninjutsu training in “sexcraft.”

The Shikima live in a parallel dimension known as the Shikima world, and in order to travel there, one must perform specific sexual rituals. The Shikima, led by the Shikima Lord, who also happens to be Miko Mido’s father, are all sex-hungry monsters.

For good reason, La Blue Girl is one of the most popular hentai anime series. La Blue Girl is a unique phenomenon in that it successfully combines adult anime with extremely attractive female characters. All of the girls engage in sexual activity with one another while maintaining an innocent demeanor. For its time, La Blue Girl is a very well-animated hentai.

14. Angel Blade

The Earth’s surface has been rendered uninhabitable. Years of pollution have forced humanity to build cities in order to rise above the planet’s filthy surface and adapt to this new way of life. Not only that but beneath the billowing clouds of smog and pollution lurks a thriving kingdom of mutants.

Phantom Lady, a powerful, busty woman, is the leader of these mutated monstrosities. She sends her henchmen to attack the people above, preying on and raping young women. The cops are well aware of these demon rapists but have no idea where they came from or how to stop them.

Angel Blade, their city’s mysterious, magical, and sexually explicit savior, is their only hope. This jiggling juggernaut of justice will appear whenever necessary to vanquish the Phantom Lady’s demonic horde—if she can control her hormones, that is!

The animation, voice acting, and overall style are all stunning and seductive. Despite the fact that the series is short, it manages to keep the plot in check thanks to its brilliant storytelling and imagination. This is the one for you if you like hardcore hentai. This is a fantastic hentai with magical girls, futanari, and monsters.

13. Nikutai Ten’i

Kenichi and a few of his classmates stayed after school to examine a new archaeological find, a strange-looking mirror. The entire building is suddenly transported to another dimension, and a magical field surrounds it to keep them from escaping. In addition, their minds have been redirected to the bodies of other people.

Only when their sexual emotions are high are they able to switch bodies. Kenichi must figure out a way to restore normalcy before the dimension collapses.

The story is intriguing because it is not one of your typical tentacle/SM hentais. In terms of these characters becoming accustomed to different bodies at different times, the hentai gets a lot right. However, you’ll find yourself wishing that this two-episode OVA was a little longer, as it leaves some unfinished business.

And some of the characters seemed unnecessary, as they could have followed 3-4 characters instead of the 7-8 they threw together.

If you’re looking for some realistic hentai, a decent side story about true love, and some nice artwork, you should definitely check out this title.

12. Lingeries

As Yusuke Nakonishi starts his new job at the Best Beauty Body Lingerie Company, he has no idea that he will be embroiled in a web of business and sexual intrigue. Nakonishi is on the prowl after three of his sexy coworkers, around whom this sex drama spirals, as part of a mission to disrupt and eliminate an opposing faction’s cohorts.

The animation is good for a hentai title, and all of the female characters are attractive, which is required for this genre of anime. The plot is fairly standard for this genre of anime: blackmail for something the main male protagonist appears to desire. It’s a good drama with an interesting story.

This hentai is one of those “Old but gold” hentai. It has the typical feel of classic hentai but what makes it unique is the company lingerie is never used much in hentai plot and the characters are really interesting despite the fact that there aren’t that many episodes to introduce their backstories.

It has the usual good guys and bad guys, but they are more realistic than in other hentai. It is one of the best hentais available.

11. Night Shift Nurses

The head doctor conducts madly erotic experiments in a forbidden hospital ward, stripping the nursing staff of their uniforms, inhibitions, and self-control until even he is shocked by what he discovers!

The plot revolves around a hospital that employs a doctor to assist them with their future “special ward,” which the chief director is planning, but they first require some obedient nurses for this “special ward.” This basically means he needs to gather information on the nurses, use it against them, and then desecrate them.

As you may have already guessed, the plot revolves around “blackmail,” which may not be everyone’s favorite hentai concept, but it’s one of the few that’s done well.

Ryuji Hirasaka, the doctor in question, has to be the cruelest and most perverse main hentai character ever. Sure, there are plenty of sickos in the hentai world, but none are depicted as realistically as Ryuji, and his actions and demeanor are convincing.

The victims are all cute nurses with distinct personalities, making their experiences very different from one another, and it’s easy to feel conflicted about it all. Night Shift Nurses is a depraved psychological hentai anime in general.

10. Mankitsu Happening

Keiichi Oyamada possesses a mysterious ability that makes him appear to be a lucky pervert, as he has sexual intercourse with any female he encounters. As a result of this, he has never had a stable job, as he is constantly fired from any employer who is unfortunate enough to hire him.

