What is the bond order for no2


What is the bond order for no2

Hint: The difference between the number of bonds and antibonds, is known as bond order. The bond number is the total number of electron pairs (bonds) that exist between two atoms. A bond's stability is determined by its bond number. The bond number of isoelectronic organisms is the same.

Complete answer:

The nitrogen ion is a type of ion that is found in nature. The cation $NO_2^ + $ (removal of electrons is known as cation). It's made by removing an electron from a molecule of nitrogen dioxide. The phenomenon nitronium ion is named after the cation ($NO_2^ + $) which is a heavy electrophile.The IUPAC name of $NO_2^ + $ is Dioxide Nitrogen($ + 1$)The reaction of concentration nitric acid $(HN{O_3})$ with concentration sulphuric acid will produce nitronium ion$({H_2}S{O_4})$.Bond order is characterised as half the difference between the number of bonding electrons and the number of antibonding electrons in molecular orbital theory. For bonds near their equilibrium lengths, this often but not always produces similar results, but it does not work for extended bonds. Bond order is often used extensively in valence bond theory as a measure of bond power.The Bond order for the given molecule is given by:(Total number of electron pairs in N-O bonds) / (total number of N-O bonds)The number of A-O bonds is three, and the number of resonating structures is two.As a result, bond order = $3/2 = 1.5$


The bond order expresses the bond's safety. The molecular orbital makes the idea of a chemical bond's bond order simple to comprehend. It measures the strength of atom-to-atom covalent bonds.