What is Scouts reaction when she realizes who placed the blanket on her shoulders during the fire?

Boo Radley gives Scout the blanket as she watches fire burn down Miss Maudie’s house across the street from hers. Scout is so absorbed in watching the fire and the action associated with it that she doesn’t notice that Boo is also watching, and takes the time to get a blanket to put around Scout’s shoulders.

Why is the person putting a blanket on Scout’s shoulder during the fire significant?

Boo Radley puts the blanket over Scout’s shoulders because he feels protective of her. When Miss Maudie’s house catches fire, most of the town comes out to help her. Atticus tells Scout and Jem to get up, and stations them well away from the fire but close enough to watch.

What does the blanket Scout is wrapped in after the fire symbolize?

According to Atticus, it “Looks like all of Maycomb was out tonight.” Boo must have placed the blanket around Scout’s shoulders as she stood cold and shivering during the fire. The blanket is a symbol of kindness and protection.

Who placed a blanket across Scouts shoulders?

Who put the blanket around Scout’s shoulders, and how does Atticus reach this conclusion? Boo Radley put the blanket on Scout.

What was Scout reaction to the blanket?

Scout does not realize that there is a blanket on her shoulders. It is cold outside, but she did not notice when it was put there. They realize it was probably Boo Radley that put it there, which is a frightening prospect for Scout.

What is wrapped around Scout without her knowledge during the fire?

While Jem and Scout are standing in the Radley yard, Boo Radley silently approaches Scout and places a blanket on her shoulders without her knowing. On the morning after Maudie’s house fire, the Finch family drinks hot chocolate and Atticus comments on the blanket draped over Scout’s shoulders.

What does the blanket symbolize?

A BLANKET HOLDS SIGNIFICANT MEANING It is a symbol of warmth and friendship. The action a wrapping someone in a blanket is a real statement of kindness and a demonstration of honor. In Native American traditions a blanket is used to create and seal relationships.

What does the blanket that Scout finds around her shoulders in Chapter 8 a symbol of?

The blanket that Boo Radley places on Scout’s shoulders as she stands in front of the Radley yard symbolizes the gentle, caring nature of Boo and his relationship with the children with whom he has involved himself (from a distance).

Who gave Scout the blanket?

Boo Radley
In the confusion, someone drapes a blanket over Scout. When Atticus later asks her about it, she has no idea who put it over her. Jem realizes that Boo Radley put it on her, and he reveals the whole story of the knothole, the presents, and the mended pants to Atticus.

When did Boo Radley put the blanket on Scout?

In Chapter 8, Boo Radley gives Scout a blanket during the night of Miss Maudie’s house fire. Scout and Jem are standing in front of the Radley home, which is right across the street from Miss Maudie’s house. Atticus tells them to stay there so he can see them and help with the fire at the same time, if need be.

What is placed around Scout’s shoulders during the fire and what is ironic about the entire situation?

Avery says that disobeying children cause the weather to change. This is ironic because Jem and Scout actually really like the weather. During the fire, Boo Radley has quietly placed a blanket across Scout’s shoulders. Why doesn’t Jem want his father to return the blanket to the Radley family?

When did Boo put the blanket on Scout?

Why is a blanket on Scout’s shoulders in to kill a Mockingbird?

Scout does not realize that there is a blanket on her shoulders. It is cold outside, but she did not notice when it was put there. They realize it was probably Boo Radley that put it there, which is a frightening prospect for Scout.

Why did Boo put the blanket around Scout?

Jem realizes that Boo was the one who had put the blanket around Scout. This makes Jem realize that Boo was watching them, and showing concern for Scout, he had slipped out and placed a blanket around her. This makes Jem realize that Boo is not the scary person they all believed him to be.

When does Atticus ask scout about the blanket around her?

In Chapter 8, Miss Maudie’s house catches on fire in the middle of the night, and Atticus tells Jem and Scout to stand in the Radleys’ yard while he and the other neighbors attempt to save Maudie’s furniture. While they are standing in the yard, Boo Radley silently approaches Scout and puts his blanket over her shoulder without her knowing.

Why did Atticus get mad at Jem and scout?

Atticus gets mad at them, because he thinks they disobeyed him and went back to the house to get a blanket. Jem and Scout promise they hadn’t been anywhere and Scout can’t explain how the blanket got around her.

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Scout is astonished and frightened when her father explains that Boo Radley put the blanket over her shoulders. It is important to note that Lee never specifically mentions the exact moment Boo Radley puts the blanket over Scout's shoulder while she is watching the house fire.

What does Jem realize when Atticus asks Scout about the blanket around her shoulders?

When Atticus asks Scout about the Blanket around her shoulders, what does Jem realize? Jem realizes that Boo - now arthur to us because he is human - put the blanket around scout. Fire at miss maudies - she let fire run in kitchen to keep the house warm during the rare snowstorm.

Why does Scout not return the blanket?

Jem does not want Atticus to return the blanket to Boo, because he does not want to get Boo into trouble. After Miss Maudie's fire, Atticus realizes that Scout has a blanket on her shoulders. She swears to him that she has no idea where it came from, and the Jem remembers that Nathan Radley was at the fire.

What does Jem finally realize and confess to Atticus at the end of Chapter 8 does Scout catch on?

You are referring to Ch. 8 when Jem tells Atticus all about their activities related to Boo. Jem confesses all of this to Atticus to protect Boo because he does not want him to get in trouble for putting the blanket on Scout.

Who do they think put the blanket around her shoulders?

While Scout and Jem are waiting in the cold, Boo Radley silently places a blanket over Scout's shoulders to keep her warm. Neither of the children are aware that Boo placed the blanket over Scout's shoulders.

Why did Boo put the blanket around Scout?

Jem realizes that Boo was the one who had put the blanket around Scout. This makes Jem realize that Boo was watching them, and showing concern for Scout, he had slipped out and placed a blanket around her. This makes Jem realize that Boo is not the scary person they all believed him to be.

Why did Jem put the blanket around Scout's shoulders?

Jem didn't want Mr. Radley to know that Boo had left the house and provided the blanket. He told Atticus about the way the knot-hole was cemented in and didn't want to cause anymore problems for Boo. Scout was actually not that surprised to think of Boo as benevolent.

Why is a blanket on Scout's shoulders in to kill a Mockingbird?

Scout does not realize that there is a blanket on her shoulders. It is cold outside, but she did not notice when it was put there. They realize it was probably Boo Radley that put it there, which is a frightening prospect for Scout. This event is one of the first indications that Boo Radley is more than just the neighborhood legend.

What is Scouts reaction when she hears the information?

What is scouts reaction when she hears the information? Jem didn't want Mr. Radley to know that Boo had left the house and provided the blanket. He told Atticus about the way the knot-hole was cemented in and didn't want to cause anymore problems for Boo.

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