One job opportunity arises when Keiichi’s best friend invites him to work at a manga cafe, which he accepts reluctantly. However, he meets Rei Suzukawa, a coworker, and Kururu Hiiragi, a childhood friend, as soon as he starts his new job. Both of them are stunning, and Keiichi fears that his lucky perverted powers will not spare them.

For a Hentai, this is comedic gold. Mankitsu Happening literally translates to “Comedic Happenings.” Mankitsu Happening has everything a good hentai should have: beautiful art, dynamic animations, enough personality, and a solid premise.

The characters are one-dimensional, but their actions change dynamically as they encounter new situations. These reactions are sufficient to justify the void of how important each character is in relation to the story’s premise. The buildup is hilarious, and the stakes are high. This is the hentai for you if you enjoy ridiculous things.

9. Urotsukidoji: Legend of The Over fiend

According to legend, humans are not the only dominant civilization on the planet. The Makai, a demon race, and the Juujinkai, a half-man, half-beast race, are two other races in this world. A supreme being known as the “Choujin,” or Overfiend, emerges once every 3,000 years to bring balance to all three realms on Earth.

After 300 years of searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin within high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo in modern-day Japan.

However, Amano, his sister Megumi, and their sidekick Kuroko now have to protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe Nagumo is not the Choujin, but rather an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth.

This is a sick and twisted fantasy masterpiece filled with obscene amounts of sex and violence. And, most of the time, the two are combined. It’s a grand story about the struggle between good and evil. Almost every sex scene, whether consensual or not, serves the plot and moves the story forward in some way.

For a hentai, the story is quite captivating. The fighting scenes are beautifully animated, and the characters, particularly the females, are well-designed.

8. Love Live! School Idol Project

Otonokizaka High School is in an emergency! With the quantity of selecting understudies dropping lower and lower each year, the school is set to close down after its present first years graduate.

Be that as it may, second year Honoka Kousaka will not release it without a battle. Scanning for an answer, she goes over mainstream school icon bunch A-RISE and decides to make a school symbol gathering of her own.

With the assistance of her beloved companions Umi Sonoda and Kotori Minami, Honoka structures to help mindfulness and notoriety of her school.

7. Blood Shadow

Murder and bloodshed are a way of life in a world where demons lurk in the shadows, ready to devour any woman who crosses their path. The Crimson Lotus, a group of fierce female fighters, is humanity’s last hope for survival.

When tragedy strikes and one of their own is slaughtered, the Crimson Lotus must destroy the demons at their source and bathe the underworld in blood of vengeance!

We’re about to embark on an action-packed adventure through the world of Blood Shadow. We follow the elite group Crimson Lotus as they attempt to exorcise all of the land’s sadistic demons.

Rekka’s look, sounds, and actions are all believable, as he is filled with sorrow and seeking vengeance. However, that does not rule out him being lighthearted and friendly at times. Each character appears to have received a lot of attention to detail. All of the women depicted are slim, and you can tell they’re serious about their work.

It’s extremely rare to come across a three-episode OVA like this. Contains good sex and action scenes, as well as a compelling adventure story. It’s done exceptionally well. This is one hentai that will not disappoint you.

6. Tentacles And Witches

For young men, especially young men named Ichirou Tachibana, high school can be a difficult time. Ichirou is well aware of his homeroom teacher Yuuko Morino’s greatest secret: she is a witch! When fellow classmate and witch Lily Ramses Futaba notices him peeking at Yuuko, she decides it’s the perfect time to use a new spell she’s learned to transform Ichirou into her familiar servant.

Lily’s planned animosity toward Ichirou is thwarted when the spell transforms him into a twisted purple tentacle monster. To sate the tentacle monster’s lust and retain some of his humanity, he must now directly obtain sexual energy from witches. To make matters worse for the two witches, Ichirou’s new form grants him the ability to control them in order to fulfill his most heinous desires!

The trio also discovers that Lily’s spell was deceptively sold to her and purposefully made to appear genuine. They’re about to discover that something far more sinister is at work, and they’re just pawns in a larger game, amid all the sexual misadventures in Tentacle and Witches.

The level of censorship is moderate to heavy, but it only slightly detracts from the enjoyment. Tentacle and Witches is a unique take on the tentacle genre, with human-on-human sex scenes thrown in for good measure.

5. Daiakuji: The Xena Buster

After his release from prison, Yamamoto Akuji noticed that the world is a completely different place. Following his release from prison, he discovers Osaka to be a strange and new place. During his prison time, the hierarchical structure flipped on its head, resulting in a world where women ruled over men.

A female figure runs the militia, churches, businesses, and private businesses. In Osaka, men were powerless, enslaved, and controlled by women. Akuji and his partner Satsu, enraged by the situation, begin their retaliation by teaching Osaka’s stuck-up women a lesson.

