What is the importance of maintaining eye contact while delivering your speech to the audience?

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One challenge that many public speakers face is making eye contact.

You might think something so natural as eye contact should come easily… and you probably don’t give it a second thought most of the time. When you’re delivering a speech or presentation, though, eye contact might suddenly seem far more difficult. Who do you look at? For how long? What if you need to check your notes?

It might be tempting to think that eye contact isn’t such a big deal … but while it won’t turn a terrible speech into a great one (or ruin an otherwise stellar presentation), good eye contact has a number of crucial benefits.

The Key Benefits of Making Eye Contact

Eye contact improves your connection with your audience

By making eye contact with individuals, you improve your rapport with them – and help them to feel that they’re important to you.

Eye contact can be persuasive

People will be more likely to agree with you, or say “yes” to your idea, if you make eye contact – because you’ve built that rapport and also because making eye contact increases how reliable and believable you seem.

Eye contact helps your audience to stay focused

If you don’t look at your audience, it’s easy for their attention to wander. Making eye contact helps them to concentrate on what you’re saying.

Eye contact will help you to speak more slowly

This, too, helps your audience to focus on what you’re saying, and it helps you to come across as confident and capable.

Preparing to Make Great Eye Contact Before Your Speech

Getting eye contact right isn’t just about what you do during your speech … it’s also about what you do beforehand. To ensure that you’re setting yourself up for success, aim to:

Be well prepared

As Foundr explains, when it comes to presentations, practice really does make perfect. Preparing in advance helps you to deliver a talk that flows – not a stilted one where you keep flicking desperately through your notes.

Avoid reading from a script if possible

It’s hard to keep up eye contact when you have to keep glancing down at what you’ve written … plus reading your notes verbatim can be tricky to pull off well.

Meet your audience before your presentation begins

It’s much easier to “warm up” to your audience and make authentic eye contact if you feel like you already know them. If possible, arrive in advance to greet and shake hands with individual members of the audience: that way, they won’t feel like strangers.

Move closer to your audience, if possible

While this may not always be practical, if you can, encourage your audience to sit in the front rows, and position yourself at the front of the speaking area. This makes for a more relaxed feel to your presentation … which should help you make eye contact.

Tips for Making Effective Eye Contact With Your Audience

Divide Your Audience Into Zones

Some speakers find it helpful to divide their audience into zones, especially with large audiences. You don’t want to end up only making eye contact with the front row.

Make smooth transitions between the zones, rather than flicking your gaze around from place to place. Try not to be too systematic, though, as it can look unnatural if you always look at the left side of the room then the right side, or if you go round in a circle.

Wait for a Reaction

When you make eye contact with an individual audience member, don’t move on instantly: wait for a reaction from them to show that you’ve made a connection. That might well be a nod of agreement or a smile.


Hold Eye Contact For About Four or Five Seconds

If your audience member doesn’t seem to react in any way to eye contact, don’t carry on staring at them. You don’t want to make them uncomfortable … and even if they don’t mind being stared at, it might well make other people in the audience uncomfortable if it seems like that’s what you’re doing.

Move on at an Appropriate Moment

Where possible, try to move away from eye contact at appropriate moments within what you’re saying. For instance, you might shift where you’re looking at the start of a new sentence, rather than two words into a sentence. This way, eye contact can act as a form of visual punctuation for your speech.

Make Eye Contact During Critical Lines

You don’t need to use eye contact constantly throughout your speech. It’s fine to look down at your notes or to glance at your slides from time to time. Try to keep up eye contact, though, during the most important parts of your speech – the introduction, the conclusion, and key lines throughout.

Keep Your Eyes Up As You Finish Each Sentence

Many speakers have a natural tendency to drop their eyes as they finish each sentence – but try to keep your eyes up until the sentence has fully landed. Check your notes silently, then when you’re ready to continue, look up and make eye contact again.

Respect People Who Don’t Seem Comfortable

Some people may not feel comfortable with eye contact. This could be for a number of reasons (their culture, their personality, they may not be neurotypical, or they may simply be having a tough day). Don’t ignore them, but don’t spend too much time looking directly at them either.

