What is my spirit name

Ooooh another amazing and beautiful quiz. Did I mention a fun one too? I like to share all kinds of quizzes with you guys. I take them and if I like them, I post them here. Some are super accurate and some are really just for entertainment purposes only.

Like this one. A fun quiz that will tell us what our soul name is. Fun fun fun!

What was my soul name?

Upon completion my name was revealed and I love it. Celestia. I think that’s a really beautiful name. You know, many people I know have changed their names for whatever reason. Often I wonder if it’s because they were called to a new name?

Curious minds want to know! I never really liked my first name and so many times I have wanted to change it. I would have liked to have changed it to “Star”. I worked with a lady whose name was Star and I was so envious of her.

But I’ll take Celestia as a soul name. It’s pretty :)

Do ever notice how some people’s names really just don’t even match their personality? So weird but it’s true.  Like you could meet a “Debbie” and think wow, that name so doesn’t suit you.

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Take the test and drop your results below

Go ahead and take this fun and beautiful quiz. If you feel like sharing, by all means please do so! Drop your name in the comments below and let us know what your soul name is so we know what all the other names in this quiz were!

If you liked this quiz then you are gonna love this one too!!

Find out how you can claim your new spirit name for instant access to the universe’s healing powers!

Does hearing your name fire-up an inner strength in your soul and fill you with a warm surge of energy? If the answer is no, you might like to adopt a ‘spirit name’ that better fits your true nature. Doing so can transform your spiritual path and fill you with a greater sense of who you are at your core. In many esoteric practices, your title  has a magical meaning. “It’s your unique energy vibration,” says earth-based healer Denise Linn. “Some native tribes believe your name carries your essence, while others say it’s how your power animals and other mystical guardians recognise you. Certain traditions claim it can evoke specific qualities; for example, ‘Eagle Eye’ will bring you excellent sight and the ability to see the bigger picture.” Shaman Barbara Meiklejohn-Free says that what you are called influences the way you live. “By taking on a new name you are welcoming your soul into the physical world.

It can bring you a greater sense of wellbeing and wholeness. Words have power, so by addressing yourself in a new way, you can change the path of your destiny. When you change your name to something that chimes with your soul, a sudden shift takes place and you become empowered – your personal power activates when you say it out loud for the first time.” So if you feel like your birth name doesn’t fit with your soul’s purpose, it’s time to find a new one.

The hidden meaning of a spirit name

Barbara suggests delving into your past for inspiration for your new title. “Find out what your legal name means; where your ancestors come from, their heritage, clan or tribe. Have your astrology chart done and research your family tree. This all helps to discover your history in this life time. You could even look for clues from your previous lives by having past life regression,” she says. “Although influences from nature are common, your name may come in the form of words that don’t have meaning in English,” advises Denise.

Here are some ways she suggests discovering your true name:

• Spend time in nature: Look to the clouds and weather patterns for signs; observe what animals, plants and trees appear and what images or thoughts arise

• Watch your dreams: Sometimes your name will appear in your night time visions. Keep a journal next to your bed to write impressions. Once you’ve narrowed down a name, try it out for a day or two to see how it feels. To do this, keep repeating it aloud over and over. Notice how the sound makes you feel. If it’s the right name for you, you should feel a warm glow when you say it.

Use your magic moniker

Adopting a name that resonates with you on a vibrational level is a great way to commit to your spiritual path. You don’t have to change it legally or ask your work colleagues to use it if it’s not appropriate. Instead, you can use it when engaging in spiritual practices such as asking your angels for guidance, performing spells, meditation or trying out astral travel. “In certain Native American cultures, spirit names were revered and kept secret because they were thought to carry magical power. So when you discover yours, you may like to keep it to yourself,” says Denise.

Go on a vision quest…

There are many avenues to explore when trying to uncover your soul’s namesake. Barbara suggests embarking on a powerful visualisation. “Traditionally, a clan elder would perform a naming ceremony which would involve communicating with your ancestral spirits. If you can’t find someone qualified to do this, try the following: visualisation:

1 Make sure you are sitting comfortably, with your back against a tree or firm support.

2 Quieten your mind, slow your breathing and imagine entering a sacred space. Next, call on your guides with gratitude, integrity and respect for this ancient ceremony.

3 Notice the energies surrounding you – can you see images of animals, natural elements, or distant lands? Trust what you are experiencing and with practise your spirit name will be revealed to you. “Once you have your name, stand up and place your hands on your heart and call it out loud. Then say, ‘Ancestors I have become my spirit name. Help me to walk my path with honour and dignity.”

Now take our quiz to find out what spirit name suits your soul…

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What is my spirit name

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Meet the experts…
Denise Linn is a shamanic healer and author of Kindling the Native Spirit (£12.99, Hay House). For more information, visit deniselinn.com

Barbara Meiklejohn-Free is a shaman and protector of Earth-centred, ancient traditions. Visit spiritvisions.co.uk for more information