What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?


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The correct answer is Word Wrap.

What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?
Key Points

  • Word Wrap is the tool used to wrap text to the next line as it reaches the right margin in MS Word.
    • When the right margin is reached while typing, a word processor's Word Wrap feature will automatically force content to a new line.
    • Word Wrap eliminates the need to press the Enter key at the end of each line on the keyboard.
    • When possible, most text editors, word processors, and web browsers have the option of breaking lines between words rather than within words, known as word wrap.
    • Word wrap eliminates the need for hard-coded newline delimiters within paragraphs and allows text to adapt flexibly and dynamically to different-sized displays.
    • The word-wrap property allows long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line.
    • Word wrapping is performed using algorithms.
    • It is generally implemented based on minimum word length to provide the best appearance and readability.

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What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

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Updated: 08/02/2020 by Computer Hope

Word wrap may refer to any of the following:

1. Sometimes referred to as a run around and wrap around, word wrap is a feature in text editors and word processors. It moves the cursor to the next line when reaching the end without requiring you to press Enter. For example, in the picture below, as each section shrinks, the sentence is wrapped, so it doesn't extend past the border. You can see a live example of how text wraps by resizing the browser window on this page.

What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

In textarea fields, the cursor automatically moves to the next line when it reaches the edge of the box. You can test this in the textarea below.

Why is word wrapping used?

Word wrapping is used to help contain text within an area and to prevent text from being cut off or missed. For example, all of the text contained on this page is wrapped in an HTML div tag for easy reading. If there were no word wrapping, you would have to scroll horizontally (left-to-right) instead of vertically (up and down) on any long line of text.

Turning off word wrap

What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

Word wrap is often set up by default and can be turned off by enabling hyphenation, clicking the word wrap button, or adjusting the program's settings. The picture shows an example of what a word wrap button may look like or resemble for programs that have the option.


If word wrap is disabled, when typing, the line of text continues horizontally on the same line until Enter is pressed.

Why would someone turn off word wrap?

When working with files that contain long lines of text, it may be easier to view and find text with word wrap turned off. For example, if you had a .csv file with several values per line, you can see the beginning of each row more easily if you disable word wrap.

How to wrap text at a certain number of characters

You can use our text tool to wrap any text at a certain length. For example, if you wanted to wrap your text at 100 character length you can paste your text into the tool and enter "100" into the "wrap text at" section.

2. In Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs, word wrap is more commonly referred to as Wrap Text.

Alignment, Soft return, Text wrap, Word, Word processor terms

Word wrap is a word processing feature that forces all text to be confined within defined margins. When a line of text is filled, the word processor automatically moves the text to the next line, so the user doesn't have to press the return key after every line. Word wrap also occurs if the document's margins are changed.

Word wrap is a text editor or word processor feature that breaks lines between words to adjust them within specified margins. This action is performed on the fly; if the user changes the margin, the line is automatically repositioned to ensure that the text is within margins and is visible.

Breaks that occur as a result of word wrapping are called soft returns, while hard returns create new paragraphs. Soft returns are placed at the end of complete words or following the punctuation at the end of a sentence. Words without hyphens may also be wrapped to the following line using soft hyphens.

Word wrapping is performed using algorithms. It is generally implemented based on minimum word length to provide the best appearance and readability.

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  • What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?
  • What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?
  • What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

  1. Select the text where you want to add a hanging indent.

  2. Go to Home > Paragraph dialog launcher

    What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?
    > Indents and Spacing.

  3. Under Special, select Hanging.

    What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

    You can adjust the depth of the indent using the By field.

  4. Select OK.

To add a drop cap to your paragraph, see Insert a drop cap.

To indent the first line of a paragraph, see Indent the first line of a paragraph.

  1. Select the paragraph where you want to add a hanging indent.

  2. Go to Format > Paragraph.

    What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

  3. Under Special, select Hanging.

    What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

    You can adjust the depth of the indent using the By field.

  4. Select OK.

To add a drop cap to your paragraph, see Insert a drop cap.

  1. Select the text where you want to add a hanging indent.

  2. Go to Home > Paragraph dialog launcher

    What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?
    > Indents and Spacing.

  3. Under Special, select Hanging.

    What is it called when the text automatically goes to the next line when it gets to the margin?

    You can adjust the depth of the indent using the By field.

  4. Select OK.