Look at People During the Q&A

When someone’s giving a question, focus on them to make it clear you’re listening. Keep looking at them as you begin your response, then transition back to the rest of your audience.

Look at People’s Heads in Large Audiences

If you have a huge audience (or if you can’t actually see people’s eyes due to the lighting being very bright or very dim), then just look at people’s heads. This will still work, so don’t worry about not being able to make true eye contact.

Use Your Audience’s Reaction to Guide Your Presentation

Eye contact invites people to engage with you – but what if they frown, shake their heads, or roll their eyes?  You might feel wrong-footed … but try to see their responses as a positive thing, allowing you to address what they might be thinking. For instance, you could say something like, “I know these statistics may seem hard to believe, but we’re going to come onto some more studies that back them up in just a moment.”

Like any aspect of public speaking, using eye contact to enhance what you’re saying is mostly a matter of practice and preparation. Don’t discount how important it is for a great, memorable presentation, and use the tips above to make sure you’re using eye contact effectively. It may feel awkward at first … but the more you practice, the easier and more natural it’ll become.

Body Language, Eye contact, featured, Presentation Delivery

Often public speakers get goosebumps and butterflies in their stomach before delivering their speeches. This fright will soon lead to them having poor eye contact with their audience. Researches done through interviewing a couple of amateur public speaker, almost half of them still have trouble holding an eye contact. This then will lead themselves lose confidence in their speeches and most probably end up not doing their best. Speaking of eye contact, why is it always emphasized when we talk about giving a speech in front of a huge number of people? Here is a list why eye contact is important and will surely upgrade you to become a better speaker.

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1. Eye contact helps you to concentrate.

Do you know that focusing your eyes helps you concentrate? If you keep looking around and not control your line of sight during delivering a speech, you will become lost in the middle of it. This is because you are so focused on trying to avoid eye contact with other people that you end up losing concentration on your speech. Studies also show that when your eyes wander, they will take in random and insignificant images that are sent to your brain. Your brain then will focus on those objects, significantly slowing it down.

2. You will look less confident.

Eye contact is also important to control how your audience perceive you. If your eyes wander non-stop and keep trying to avoid your audience, there will have an impression that you are not confident with yourself or your speech. This will then lead to them not paying attention to your words as well as not believing the points that you are trying to push through the speech. That is why keeping your eye contact is crucial to appear more confident and convincing.

3. People will stop listening to you.

This point is related to the previous one. If your audience starts to have less confidence in you and your words, they will eventually stop listening to you. Not looking at people in the eye will not make them look at you back, so in a way, you will slowly lose their attention as they start thinking about something else or be distracted by their own thoughts. The last thing you want your audience to do is not pay attention to you.

4. Message sent and accepted.

Keeping eye contact with the people who are listening to your speech will more likely make them listen to you, or so we’ve discussed in the earlier part. When they keep listening to your speech, they will pay more attention and eventually get the message you’re trying to deliver to the crowd. A locking of eyes can be all you need to have some understand something you mean. If you’re trying to get a point across or just want some reassurance, eye contact can be an important asset in communicating your thoughts. The sole purpose of public speaking is to express yourself and if you can’t get your message across, it is not preferable as it can be considered as a failed speech.

5. Making people feel more engaged.

Keeping an eye contact will make your listeners feel more engaged. They will feel more invited to interact with you. They feel encouraged to signal to you how they feel about what you're saying for example with nods, frowns, or raisings of their eyebrows. This interaction can help you through delivering your speech as the involvement of the listeners can determine if they’re enjoying your words or message or not.

In general, eye contact is something people don’t think enough about while doing a presentation. It’s important to teach children from a young age to look people in the eye when they’re talking to them or they could develop a habit of seeming aloof or disinterested in communicating with other people. This habit will then be carried to adulthood and sometimes will jeopardize their social skills. Use your eyes to project a positive image and one look could be the catalyst for change in your life.

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