Daiakuji: The Xena Buster is a story about conquest and reclaiming an inheritance as well as the way of life he knew before prison. Because of the type of anime it is, it conforms to popular expectations in terms of content.

In any case, you’ll be taken on a journey through his misadventures with a cast of supporting characters. The majority of the characters are women.

It’s funny and hilarious, and it’s perfect for fans of tsundere loli characters. In fact, this story contains all of the typical anime characters. It’s a good hentai overall, with more depth than most. There are a lot of cliched characters for pure fan service, but it’s still a lot of fun.

4. Kite

Schoolgirl Sawa was taken into custody by Akai and Kanie, a pair of detectives assigned to her case, after her parents were brutally murdered. They train the girl to be a weapon, corrupt and immoral, dangling the threat of vengeance in front of the helpless orphan.

Sawa is tasked with assassinating targets chosen at random by her crooked overseers, ranging from celebrities and politicians to powerful businessmen. She completes every mission flawlessly, and her distinctive weapon has become legendary among the city’s cops.

Sawa begins to fantasize about a life free of the shadow of her “guardians” after being physically abused by Akai, who is no more righteous than her victims. Sawa meets Oburi, a fellow orphan and vigilante, one day. They form an immediate bond out of desperation and dissatisfaction with the unjust world, dreaming of a future free of the stain of murder.

The characters grew on you throughout the anime, and you empathize with the main characters while also being disgusted by how others treated them. You will not forget Kite once you have seen it. It’s an anime that stands out from the crowd. This hentai has a dark, heavy story that is told at a good pace and perfectly addresses its violent theme.

3. Euphoria

Keisuke Takatou awakens in a featureless white room with no memory of how or when he got there. He notices six familiar girls huddled around a large monitor while investigating his whereabouts—his childhood friend Kanae Hokari, the class president Miyakou Ando, his English teacher Natsuki Aoi, his junior Rika Makiba, and his classmates Rinne Byakuya and Nemu Manaka.

“The game will now begin,” a voice says through the monitor as they try to make sense of their current situation. The game’s rules are straightforward but brutal: as the “unlocker,” Keisuke must choose one of the girls as his “keyhole” and abuse her in a specific way. The group will be promised freedom to the outside world only after he has done this for five rounds.

Miyakou vehemently denies her involvement, refusing to acknowledge the situation. The entire room goes dark all of a sudden. Miyakou is strapped to an electric chair when the lights come back on. As the chair electrocutes her to death, the mysterious voice announces, “Withdrawal from the game will result in death.”

The terrified captives have no choice but to give in, and so begins the sadistic game that will awaken their carnal desires through pain—and pleasure. In this anime, the sex is extremely graphic and violent. This is a hardcore fetish anime, so if you don’t like violent sex, you should avoid it.

2. Amakano

Even though it was only the end of November, Yomase-machi, a hot springs town, was already looking like a winter wonderland due to the falling snow. Yuuki moved to this snowy town to assist his grandparents in shoveling snow at their home, Yamanouchi-sou, a former boarding house.

He met many kind people, including Sayuki, a shrine maiden concerned about her inability to properly greet strangers, Mizuki, his mysterious but playful housemate, and senpai, and Koharu, the cheerful and energetic kouhai mascot of the local café.

Even though he was still lost, he made an effort to adjust to life in this snowy land. At the time, his grandfather advised him to find love while he was still young and start a new life. It’s now or never for him to take the plunge and fall in love.

Vanilla is the most accurate description of this hentai. Being inside a warm, cozy home during a winter storm is without a doubt one of the most romantic scenarios a couple can share. The fact that each girl is placed in similar situations for a winter lodge appears to be a bit repetitive, but the variety of scenarios far outweighs the repetition.

1. Tamashii Insert

Naoto Takahashi’s father remarried half a year ago, and he still hasn’t gotten used to his new family members: his stepmother, Sachiko, and his new little sister, Yui. He gets an app that allows him to take over someone else’s body one night as he tries to figure out how to make amends with his sister.

The story of possession or smartphone app powers is not a new one, but it hasn’t been animated or featured as prominently or in such high quality as this show.

Because the majority of the situations in which the MC finds himself are unexpected or novel, having the story told in a way that allows the viewer to absorb and evaluate the information on their own rather than being told to them straight up is very refreshing.

The characters, unlike in other hentai, are quite memorable, even the MC, who is usually just a placeholder for the audience member to place themselves in. The main character is reflected more in terms of thoughts and logic due to the circumstances of the possessions, which adds a nice depth to the show.

Overall, this is a very well-made show with an intriguing story.


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